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  1. xFlied

    Possibru leaked information?

    my sources say that a new staff rank is being added This staff rank is called the "Mochirator" and only Mochi can have it This is clearly a joke get off my back @Mochi
  2. xFlied


    post ur memes down below
  3. xFlied

    Caramel realm?

    Hello today I will teach you how to get another realm in your server. Step 1, This is important. You need to copy everything but the name of the first realm Step 2, Paste it into the second realm and make the name whatever you want You're done! Congratulations! But seriously OPBlocks, I know...
  4. xFlied

    Someone buy me CandyLord

    It's not illegal since I'm not giving anything for it.
  5. xFlied

    Prob last time I'm first on baltop

    Just read the title. Previously, it was my summer break. but starting tomorrow, Tuesday 8/22/2016 or 22/8/2016, I have to go to school. I am sorry OPBlocks, I have gotten a life so I cannot devote all my wasted time to mining. Now I have a lot less time to do stuff D: School will force me to...
  6. xFlied

    Connected with a _____ using ______

    The title explains all, fill in the blanks. What did you connect with? I blame @Mochi for this meme :P
  7. xFlied

    Begging for money

    I have quite a few problems with people begging for money. Here are some minor examples It's annoying They ask for like 50k and in the time it takes to /pay them I could've made 10mil They keep sometimes keep spamming you, even if you say no You're rich so they're asking you for money. How'd...
  8. xFlied

    Rest in piece

    http://prntscr.com/c7l5rs Rest in piece
  9. xFlied

    Who's this?

    I checked the baltop at spawn and someone I've never heard of before, xXRaydnXx randomly popped up. I check baltop every couple of hours, so I really don't know how to they got there. I swear they were never on the baltop before, (Lowest bal is Kryotic with $3.97bil) and somehow they shot up to...
  10. xFlied

    Nobody post on the news and announcements...

    It's perfect where it is http://prntscr.com/c74zou
  11. xFlied

    I won the jackpot

    http://prntscr.com/c6r5x0 http://prntscr.com/c6r6ii
  12. xFlied

    A couple milestones.

    Illuminati http://prnt.sc/c6pyyt http://prnt.sc/c6pz2i Why not :P http://prnt.sc/c6q89d http://prnt.sc/c6q8et Ending off the day http://prnt.sc/c6qb84 http://prnt.sc/c6qbc6
  13. xFlied


    @vemacs http://prnt.sc/c6a363 Coming for Redman next >: D
  14. xFlied

    Etokens guide

    Etokens are received when you mine. You have a chance to get one every time you break a block. There is no way to trade them with other players as of 8/15/16 or 15/8/16 for you non-americans. There is one way to use etokens as of 8/15/16 or 15/8/16 for you non-americans. Method 1, do /etshop...
  15. xFlied

    How to get op pickaxes

    How to get op pickaxes (Legit guide) Get a pickaxe get at least haste 5 (for near-perma haste when mining) get 1 level of enrage (better than explosive at lower levels, but worse at higher levels). get around 10 explosive max out excavation max out explosive max out haste max out efficiency max...
  16. xFlied

    On a scale of one to ten...

    The game is simple. Just follow all the steps ∞ there are. Haha jk there are only 3 steps. Steps Step #1, read the most recent reply. Step #2, reply to that reply, answering the question. Step #3, make up your own "On a scale of one to ten" questions. Rules Rule #1, You cannot reply to your own...
  17. xFlied

    Hello from StaleBreadstick or Flied

    Hello my IGN is StaleBreadstick but some of you might know me as xFlied so my nickname is Flied. I was known as one of the best pvpers back in the day of old OPB, and trust me I've only gotten better. I reached prestige 3 before I even created this fourms accout. I currently have the most OP...