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Etokens guide

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Dedicated Member
Etokens are received when you mine. You have a chance to get one every time you break a block. There is no way to trade them with other players as of 8/15/16 or 15/8/16 for you non-americans.

There is one way to use etokens as of 8/15/16 or 15/8/16 for you non-americans.

Method 1, do /etshop, click on the enchantment table, and you'll see the list of enchantments, with their descriptions. Click on the one you want. Done.

Method 2, go to /spawn, hold your pickaxe, and right click on the sign that says the enchantment you want.

Calcium, 500 etokens per level. Absolutely worthless since you don't lose hunger in the mine.
Haste, 750 etokens. Every level give .5 seconds of haste II when you break a block. When you get high levels of haste, it will give haste III instead.
AutoMine, 1500 etokens. Broken, not in the good way, it just doesn't work, idk why.
Candy Chaos aka Enrage, 1000 etokens. Kinda like a weaker version of explosive.
Merchant, 750 etokens. Barely does anything, sounds good, but it really isnt.
Spree Storm, 1000 etokens, disabled ATM because it was too OP.
Frosting Frenzy, 750 etokens, Pretty sure it's also broken.
Efficiency, 750 etokens, it's a vanilla enchant, just google it.
Sugar rush, 750 etokens, same deal as haste, .5 speed II per level, at high levels it gives speed III
Explosive, 1000 etokens. Nuker... but not nuker?
Fortune, 750 etokens, another vanilla enchant. Google it.
Excavator, 500 etokens, increases chance to drop etokens, sometimes it breaks so you need to relog.
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