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  1. xFlied


  2. xFlied

    I am also back

  3. xFlied

    StaleBreadstick staff application 2

    1. You must be 14 years or older. This is a recommended age however if you show maturity in your application then you will be considered Reasonably sure that I am over 14. The only time I have ever lied on my age was with my roblox account. Oh and my wizard101 account. And my youtube account...
  4. xFlied


  5. xFlied

  6. xFlied

    Feels good

    Ahh I love having all the "new posts" as me, feels so good.
  7. xFlied

    v3 everybody.

    All I'd like to say is... v3 is rip. It looked good, it had a strong start, but bad decisions... ruined it. First, pvp was ruined. No gapples. Sure that promotes candy usage, but a bunch of people who don't wanna try new things, quit. I do think that the candy was a good idea, it was not...
  8. xFlied

    Buying $999 worth of ingamemoney

    Yeah so now I'm gonna buy 100 trillion dollars ingame so I can be top of the leaderboard with little to no effort just wasting my Christmas money. Have fun trying to catch up mining legit.
  9. xFlied

    Don't reply to this thread and win $10!

    Just post your name below to enter.
  10. xFlied


  11. xFlied

    xFlied 1st application (serious)

    Do you meet all of the mandatory requirements to become a staff member? No. IGN: xFlied Previous IGN(s) (If username has been changed before): www.namemc.com/s?xFlied Timezone: EST Age (13+ age requirement): 14 Current Donor...
  12. xFlied


    I just noticed the backround and the icon changed... Uhh... welp, time to watch the http://www.opblocks.com/forums/news-announcements.5/ verrrrrrrry closely. I know that they said this on their twitter, but this is a big change for a server that hasn't updated forums in months...
  13. xFlied

    Hello OPBlocks.

    http://prntscr.com/d9hjg2 Why is this getting so common.
  14. xFlied

    BQGang is now recruiting

    Only requirement, you must change your name to either bq5, bq6, bq7, bq8 or bq9 (no caps plz) Msg BQ1 in-game to apply
  15. xFlied

    (Sine_Pari - Totally Headsnaps)

    Sine_Pari @Sign_Pari What’s your Minecraft username?: StaleBreadstick What’s the offender’s Minecraft username?: Sine_Pari What are you reporting this player for?: Headsnaps (Totally legit thats why this is in Off-Topic) Where was the offender breaking a rule on?: (If it was on the server...
  16. xFlied

    The staff are gathering O_o

    http://prntscr.com/d35zcz Just thought it was unusual to have 3 mods, 3 admins (Coolkish, Tuxx and Tuxx) and even a manager (Tuxx) on at the same time. Although with v3 coming really soon, I guess not to unusual.
  17. xFlied

    OPBlocks exposed

    Not really anything too big here. Does fortune really matter? Normally you'd say yes, but when you break blocks with a member pick (fort 10) you get 3 blocks, and when you break blocks with a hoarder pick you also get 3 blocks (fort 30), if you look at crainer's latest OPB...
  18. xFlied

    I'M BACK!

    nah that was clickbait.
  19. xFlied

    I quit.

    Yep, I quit. All the OG's are leaving. There are no new updates, and no, flip is not an upgrade to the server, it is a DOWNGRADE http://prnt.sc/ceyfon .Lotto? OMG YOU WIN practically nothing. Pvp is empty, with the occasional hacker and new player. I remember OPBv1, when Crainer quit, the...
  20. xFlied

    Rate my pickaxe

    Rate my pickaxe guys! Oh wait srry that's crainer's pick, my bad.