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Announcement OPBlocks OP Factions Release

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retired mineman

Hello everyone, and welcome to the official announcement thread for the first map of OP Factions!

I will be going over everything about OP Factions in this thread.
But before I get into that, let it be known that the release date for OP Factions is..

Saturday, January 13th at 2 PM EST (11 AM PST, 7 PM GMT)

Important Information

  • The overworld world border will be 10,000 x 10,000
  • The end world border will be 5,000 x 5,000
  • The nether world border will be 5,000 x 5,000
  • TNT & Creeper Eggs will be disabled for the first week of the map.
  • There's a extension to the rules that only applies to OP Factions. Click here to view them.
  • Insiding is not allowed (raiding your own faction while being a member of it)
  • Upload the trailer for a free Crystal Key once the server launches! Click here for a download link.
    • Be sure to include the server IP & release date in the video description.
  • @Luigi has been promoted to Administrator. He will be assisting in the general management of the OP Factions server.
  • MrCrainer and other big youtubers will be playing on this gamemode!

Prize Information
  • The top 3 factions at the end of the map will receive something called an "FTOP Prize"
    • "FTOP" stands for Faction Top, aka the top factions on the server.
  • TOTAL FTOP PRIZE: $500 PayPal + $500 Store Giftcard
  • The following prizes will be paid out at the end of the map.
    • 1st. $250 PayPal + $250 Store Giftcard
    • 2nd. $150 PayPal + $150 Store Giftcard
    • 3rd. $100 PayPal + $100 Store Giftcard

Gamemode Features
  • Crystals
    • Instead of the traditional "Crate Keys" system, we have implemented something that we call Crystals. You will be able to obtain/purchase Normal Crystals, Spawner Crystals, Vote Crystals & Special Crystals.
  • The Store
    • Check out the new store with all of the factions categories now released! Click here to browse.
  • Crop Hoppers
    • Crop hoppers are special hoppers that collect all the cactus dropped within the chunk that the hopper is placed in.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • KOTH Starters
    • KOTH starters are an item that allows you to start a KOTH event whenever you want, you can also pick which KOTH you would like to activate (except event KOTHs)
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • EXP Boosters & Spawner Boosters
    • EXP Boosters multiply how much EXP your faction obtains while killing mobs for a specified amount of time. Spawner boosters multiply the efficiency of the spawners within your factions claim for a specified amount of time.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • EXP Bombs
    • EXP Bombs are like money pouches, except for EXP. You will receive a random amount of EXP based on the tier of bomb you have when you throw the item.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • Chunk Busters
    • Chunk busters automatically erase whatever chunk you place the item in, from bedrock to sky-limit. These items are extremely useful for trenching out your base.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • Lightning Wands
    • A Lightning Wand is a golden sword with Knockback 3, Unbreaking 10 enchants. When you right click a creeper with this sword, it will become supercharged. This wand has a 30 second cooldown.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs or purchasing them on our store.
  • TNT Wands
    • A TNT Wand is a tool that automatically crafts gunpowder from a chest into TNT by right clicking the chest.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs or purchasing them on our store.
  • Sell Wands
    • A Sell Wand is a tool that automatically sells the contents of a chest by right clicking the chest.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs or purchasing them on our store.
  • Black Market
    • The Black Market is a vendor that is spawned every 12 hours in the warzone. This vendor will sell exclusive items like TnT wands, Sell wands, lightning wands and trails that are only obtainable through this vendor.
  • Gen Buckets
    • We have implemented our "Gen Buckets" system. This system allows you to craft horizontal and vertical gen buckets to build your base quicker. Click here to view the crafting recipe for vertical gen buckets, and click here to view the crafting recipe for horizontal gen buckets.
    • You can also purchase Sand Scaffolding from /shop in-game.
    • You can also obtain Obsidian Gen Buckets through KOTHs, Envoys or opening Crystals.
  • Item Filter
    • You can filter what items you pick up with the "/itemfilter" command.
    • This command is extremely helpful when PvPing, or mining - so you can decide what you pick up.
  • Sumo
    • We have added a new 24/7 mini-game called Sumo.
    • The way this minigame works is, you do /sumo to enter a queue. Once you're queued, you will need to wait for another player to also join the queue. Once you're matched with another player, you will both be sent to one of our several Sumo arenas. The first player to knock the other player off of a small platform 3 times will win the match.
    • There will be prizes at the end of each map for the players that are ranked at the top of the Sumo leaderboard. This mini-game has ELO.
  • Fishing Rewards
    • There is an extensive fishing rewards system via mcMMO.
    • Depending on your fishing level, you can obtain mob spawners, armor, weapons and more through fishing.
  • Envoys
    • There is Supply Crates on the gamemode. Every 4 hours, 30 supply crates will be dropped randomly throughout the warzone. These Envoys will have a ton of rare items in them.
  • Custom Enchants
    • There is an extensive custom enchant system (30+ enchants)
    • These enchants can be obtained with the /enchant command. Each enchant needs to be upgraded with EXP.
  • Outpost
    • There is a 24/7 "KOTH" called the Outpost.
    • This Outpost can be captured at any time, and when your faction controls it, you will get a sell buff and several other OP improvements.
  • East to West cannoning is fixed, along with a lot of other raiding issues.
  • Natural mob spawning is disabled.
  • There are 2 KOTHs that run on a schedule. A KOTH will automatically begin every 3 hours to ensure constant PvP action.
  • There is a Stat Track system. When you kill someone, a lore will be added to your weapon to track the amount of kills that weapon has had.
  • The command "/stats" has been added. This command allows you to view your own, or other players statistics. Ex: Kills, Deaths, KDR, Play Time, etc..
  • Voting system which now rewards players extra items for reaching certain vote milestones each month.
  • There is Head Hunting! You can obtain heads from killing players, and sell their head with the "/sellhead" command.
  • You can bottle your experience with the "/bottle" command.
  • We have added several gambling features like Coin Flip, Rocks Paper Scissors, Jackpot, Lottery, etc..
  • You will be charged 4% of the spawners value when mining them with silk touch. This will only be enabled after the grace period is over.
  • You can display the item your holding in chat with [item]
  • Efficient mob stacking plugin has been implemented to ensure a lagless experience.
  • You can upgrade mob spawners with EXP by right clicking them.
  • Super fun boss event! The Wicked Witch can be spawned by obtaining the "Wicked Witch Boss Egg" on from our store, or from opening Crystals.
  • Creepers have a chance to drop TNT upon death
  • Faction Fly is free for anyone, you do not need to vote for it or pay for it.
I'm sure I forgot some features, and if I remember any that I didn't include I'll be sure to edit the thread :p

I hope everyone is excited, and I hope to see everyone online this saturday to try out the new gamemode!

PS: Big updates coming to Prison soon :)
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Well-Known Member
wArnED fOR poST fARMinG

Any way. Looks sick!
Welcome luigi admin nub!

For any other aussie nubs wondering the release is 6AM Sunday - VIC, NSW, ACT 5AM - QU 5:30AM - SA 3AM WA - lol rip
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Active Member
Sounds like it's going to be a pretty good Factions server.
Hope the relase goes smoothly.

Insiding will happen whatever sadly and no one will have proof of it as the other members would be offline etc. Also Insiding is a massive part of traditional factions building tension and trust etc.
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Infamous Member
You can't inside? This is factions? That's like saying "this is a prison server, but you can't mine". To me atleast insiding is a fun and essential part of factions. It tests, builds and breaks relationships.


retired mineman
You can't inside? This is factions? That's like saying "this is a prison server, but you can't mine". To me atleast insiding is a fun and essential part of factions. It tests, builds and breaks relationships.
We feel that players should be able to safely invite anyone to their faction & play with new people.. without having to worry about those people completely screwing them over instantly.

Factions is meant to be a team effort, and I feel that its very difficult to build a solid team when there's always that doubt in the back of your mind if the person you just invited is going to steal everything you worked for.

But, regardless, it shouldn't be completely up to me - if the community voices that they definitely want insiding to be allowed, then please voice your opinion on this thread.


Infamous Member
We feel that players should be able to safely invite anyone to their faction & play with new people.. without having to worry about those people completely screwing them over instantly.

Factions is meant to be a team effort, and I feel that its very difficult to build a solid team when there's always that doubt in the back of your mind if the person you just invited is going to steal everything you worked for.

But, regardless, it shouldn't be completely up to me - if the community voices that they definitely want insiding to be allowed, then please voice your opinion on this thread.
I understand where you are coming from completely. Especially since this server is still growing from a small community to a fairly substantial one.
You wouldn't want people after putting so much effort to be immediately shut down by a cheap move and quitting. It's understandable you would like to see the community grow.

Will there be a certain limit to on tnt cannons?

Also doing what we did on the Archon. Are we allowed to do a redstone alarm system ? It works by making a redstone circuit. If that circuit breaks we know where the raiders are coming from. The way we find out is we had alts streaming the wall so we could see if the circuit broke .Will this be allowed ?

A useful command which also was very popular to buy was /tnt fill. This command had a radius which could be improved on the shop, it basically filled the dispensers full of tnt. This is highly beneficial when raiding as it saves time.

I have a load more questions to ask so I will private message with more queries .
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Would play but it's easier to pvp if my dad hosted a server from our toaster. To laggy to pvp but hey, just my thoughts. Factions was a risky take to things.


You can't inside? This is factions? That's like saying "this is a prison server, but you can't mine". To me atleast insiding is a fun and essential part of factions. It tests, builds and breaks relationships.
not true at all.

also did you have to make it candy themed

(guess who's gonna be #1 sumo leaderboards ;^)

also will there be like gen buckets (nvm just saw it) thank the lord

will there be a sale for ranks when the server comes out?

Also, newer faction servers like Noxious allow schematica's printer option, will that be allowed here?
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Infamous Member
Looks gorgeous, looking forward to the release, not a huge factions fan but with the server slowly turning into a network. There will be much more to do to entertain many :) keep up with the hard work.


Infamous Member
Looks fun, will be playing, used to play factions :>
Also, in the rules it says:
"Sending a message containing another server’s ip address (EXCLUDING raidrage.net)."
What is raidrage.net lol
And what's the point of the 5 cobwebs rule? Just seems it will make life more difficult xd



Hello everyone, and welcome to the official announcement thread for the first map of OP Factions!

I will be going over everything about OP Factions in this thread.
But before I get into that, let it be known that the release date for OP Factions is..

Saturday, January 13th at 2 PM EST (11 AM PST, 7 PM GMT)

Important Information

  • The overworld world border will be 10,000 x 10,000
  • The end world border will be 5,000 x 5,000
  • The nether world border will be 5,000 x 5,000
  • TNT & Creeper Eggs will be disabled for the first week of the map.
  • There's a extension to the rules that only applies to OP Factions. Click here to view them.
  • Insiding is not allowed (raiding your own faction while being a member of it)
  • Upload the trailer for a free Crystal Key once the server launches! Click here for a download link.
    • Be sure to include the server IP & release date in the video description.
  • @Luigi has been promoted to Administrator. He will be assisting in the general management of the OP Factions server.
  • MrCrainer and other big youtubers will be playing on this gamemode!

Prize Information
  • The top 3 factions at the end of the map will receive something called an "FTOP Prize"
    • "FTOP" stands for Faction Top, aka the top factions on the server.
  • TOTAL FTOP PRIZE: $500 PayPal + $500 Store Giftcard
  • The following prizes will be paid out at the end of the map.
    • 1st. $250 PayPal + $250 Store Giftcard
    • 2nd. $150 PayPal + $150 Store Giftcard
    • 3rd. $100 PayPal + $100 Store Giftcard

Gamemode Features
  • Crystals
    • Instead of the traditional "Crate Keys" system, we have implemented something that we call Crystals. You will be able to obtain/purchase Normal Crystals, Spawner Crystals, Vote Crystals & Special Crystals.
  • The Store
    • Check out the new store with all of the factions categories now released! Click here to browse.
  • Crop Hoppers
    • Crop hoppers are special hoppers that collect all the cactus dropped within the chunk that the hopper is placed in.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • KOTH Starters
    • KOTH starters are an item that allows you to start a KOTH event whenever you want, you can also pick which KOTH you would like to activate (except event KOTHs)
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • EXP Boosters & Spawner Boosters
    • EXP Boosters multiply how much EXP your faction obtains while killing mobs for a specified amount of time. Spawner boosters multiply the efficiency of the spawners within your factions claim for a specified amount of time.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • EXP Bombs
    • EXP Bombs are like money pouches, except for EXP. You will receive a random amount of EXP based on the tier of bomb you have when you throw the item.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • Chunk Busters
    • Chunk busters automatically erase whatever chunk you place the item in, from bedrock to sky-limit. These items are extremely useful for trenching out your base.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs, looting Envoy's, opening Crystals or purchasing them on our store.
  • Lightning Wands
    • A Lightning Wand is a golden sword with Knockback 3, Unbreaking 10 enchants. When you right click a creeper with this sword, it will become supercharged. This wand has a 30 second cooldown.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs or purchasing them on our store.
  • TNT Wands
    • A TNT Wand is a tool that automatically crafts gunpowder from a chest into TNT by right clicking the chest.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs or purchasing them on our store.
  • Sell Wands
    • A Sell Wand is a tool that automatically sells the contents of a chest by right clicking the chest.
    • You can obtain these by capturing KOTHs or purchasing them on our store.
  • Black Market
    • The Black Market is a vendor that is spawned every 12 hours in the warzone. This vendor will sell exclusive items like TnT wands, Sell wands, lightning wands and trails that are only obtainable through this vendor.
  • Gen Buckets
    • We have implemented our "Gen Buckets" system. This system allows you to craft horizontal and vertical gen buckets to build your base quicker. Click here to view the crafting recipe for vertical gen buckets, and click here to view the crafting recipe for horizontal gen buckets.
    • You can also purchase Sand Scaffolding from /shop in-game.
    • You can also obtain Obsidian Gen Buckets through KOTHs, Envoys or opening Crystals.
  • Item Filter
    • You can filter what items you pick up with the "/itemfilter" command.
    • This command is extremely helpful when PvPing, or mining - so you can decide what you pick up.
  • Sumo
    • We have added a new 24/7 mini-game called Sumo.
    • The way this minigame works is, you do /sumo to enter a queue. Once you're queued, you will need to wait for another player to also join the queue. Once you're matched with another player, you will both be sent to one of our several Sumo arenas. The first player to knock the other player off of a small platform 3 times will win the match.
    • There will be prizes at the end of each map for the players that are ranked at the top of the Sumo leaderboard. This mini-game has ELO.
  • Fishing Rewards
    • There is an extensive fishing rewards system via mcMMO.
    • Depending on your fishing level, you can obtain mob spawners, armor, weapons and more through fishing.
  • Envoys
    • There is Supply Crates on the gamemode. Every 4 hours, 30 supply crates will be dropped randomly throughout the warzone. These Envoys will have a ton of rare items in them.
  • Custom Enchants
    • There is an extensive custom enchant system (30+ enchants)
    • These enchants can be obtained with the /enchant command. Each enchant needs to be upgraded with EXP.
  • Outpost
    • There is a 24/7 "KOTH" called the Outpost.
    • This Outpost can be captured at any time, and when your faction controls it, you will get a sell buff and several other OP improvements.
  • East to West cannoning is fixed, along with a lot of other raiding issues.
  • Natural mob spawning is disabled.
  • There are 2 KOTHs that run on a schedule. A KOTH will automatically begin every 3 hours to ensure constant PvP action.
  • There is a Stat Track system. When you kill someone, a lore will be added to your weapon to track the amount of kills that weapon has had.
  • The command "/stats" has been added. This command allows you to view your own, or other players statistics. Ex: Kills, Deaths, KDR, Play Time, etc..
  • Voting system which now rewards players extra items for reaching certain vote milestones each month.
  • There is Head Hunting! You can obtain heads from killing players, and sell their head with the "/sellhead" command.
  • You can bottle your experience with the "/bottle" command.
  • We have added several gambling features like Coin Flip, Rocks Paper Scissors, Jackpot, Lottery, etc..
  • You will be charged 4% of the spawners value when mining them with silk touch. This will only be enabled after the grace period is over.
  • You can display the item your holding in chat with [item]
  • Efficient mob stacking plugin has been implemented to ensure a lagless experience.
  • You can upgrade mob spawners with EXP by right clicking them.
  • Super fun boss event! The Wicked Witch can be spawned by obtaining the "Wicked Witch Boss Egg" on from our store, or from opening Crystals.
  • Creepers have a chance to drop TNT upon death
  • Faction Fly is free for anyone, you do not need to vote for it or pay for it.
I'm sure I forgot some features, and if I remember any that I didn't include I'll be sure to edit the thread :p

I hope everyone is excited, and I hope to see everyone online this saturday to try out the new gamemode!

PS: Big updates coming to Prison soon :)
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