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Closed Report on Empol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3840
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Well-Known Member
GG Mason loses to stupidity again.
He made a mistake, doesn't everyone at times?
omg he called you birdbrain :eek:o. O dear you got dabbed on. I see why you'd need to make a report, you must've felt destroyed.
He made this report to reduce the number of annoying rule breakers. Your posts are very unnecessary and just to gain posts, just stop.
you need /realname of the player
Thanks for actually helping the player out.
He made a mistake, doesn't everyone at times?

He made this report to reduce the number of annoying rule breakers. Your posts are very unnecessary and just to gain posts, just stop.

Thanks for actually helping the player out.
Lol why in this world would I care about posts? I'm not going to apply for staff, ever. This whole report was unnecessary. This whole report was a mistake. Also, isn't your input also unnecessary?!? .-. If you wanted to teach me a lesson just pm am I right or what


Infamous Member
Another useless report..... If you want to become staff you don't have to report people breathing, it just backfires and makes people hate you.

Also when making a report check if you have the necessary evidence since as LuckyCommander said you are missing /realname therefore we can't see who the perpetrator is.

Deleted member 3840

Another useless report..... If you want to become staff you don't have to report people breathing, it just backfires and makes people hate you.

Also when making a report check if you have the necessary evidence since as LuckyCommander said you are missing /realname therefore we can't see who the perpetrator is.
I have real name evidence
He made a mistake, doesn't everyone at times?

He made this report to reduce the number of annoying rule breakers. Your posts are very unnecessary and just to gain posts, just stop.

Thanks for actually helping the player out.
"He made this report to reduce the number of annoying rule breakers" character spam doesn't annoy anyone, not have once have i heard someone saying character spam is annoying its ridiculous that you can get punished for saying "hiiiiiiiii" and player disrespect? i said kiss your self not the alternative. MightMason is just mad that both of his reports wont get accepted, this kid literially monitors everything i say on the server chat just to catch one of my flaws to report me. He's a walking, breathing, talking L.


ʀᴇᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ɢʜᴏꜱᴛʙᴜꜱᴛᴇʀ
"accept please" look how desperate this fool is LMAOO.
when did he say that

GG Mason loses to stupidity again.
"loses to stupidity" i'm concluding from your profile picture that might have been funny in like 2015 that you aren't the smartest either.

awww people love me soo much
yeah uh no

"He made this report to reduce the number of annoying rule breakers" character spam doesn't annoy anyone, not have once have i heard someone saying character spam is annoying its ridiculous that you can get punished for saying "hiiiiiiiii" and player disrespect? i said kiss your self not the alternative. MightMason is just mad that both of his reports wont get accepted, this kid literially monitors everything i say on the server chat just to catch one of my flaws to report me. He's a walking, breathing, talking L.
one, you don't need to post 3 times to prove your point.

btw bud stop talking all this trash when you aren't even good.

omg he called you birdbrain :eek:o. O dear you got dabbed on. I see why you'd need to make a report, you must've felt destroyed
This response was completely unnecessary. You aren't funny and quit post farming.

http://prntscr.com/gdozaf I find it funny how you have to get your only friend to defend you in a report that would be a warn. Pretty sad
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ʀᴇᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ɢʜᴏꜱᴛʙᴜꜱᴛᴇʀ
Alright I'll admit i did read that wrong. I thought you were telling empol himself to accept the fact that it shouldn't be denied
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