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  1. SuperPiggeh

    Meme Paintings Add-On Pack!

    This idea was suggested by Mutah, so thanks to him for that. This pack might be a bit bad, but it was my first time editing paintings, so I hope I can be forgiven :( Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?5ub2d83m3z6c1ym Sample:
  2. SuperPiggeh

    Need Suggestions For New Add-On Packs

    As some of you may know, I make a lot of add-on packs. Add-on packs are small packs placed on top of your main pack just to add a little extra to it. Some examples are sound packs, language packs, and packs that only change a tiny bit of the textures. I'd like some suggestions, just to see what...
  3. SuperPiggeh

    Meme Songs Records Add-On Pack!

    Songs that are memes. In Minecraft. This pack replaces all records with songs so popluar and ridiculous that they became memes. JustACookie has requested this, so i gave it a go. The official request was to have me sing them myself, but sorry, that would just be too embarrassing for me, so I...
  4. SuperPiggeh

    Updated OPB Staff Team Wallpaper!

    A while ago, I made one of these, but there have been some changes to the staff team since then so I thought I'd make a new one (Congrats JustACookie and RIP Angyma). What's going on is: Amazing and xMochi were trying to have a friendly bike race, when all of a sudden, the motorcycles...
  5. SuperPiggeh

    Rekking Mine A

    @skyDREper007 , @DdubsRulez2 , @__Gia__ and I tried to completely destroy mine A, and this is where we got.
  6. SuperPiggeh

    Derpy Mobs Add-On Pack!

    I made this pack in about an hour, just a little something you can add to your current pack to make your game a bit nicer. Almost every mob has been derpified, even Steves and Alexes. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?z2wlpm6ix7ce6li
  7. SuperPiggeh

    Piggeh's Sounds Pack - Full Release!

    A while ago, i posted a download link to "Piggeh's PvP Sounds", which was a sound pack featuring all the common PvP sounds, except theyre custom made by me. Now, I've added every other minecraft sound I coudl think of a way to do. They are all pretty ridiculous, and in my opinion make the game...
  8. SuperPiggeh

    Lost my pick...

    So, I gave my pick to JBromage since he accidentally /ci'd his, and he was in a really bad mood. When i got back on, he hadn't put it in a chest like I told him. So I asked him what happened, and he wouldnt tell me. He was just constantly apologizing. So my thought is, he was so mad, he just...
  9. SuperPiggeh

    Piggeh's PvP Sounds Pack

    So recently I've been working on my own sounds pack, where I try to replace as many minecraft sounds as possible with sounds I make myself. They're pretty ridiculous. I've been making good progress, but then I realized, I had already finished all the basic PvP sounds, like eating, potion sounds...
  10. SuperPiggeh

    Piggeh's Mini Photorealism Pack x64

    Recently I've been working on a photorealism pack for a few of the basic minecraft textures, and I'm finally done! If you don't know what a photorealism pack is, it's basically what the name says. A realistic pack with textures from actual photos. Now, this is a mini pack so not every texture is...
  11. SuperPiggeh

    Rainbow Tools Pack

    I just decided, I really like the color rainbow, so why the heck not make all weapons/tools rainbow in MC. It's a small little pack i put together in half an hour, so most items arent changed, but if you want to download it, here ya go. BTW, for it to work, it must be placed on top of your main...
  12. SuperPiggeh

    Question about /rename

    Very soon after /rename was removed, i lost my pick, which had a custom name from /rename, but when i got it back, the name was gone. I'm wondering if /rename will every come back, because my pick looks really boring now. I feel like if they can fix the bug, there's no reason to keep it removed...
  13. SuperPiggeh

    Question About Stuff

    I'm just wondering, how often does the "Bug Reports" section get checked? 1 week ago, I lost my pick due to the server reboot. Amazing told me to submit a bug report and he would check it the next day. It's definitely been more than a day, and I don't think any staff have looked at it yet. I'm...
  14. SuperPiggeh

    OPB Staff Team Movie Night Wallpaper :P

    Just a little thing I made cuz I was bored (Nathan is the chicken):
  15. SuperPiggeh

    An Observation.

    One of my first posts on the forums since getting my account, was a suggestion for the server. It's been a very long time since I posted that, and no staff members have viewed it yet. If you look in "suggestions", you will see mine and many other suggestions waiting to be accepted/denied. I...
  16. SuperPiggeh

    BM Group Selfie :D

    Me and friends having a grand old time at the black market! There were more people here, they just ran away and sadly didn't get to be in the pic :(