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  1. SuperPiggeh

    My Guinea Pigs :D

    So a while ago I asked you guys to come up with names for my guinea pigs, well, I didn't use any of yours. My mom and I named them. The brown one is Snickerdoodle, named by my mom, and the black one is Steve, named by me ofc.
  2. SuperPiggeh

    I'm Sorry I Had To

    So this is just so good I had to make a thread out of it, just in case you didn't see the profile post ;) So here's the photo, proof that it's by Goddessics, this is her writing the lyrics: And here's the song:
  3. SuperPiggeh

    Guinea Pig Name Ideas

    So my dad is allergic to most animals, which is why I don't have a pet. But his recent allergy test shows we can have a small pet, like a guinea pig. So on monday my mom and I are going to a guinea pig adoption place. I have some ideas on what to name my new furry friend, but I'd like to hear...
  4. SuperPiggeh

    Updated OPB Texture Pack (With Jolly Ranchers!)

    So cookie and I worked on improving it together so I'm just gonna link his thread: https://opblocks.com/threads/opblocks-resourcepack.42163/#post-109826
  5. SuperPiggeh

    Report on SuperPiggeh

    Your Username: SuperPiggeh Accused Players Username: SuperPiggeh Reason for Reporting: idk everyone else is reporting each other and I dont have friends so Evidence: i give esucc for friendship pls
  6. SuperPiggeh

    Baby, Bye Bye Bye (Bye Bye)

    Well, it appears the time has come. That's right, I'm officially resigning. Not taking a break, this is real. I may come back some time, not anytime soon though. It's been a pleasure working with this great community (which is sometimes not so great), I've had good times and bad times, and I'm...
  7. SuperPiggeh

    Share your funny stories.

    So I know @Super_Blocker literally just did this, and I give him credit for the idea. But his thread was a competition, this one will just be a chill place where people can share their funny stories and have a good laugh. There's no "winner" and there's never an end, so... yeah. I'll go first...
  8. SuperPiggeh

    Fast Internet, Good Ping, People can still hit me from so far away.

    I don't know why exactly I'm posting this on the OPBlocks forums, this is a problem on every server I play on. I only have forums accounts on 2 servers and I already posted this thread on the other, and I need as much help as possible, I'm literally desperate. . Basically, I have literally the...
  9. SuperPiggeh

    Do you find the person in the PFP of the person above you attractive?

    So basically, I'm gonna start. You have to either say Yes or No to the pig in my pfp. Then when someone responds, the next person has to rate YOU, and then the next person has to rate the other guy,you get the point. PFP = profile picture btw So, next person, gimme a yes or no. Am I attractive.
  10. SuperPiggeh

    Help me improve as a staff member

    So basically, I have anger issues, and it's becoming more and more obvious each day. I don't want this to keep happening before I'm eventually demoted or forced to resign. I know I can get upset easily, but I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm "toxic". If you're one of those people who...
  11. SuperPiggeh

    This is how staff REALLY delete spam bot threads.

  12. SuperPiggeh

    An Explanation About Yesterdays Drama...

    So, yesterday, a lot of stuff happened irl, and I was in a really bad mood. Then I got into a fight with some people in game, and it made me think "I'm not fit to be staff". So, I posted my resignation thread and asked to have my perms removed. Now, a day later, I'm feeling a lot better, and...
  13. SuperPiggeh

    OPBlocks Hunger Games | Part 2

    Here's part 2 of my OPB Hunger games: Annegare destroys Lynnieh's supplies while she sleeps. DannyPX is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. JustACookie falls into a frozen lake and drowns. MrsSwan also falls into a frozen lake and drowns. M1ghtyMa5on sets off an explosive...
  14. SuperPiggeh

    OPBlocks Hunger Games | Part 1

    So I found a website where you can simulate the hunger games with your own characters. Enjoy. The day is over, here are the results. The night is over, here are the results. https://imgur.com/a/9rVqp https://imgur.com/a/QPqD0 https://imgur.com/a/t7CsR https://imgur.com/a/zJi89 The day...
  15. SuperPiggeh

    It's Everyday Bro - OPBlocks Version (feat. JustACookie, Chrissehh, cowdude37)

    [SuperPiggeh:] Yup, y'all can't handle this Y'all don't know what's about to happen baby OPBlocks Staff Team Los Angeles - Cali boy But I'm from Ohio though - white boy (Piggeh...) It's OPBlocks bro With the prestige flow 5 mill etokens in 6 months Never done before Passed all the...
  16. SuperPiggeh

    Roblox Death Sound Pack - Full Release!

    So a while back I made a Roblox Death Sound pack, which played the roblox death sound when a player took damage / died. Now, I have turned that pack into much more. Now, every single death sound in the game is now the roblox death sound. Enjoy. Download...
  17. SuperPiggeh

    Pickle Rick Pack

    So yeah I spent 10 minutes making a pack dedicated to pickle rick. Basically it turns blaze rods into Pickle Rick and plays the "I'm Pickle Rick" sound effect when a blaze dies. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pg769a0p4rfzp7g/Pickle%20Rick%20Add-On%20Pack.zip
  18. SuperPiggeh

    Roblox Death Sound Pack!

    So basically I spent like 10 minutes making a pack that plays the roblox death sound when you take damage / die. Enjoy. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6ia5gxxx23ex7yf/Roblox%20Death%20Sound%20Pack.zip
  19. SuperPiggeh

    All My Favorite Textures in 1 Pack

    So yeah... basically exactly what the title is, I don't know what more to say. If you have any suggestions for better additions to this pack, feel free to comment / pm me the pack name and what item you think I should change. Enjoy! Download...
  20. SuperPiggeh

    My Leg! Sound Pack

    So in my old Piggeh's sounds pack, I did a really bad imitation of this sound. I figured it way way too cringey, so I decided to offer a more original version of this sound for fall damage. Enjoy! Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/61d1013ua114eoi/My%20Leg%21.zip