Hello players and staff of OPBlocks. I am Hamooda. I am known to be a staff member on Trkey's other server as many of you know PrimeMC. But I am not here to talk about Prime. I'm here to give myself an introduction and possibly be welcomed into the community of OPBlocks. I am 14 years old and I play games like CS;GO and Minecraft. I am into HCF which is known as Hardcore Facions and I play it with many of my other friends. I make Texture Packs so usually whenever I make one I announce it on forums so that many players looking for a pack and can't find the right one, then, they can find mine to be an okay sort of pack for them to enjoy using. Honestly, there's not a lot I can really say about myself. I'm just a player like the rest of you enjoying OPBlocks. It's nice seeing this server back in business. I remember the sad time it was closing down, but it's back. I hope everyone who read this has a great day, and to everyone who doesn't read this well, have a great day as well. Thanks for the love and support on Prime, I'm hoping I can get the same here.
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