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Free Graphics :3

Well, hi I've been doing graphics for a while but I took a bit of a break ._.
So this thread is basically offering free graphics to the community. I will not be doing every request. Since I am doing these for free and for my own personal
improvement and experimentation I'll be selecting certain skins of users to work with. I will be selecting skins by what I want to work with at that time and what you are requesting. I will also be going by the saying 'You get what you get and you don't throw a fit' since I am doing these for free.
You can view my portfolio here if you would like to get an idea of what you may receive.

If you would like to receive graphics fill out this form
[Sections marked with a * are required.]

*IGN :

*Type of GFX :

*Text (Yes/No) :

(If yes) Text :
(If yes) Font :

*Render (Yes/No) :
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific):
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific):

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific):

Additional information:
[Sections marked with a * are required.]

*IGN : [ Your in-game name]

*Type of GFX : [Only doing profile pictures and signature banners.]

*Text (Yes/No) : [Do you want text on your art?]
(If yes) Text : [If you would like text, what would you like the text to say?]
(If yes) Font : [ If you want any specific font used specify it here. Please use dafont.com . If you do not want a particular font, leave this section blank.]

*Render (Yes/No) : [Would you like a render of your skin on the GFX?]
(If yes) Specific pose : [If you want a specific pose used please provide a picture of the pose or a detailed explanation of the desired pose.]
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): [If you want to be holding any specific tool, item, or block please specify that here.]
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): [If you would like your character to be wearing armor please specify what type and pieces of armor you would like it to be wearing.]

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): [If you want your graphics have any specific color specify that here.]

Additional information: [If you would like to include anything else in the GFX that was not covered in the questions above tell me that here.]
Terms of Service
By requesting GFX from me you agree to accept and abide by the listed terms.

You are not allowed to claim my art as your own.
You are not to constantly ask me about the status of your art. Doing so will result in your art being pushed back or your request will be taken off of my list completely.
You are not to ask for any alterations.
If you have any further questions please comment or PM me :).


мocнι ♥
Ign: xMochi
Type: Profile Pic ;3
Text: None
Render: Yus, your choice on the pose and such
Color Theme: Your choice as well xd

Vury Fancy ;3


Dedicated Member
Ign: MeRightHerre
Type: Profile Pic-erino ;3
Text: None at all! x3
Render: Yesh, and you can do whatever yah feel like..
Color Theme: Your choice too! x3

Also dis seems coolio lmaooo x3


Active Member
*IGN : [ Your in-game name] MochiTheCookie

*Type of GFX : [Only doing profile pictures and signature banners.] Profile Pic

*Text (Yes/No) : [Do you want text on your art?] Yes
(If yes) Text : [If you would like text, what would you like the text to say?] NotRusty
(If yes) Font : [ If you want any specific font used specify it here. Please use dafont.com . If you do not want a particular font, leave this section blank.] Raider Crusader

*Render (Yes/No) : [Would you like a render of your skin on the GFX?] Yes
(If yes) Specific pose : [If you want a specific pose used please provide a picture of the pose or a detailed explanation of the desired pose.] None
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): [If you want to be holding any specific tool, item, or block please specify that here.] Main: Enchanted Dia Sword & OffHand: Enchanted Dia Sword
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): [If you would like your character to be wearing armor please specify what type and pieces of armor you would like it to be wearing.] Enchanted Blue Leather Armor

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): [If you want your graphics have any specific color specify that here.] You may choose
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Well-Known Member
IGN: camcard
Type: Profile picture
Text: camcard font is up to you?
Render: yes and its up to you?
Color Theme: your choice?

Also, I won't be on ingame so you can look my skin up on namemc.


IGN: NathannB

Type of GFX: Profile picture

Text: No thanks

Render: Yes please
Skin: Yes please
Position: Up to you
Item in hand: Bunch of potions/sword, you can choose which is easier/you'd prefer.

Color theme: Anything but red please

I have lately been trying to create these sort of graphics, but I'm getting nowhere near.
Keep up the good work!
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*IGN : Bacon (In Caps With 12 O's)

*Type of GFX : signature banners
*Text (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Text : I would Like It to say "Silent"
(If yes) Font :

*Render (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Specific pose : I want it to be a walking motion with the head looking to the up to the side with the right hand in the air holding a torch

(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Yes I want it to be a torch in the right hand
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): No

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): A darkish gloomy feeling to the color theme (If that's boring for you do what you want)

Additional information: [If you would like to include anything else in the GFX that was not covered in the questions above tell me that here.]


Infamous Member
*IGN : Bacon (In Caps With 12 O's)

*Type of GFX : signature banners
*Text (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Text : I would Like It to say "Silent"
(If yes) Font :

*Render (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Specific pose : I want it to be a walking motion with the head looking to the up to the side with the right hand in the air holding a torch
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Yes I want it to be a torch in the right hand
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): No

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): A darkish gloomy feeling to the color theme (If that's boring for you do what you want)

Additional information: [If you would like to include anything else in the GFX that was not covered in the questions above tell me that here.]
You're alive ;3
[Sections marked with a * are required.]

IGN : DdubsRulez2

Type of GFX : Profile Picture

Text (Yes/No) : Yes

(If yes) Text : Ddubs
(If yes) Font :

Render (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Nope
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Nope

Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Yes, * (if you don't want to chose a theme, then just don't have one)
* Whatever you want, experiment / suprise me xd


Resigned Meme
IGN: Chrissehh

Type of GFX: Profile picture

Text: No ty

Render: Yes
-> Item in hand: Sure, but you can choose xd
-> Armour: No ty

Color theme: Purple and Black
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Well-Known Member
*IGN : BazerKIng

*Type of GFX : Profile Pic

*Text (Yes/No) : No

*Render (Yes/No) : Yes

(If yes) Diamond Sword With Flames!! :eek:

*Color theme Red And White

Your art looks sick !!!
I've been doing these at an annoying slow rate. I is soz ;_; but I guess it'll take a while to get back in to the flow of things.
So I've done the first two request. @Mochi @CryWorthy you can download the HD images by clicking on the image in the spoiler.

So I've really been working on using more effects and using a darker theme for my work. Before I usually went for more minimalist editing. Also I would leave the saturation up most of the times. I also was never really good at keeping a dark theme without completely washing out the image (I totally did that with CryWorthy's avatar but .-.). I'm also working on posing and the incorporation of items. I am trying to use more packs because when I first started graphics it was really kind of looked down on to use a ton of effects and packs, but now that is the new norm. CryWorthy's render took a while because at first I wanted to use a render with rounded edges because that would take me way out of my comfort zone and it would be different. However I totally s****ped the idea when I started extruding because extruding and cleaning up the extrusions on a rig with rounded edges not only takes forever, I just don't think it looks good .-. especially the head extrusions. So yeah.. if there are any hard mc gfx critics out there that read this please comment or PM me constructive criticism :).


Well-Known Member
IGN : far9448
Type of GFX : profile
Text (Yes/No) : nupe
Render (Yes/No) : if ya want
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): enchanted cooked chicken if you decide to do it
Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Purple and black


Infamous Member
I've been doing these at an annoying slow rate. I is soz ;_; but I guess it'll take a while to get back in to the flow of things.
So I've done the first two request. @Mochi @CryWorthy you can download the HD images by clicking on the image in the spoiler.

So I've really been working on using more effects and using a darker theme for my work. Before I usually went for more minimalist editing. Also I would leave the saturation up most of the times. I also was never really good at keeping a dark theme without completely washing out the image (I totally did that with CryWorthy's avatar but .-.). I'm also working on posing and the incorporation of items. I am trying to use more packs because when I first started graphics it was really kind of looked down on to use a ton of effects and packs, but now that is the new norm. CryWorthy's render took a while because at first I wanted to use a render with rounded edges because that would take me way out of my comfort zone and it would be different. However I totally sCookiesped the idea when I started extruding because extruding and cleaning up the extrusions on a rig with rounded edges not only takes forever, I just don't think it looks good .-. especially the head extrusions. So yeah.. if there are any hard mc gfx critics out there that read this please comment or PM me constructive criticism :).
They look sick dude.Nice!


мocнι ♥
I've been doing these at an annoying slow rate. I is soz ;_; but I guess it'll take a while to get back in to the flow of things.
So I've done the first two request. @Mochi @CryWorthy you can download the HD images by clicking on the image in the spoiler.

So I've really been working on using more effects and using a darker theme for my work. Before I usually went for more minimalist editing. Also I would leave the saturation up most of the times. I also was never really good at keeping a dark theme without completely washing out the image (I totally did that with CryWorthy's avatar but .-.). I'm also working on posing and the incorporation of items. I am trying to use more packs because when I first started graphics it was really kind of looked down on to use a ton of effects and packs, but now that is the new norm. CryWorthy's render took a while because at first I wanted to use a render with rounded edges because that would take me way out of my comfort zone and it would be different. However I totally sCookiesped the idea when I started extruding because extruding and cleaning up the extrusions on a rig with rounded edges not only takes forever, I just don't think it looks good .-. especially the head extrusions. So yeah.. if there are any hard mc gfx critics out there that read this please comment or PM me constructive criticism :).
So nice omg. Thank you <3


Dedicated Member
I've been doing these at an annoying slow rate. I is soz ;_; but I guess it'll take a while to get back in to the flow of things.
So I've done the first two request. @Mochi @CryWorthy you can download the HD images by clicking on the image in the spoiler.

So I've really been working on using more effects and using a darker theme for my work. Before I usually went for more minimalist editing. Also I would leave the saturation up most of the times. I also was never really good at keeping a dark theme without completely washing out the image (I totally did that with CryWorthy's avatar but .-.). I'm also working on posing and the incorporation of items. I am trying to use more packs because when I first started graphics it was really kind of looked down on to use a ton of effects and packs, but now that is the new norm. CryWorthy's render took a while because at first I wanted to use a render with rounded edges because that would take me way out of my comfort zone and it would be different. However I totally sCookiesped the idea when I started extruding because extruding and cleaning up the extrusions on a rig with rounded edges not only takes forever, I just don't think it looks good .-. especially the head extrusions. So yeah.. if there are any hard mc gfx critics out there that read this please comment or PM me constructive criticism :).
OEHHHHH DAS NICEEEEEEE!!11 Thanksies btw x3 Looks amazingg


Well-Known Member
*IGN : dieyourself

*Type of GFX : Profile picture.

*Text (Yes/No) : No
(If yes) Text :
(If yes) Font :

*Render (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Speed pot in left hand, diamond sword in right hand.
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): No.

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Light colors.

Additional information: Thanks a lot, appreciate it.


Active Member
Ign: BlameWorthy
Type: Profile Picaa ;3
Text: uh yea, nufin at all tbh owo
Render: Yuss,I don't really mind.. just no armor owo
Color Theme: yea same thing, do what you want!!

this looks so adnkfi amazing o.o


Dedicated Member
*IGN : Mutah

*Type of GFX : Profile Pic

*Text (Yes/No) : nah
(If yes) Text :
(If yes) Font :

*Render (Yes/No) : sure
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): raw fish
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): leather hat0

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): red & black

Additional information: hi there


Active Member
*IGN : Criinge

*Type of GFX : Profile Picture

*Text (Yes/No) : No
(If yes) Text :
(If yes) Font :

*Render (Yes/No) : Yes
(If yes) Item in hand (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Fishing Rod (Enchanted if possible.)
(If yes) Armor (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): No armor, please.

*Color theme (Yes/No. If yes, be specific): Red & Blue (A tiny bit of black with it would be ok.)

Additional information: I would love my skin to be in it under the leather, But if you can't do my skin that is fine too. Thanks for taking your time out for all these amazing profile pictures!