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Rekt Faction Recruitment Thread


Dedicated Member
1. Tell us about yourself. im mutah i like memes and im pretty athletic so i like to get out of the house alot and ride bikes w/ @P0SIN3D
ive also been here since v1 and know my way around things
2. What's your name and how old are you? Mutah/Joel im 15
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? i played hcf for about 4-5 months idk if u consider that factions. i also played cosmic and i was ok at it
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? i like to build and pvp and i would have a muncher/chomper rank to help out
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? 0 hrs a week unless i had a computer, which then would about 10+ hours weekdays 10+hours weekends i live in Moutain Time Zone or UCT 07:00
6. Anything else we should know? i made this to see what would happen if i applied to a faction. also im pretty decent at pvp and my really good ping can help with that.
@Chimerical ur bad
ps dont accept im not playing just tell me if i would be good enough

Im kinda good at pvp
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1. Tell us about yourself. I'm a pretty decent pvper and im buying cprince soon.
2. What's your name and how old are you? Iso and im 12.
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes i was in the top fac on like 3 servers.
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I'm pretty good at building and learning how to do cannons.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? i play 3:45pm till 9:30pm on school days and random times on weekends. (GMT)
6. Anything else we should know? My mic is broken at the moment so i cant talk on discord.


New Member
1. Tell us about yourself. I have been playing minecraft for about 6 years now and I have played a lot of factions along with many other gamemodes in that time. I am also quite good at pvp and a very competitive player.
2. What's your name and how old are you? My IGN is 'Zurfph' and as of today, I am 13 years old.
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes. I have been playing factions for a total of around 2 or 3 years.
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I can offer help to everyone who may need it. I am also very active when school is not on.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? I can play at least 7 hours every week - most of that time being in the weekend. I live in New Zealand which is UTC+12.
6. Anything else we should know? I am a very friendly team player that can offer lots to help to those who may need it.


Well-Known Member
1. Tell us about yourself. I am a good pvper and that I will be active everday. An I know how to build bases and build certains types of walls.
2. What's your name and how old are you? I am 15 years old and just call me Hero. Not really going to say my name because most people say it wrong anyways.
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes I played bunch of times on Fractions about 2-3 yearish experiences.
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I can help build up the base and fractions members with things that they may need up with.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? my timezone is Eastern Time Zone I can play most of the time everday. I might not be able to play as long as I would be able to do this week because I got exams to do. But after my exams I should be most active after i have my school.
6. Anything else we should know? I have hearing aids so if I just ask you to repeat what you said after a couple of times just let you know that I can't hear that well.
First, damn it some one beat me As I was typung
1. Tell us about yourself.oof oof oof
2. What's your name and how old are you? Im 7 and my name is LqrdFarquaad, Food
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Uh huh
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? PvP, and I have no life=more money=ftop=more money to spend on nolifing
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? 24/7 365. I have no life.
6. Anything else we should know?

1. Tell us about yourself. I am 15 years old and played on this server since v4
2. What's your name and how old are you? My in game name is yoshi133 and I am 15 years old
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes I played factions for 1 month now
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? Items and raids
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? The minimal is 4 days depends on my school and my time zone is utc
6. Anything else we should know? I have autism and adhd
1. Tell us about yourself. I am 14 years old and played on this server since Thanksgiving.
2. What's your name and how old are you? My name is Raidfordayzz and I am 14 years old.
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I can help by being respectful
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? I can play a lot depending on what is going on with my irl life. Time Zone is EST
6. Anything else we should know? I am pretty good at pvp
1. Tell us about yourself. Im kinda good at pvp
2. What's your name and how old are you? 12
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? yes hardcore fac/velt/arcane
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? ill be nice to the faction members
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? every day of the week
6. Anything else we should know? nope
1. Tell us about yourself. I am 14 years old and played on this server since Thanksgiving.
2. What's your name and how old are you? My name is Raidfordayzz and I am 14 years old.
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I can help by being respectful
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? I can play a lot depending on what is going on with my irl life. Time Zone is EST
6. Anything else we should know? I am pretty good at pvp
1. Tell us about yourself. I'm a decent pvper and i have some experiences with building a good faction base.
2. What's your name and how old are you? I'm LegacyPro, im 12 years old
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Yes i used to play factions about 6 hours a day.
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I can offer some help when needed and any thing i have to help support the faction.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? I can play up to 10hrs a day and my time zone is Western Australia which is UTC+8
6. Anything else we should know? I'm a fair player who knows some things about factions that might help you.
1. Tell us about yourself. im mutah i like memes and im pretty athletic so i like to get out of the house alot and ride bikes w/ @P0SIN3D
ive also been here since v1 and know my way around things
2. What's your name and how old are you? Mutah/Joel im 15
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? i played hcf for about 4-5 months idk if u consider that factions. i also played cosmic and i was ok at it
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? i like to build and pvp and i would have a muncher/chomper rank to help out
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? 0 hrs a week unless i had a computer, which then would about 10+ hours weekdays 10+hours weekends i live in Moutain Time Zone or UCT 07:00
6. Anything else we should know? i made this to see what would happen if i applied to a faction. also im pretty decent at pvp and my really good ping can help with that.
@Chimerical ur bad
ps dont accept im not playing just tell me if i would be good enough



1. Tell us about yourself.
2. What's your name and how old are you?
3. Do you have any previous factions experience?
yes i play mucho hcf which has no relation to opfactions but u didn't specify
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members?
well i use anti kb in sumo so thats a plus 1
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone?
est and i can play very long i am only in the first of grades and i have no homework!!!!
6. Anything else we should know?


1. Tell us about yourself.
2. What's your name and how old are you?
3. Do you have any previous factions experience?
yes i play mucho hcf which has no relation to opfactions but u didn't specify
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members?
well i use anti kb in sumo so thats a plus 1
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone?
est and i can play very long i am only in the first of grades and i have no homework!!!!
6. Anything else we should know?


Addy man in need of sleeps
1. Tell us about yourself. im a gamer, and a youtuber there isnt much to say.
2. What's your name and how old are you? rose and i am 24
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? some but not much
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? friendship, willingness to learn , and some build skills
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? i can play 5/8 hours a day every day depending on my recording sched. and m in central standard
6. Anything else we should know? not that i can think of but i will always answer any questions
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Active Member
1. Tell us about yourself.-long time factions player on the Archon.
2. What's your name and how old are you? My name is _SavAgE_X, I am 16
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Played factions two years. Insider for team nudist <3(I won't inside you)
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? Played factions for two-years, vast knowledge in raiding.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? GMT. I player at least 6 to 5 hours a day
6. Anything else we should know? If I don't get accepted. Your base might get split xP
1. Tell us about yourself. IGN GqcciBoi and love to play this server
2. What's your name and how old are you? My name is Jayce and im 12
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? Ive had little factions exprince
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I can build bases, make cannons etc.
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? Central and i will play 2-7hours a day and rarely no play at all if im on vacation or something.
6. Anything else we should know? I would really like to join this faction insted pay sharky 20 dollors to join his.
1. Tell us about yourself.
I'm a Cow
My in game name is dobob8 I have been with OPBlocks since v1 and am happy to see it grow into a network.

What's your name and how old are you?
My name is River and I am 15 years old

Do you have any previous factions experience?
I have over 3 years of experience in factions

What can you offer to the already existing faction members?
I'm a good base builder and a good raider ( if server allows for good cannons to be built )

How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone?
I don't play much in weekdays but I can normally get around 5hours through the weekdays and 10-15 hours at the weekend

6. Anything else we should know?​

@Chimerical better accept me you nub or I will beat you in a 1v1 ( CS:GO ).
I also know @TheGrind who scammed me 100bill in v1 ;) but we somehow put that to the side.



Active Member
1. Tell us about yourself. I’m ok at pvp
2. What's your name and how old are you? My name is GamerMC and I’m good
3. Do you have any previous factions experience? I am in a fac with a rando leader named Spartannn and I don’t like it their anymore Barry’s In the fac
4. What can you offer to the already existing faction members? I gave around 40 spawners 11 being iron golems btw sorry I killed some of your fac members they attacked me first
5. How much can you play in a week and what's your timezone? My time zones EST I play around 14 hours a week
6. Anything else we should know? I’m going to be very active