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Announcement OPBlocks 4.0 Suggestions Thread


Well-Known Member
@Amazing I would like to highly suggust what bought thing will be kept.
Will Pets stay because I want to keep my blaze pet.
Will rank name(Like Candy Prince) change to something else because there is no more candy.
What will happen to people who bought freeworld(like me) will they get auto access proving they bought it?
What will happen to titles to?
Add /ingot and /block
Maybe get a good youtuber that doesn't quit and that voice is annoying?
The bought things better stay or we will know that trky is only after our money. No offence but that is how it will look if the bought things like ranks, pets, titles, commands, and free world have to be rebought to keep them.


Dedicated Member
The bought things better stay or we will know that trky is only after our money. No offence but that is how it will look if the bought things like ranks, pets, titles, commands, and free world have to be rebought to keep them.
They should be returned in my opinion It dumb that I would waste more money. Just give what people bought back to them unless they are COMPLETLY changing servers like in v1


мocнι ♥
- Make free world more interesting
- Ex: have bosses in fw or something that can not be obtained outside of fw; currently Fw is only for building​
- A consistent checking of staff apps; people have been waiting for months and some can be easily denied
- A Sr.Mod; there has not been Sr.Mods since Elijah and I resigned and I highly doubt appeals has been checked since then
- Admin: have an active admin to do removals and bug reports, many players have been irritated on the wait for some threads
- Events: We have the build comp, but the prizes are really small and almost no one partipates. Have pvp, staff vs player, parkour, koth events, etc.
- End/Nether: at a higher prestige, players should get the end or nether to encourage them to continue prestiging
- Add podsol, slime blocks, string, coarse dirt, dyes, quartz (the ore, block already exist) to the shop

- The mine builds: We need new builds please, the current ones are so boring and exactly the same for each one

- Lottery: Have a way to buy a more expensive lottery or double the pot
- Reward system: Current rewards are horrible and I don't even come on to claim them
- Claim size in Freeworld: Currently I have barely any space to build in one claim (16x16) and we are only given 5 claims. Please increase the size or give more claims. Builders need it.
- Lucky Blocks: currently, when in high ranks, it is pointless to break lucky blocks. Have it so at higher ranks the prizes are better and fit the current rank
- Change the duel arena: currently they aren't flat at all and are annoying to get around the terrain
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retired mineman
@Amazing I would like to highly suggust what bought thing will be kept.
Will Pets stay because I want to keep my blaze pet.
Will rank name(Like Candy Prince) change to something else because there is no more candy.
What will happen to people who bought freeworld(like me) will they get auto access proving they bought it?
What will happen to titles to?
Add /ingot and /block
Maybe get a good youtuber that doesn't quit and that voice is annoying?
Things like ranks and pets will be kept, you won't lose anything you paid for. (Other than things that you've already used, like crate keys)
And yes, rank names will be changed.


retired mineman
- Make free world more interesting
- Ex: have bosses in fw or something that can not be obtained outside of fw; currently Fw is only for building​
- A consistent checking of staff apps; people have been waiting for months and some can be easily denied
- A Sr.Mod; there has not been Sr.Mods since Elijah and I resigned and I highly doubt appeals has been checked since then
- Admin: have an active admin to do removals and bug reports, many players have been irritated on the wait for some threads
- Events: We have the build comp, but the prizes are really small and almost no one partipates. Have pvp, staff vs player, parkour, koth events, etc.
- End/Nether: at a higher prestige, players should get the end or nether to encourage them to continue prestiging
- Add podsol, slime blocks, string, coarse dirt, dyes, quartz (the ore, block already exist) to the shop

- The mine builds: We need new builds please, the current ones are so boring and exactly the same for each one

- Lottery: Have a way to buy a more expensive lottery or double the pot
- Reward system: Current rewards are horrible and I don't even come on to claim them
- Claim size in Freeworld: Currently I have barely any space to build in one claim (16x16) and we are only given 5 claims. Please increase the size or give more claims. Builders need it.
- Lucky Blocks: currently, when in high ranks, it is pointless to break lucky blocks. Have it so at higher ranks the prizes are better and fit the current rank
- Change the duel arena: currently they aren't flat at all and are annoying to get around the terrain
  • Bosses definitely sound cool, but I don't know if we want to have our devs work on stuff for the free world over other things currently. But I will look into other things that would make it more interesting.
  • We will be actively recruiting staff throughout 4.0, I know that the lack of staff is a big issue right now.
  • I'm planning on having an event schedule so there's always something that everyone can look forward to, I like all of those event suggestions.
  • Would the Nether & End just be alternate free worlds? Or would they serve a different purpose?
  • We have all new mines for 4.0
  • I'll be looking into the current gambling system to make the needed adjustments.
  • The reward system will be reworked
  • I believe the 16x16 cap is to ensure that the world always has room for new players, but I will look into probably raising it to 32x32 or something.
  • Lucky blocks will be reworked.
  • I believe we're planning to keep the current duel arenas, but I can try to make them flatter.


мocнι ♥
Would the Nether & End just be alternate free worlds? Or would they serve a different purpose?
I think they should just be alternate free worlds which have uniques items or such that can only be found there.

Also, I forgot to add this to change.
- Crates need an update. Chunky crate (4th tier) should not have mine bombs or a lesser chance of it. Currently, crates aren't really worth to buy besides for /fly, /repair or /sellall.
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Well-Known Member
Can I just ask. Will there be a server reset (loose all my stuff)? Or revamp (keep all my stuff)?

I just wanna say: Plz add a better /staff

Everything else is fine atm ;)


Infamous Member
Bounty Plugin
•/warp pvp
•Pot PvP or Gapple PvP(Pot is more fun IMO)
•Someone who reads staff apps
•The old reward system
•/ks command
•PvP tourneys
•Better cheat detection plugin
•Players who are currently banned should remain banned (especially those banned for hacking)
•Elo system in duels

Candy theme
•Inactive staff


Infamous Member
*in pvp it would be nice to have the old BP system in v1 which had the ender chests.
Also re work the /fly ban in spawn.

*remove destroyer kit from chunky key.. And the Peper mint mine bombs.

Also will commands won from chunky like /repair be lost ?? Or if we make a thread we will still have them?
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Hey everyone!

As some of you may already know, @trkey has hired me to be the new manager of OPBlocks, and help him with the creation of OPBlocks 4.0!

So I thought the best way for me to get started, is to hear what the community wants to see in the next reset.

Feel free to reply to this thread with any of the following:
  • Things you want added
  • Things you want removed
  • Things you want changed
I will try to respond to every suggestion, but give me time.

Thanks for your help :D
Question, will everything be reset? because I hope not :(


Well-Known Member
add more money when you sell blocks in the mine because getting 3 million per sell and having to get 2.6 billion to rankup that's will take like 84 hours


Infamous Member
I know plenty of people are wondering this, so I'll ask it. Will the new update cause the plots to be reset?
Only if they reset the server, plots will be reset along with almost everything (other than ranks, pets, and other things you bought with IRL money).