Gang Fights
Gang fights have now been added!
You can have a gang fight between 2-5 players from each gang. The minimum fee per fight is $500k and it is withdrawn from your gang balance. With these gang fights, you must bring your own items which means candies and such can be used in the fights. But, you will also lose your inventories if you die. The winning gang members that are alive will be given 15 second to loot at the end.
To challenge another gang, you must use /fight challenge <players amount> <money> <gang>. Only the officers and owner can challenge other gangs. The other gang must accept the fight by doing /fight accept <gang> or deny the fight by doing /fight decline <gang>. If the fight is accepted, all players who are participating must do /fight join. Players will be teleported to the newly made gang fight arenas.
Small Changes
Here are a few small changes that also have been applied!
- Leads no longer work on the nether boss.
- A simple arena has been made around the boss spawn area.
- Launchpads have been disabled due to issues on the console.