1. Tell us about yourself.
Hello there! Some of you may have noticed that I was back or for those who didn’t know me, that there was a new admin. Well, first, introductions. I’m Rae, I was an old community manager here before I resigned a few months ago. You may or may not know me but I’m always open to meeting the wonderful people of this community, new or old. You’re welcome to ask me questions about myself or what I will be doing here and I will try my best to answer to the best of my possibility at the earliest convenience. I do please ask nothing too far and that it’s related and bluntly, not a troll.
For those who don’t know me, a bit about me. I am and will always be an avid reader (Ravenclaw for the win) and nerd. I have a very deep love of psychology and sociology. I am still a student however, that should not clash with anything I will be doing here. I am pretty quirky and not very normal but normal is boring, right? I joined Prime back in 2015 and have been a part of this community ever since and shall continue to be so.
I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can!
2. What's your name and how old are you?
My name is Rae, and I'm 17 Years Old.
3. Do you have any previous factions experience?
Yes, I do indeed. I've played faction for about 7-6 years now. I know all the pro's and Basics
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members?
I am willing to put hard work in. Hard work is something that I try to achieve and I have had nothing to do recently due to no good faction. I am totally willing to spend my time just building walls if thats what it takes to become a strong faction. I can also contribute time, which means making money and spawners. The last main thing I can contribute is fun. I absolutely LOVE to be social. Its one of my favorite things to do. And I'm naturally a pretty punny person... see I'm already breaking the ice. Anyway I also love jokes so if you need a lough you've come to the right place.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone?
I am an extremely active factions player and i play around 4-6 hours a day
6. Anything else we should know?
IGN: Rosened
- I would really like to join the fac and i put some good time into this application, i hope you like it