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  1. Li__iL

    Dear staff.

    Before you read this. Do not reply if all you do is go on a witch hunt to be toxic. This is just me stating my opinion about the staff team and some feedback. _________________________________________________________________________ I've been playing on OpBlocks for about a month now. And I...
  2. MyrticsYT

    Myrtic's Staff Application

    Staff applications should just be auto denied tbh. Totally not talking about @MyrticsYT application
  3. G

    badlion players are way too tryhard

  4. SuperPiggeh

    OPB Staff Team Movie Night Wallpaper :P

    Just a little thing I made cuz I was bored (Nathan is the chicken):
  5. S

    Important Commands you should know

    /plotme auto or /p auto - Claims the closest plot to your location (in plot world) /spawn - Go to spawn /warp - brings up a gui of warps you can go to /bal - shows your balance /money - shows your balance /etshop - brings up the a shop where you spend ETokens /duel (player name) - allows you to...
  6. Strength__xD

    Staff team

    hello, OPBlockers! So this is just to let the staff team know we need some staff more because most of the time there is no staff online I started playing Minecraft at 4:12PM it's now 5:27PM when I'm making this thread most likely like everyday staff will come on around 9/10PM because some...
  7. A

    Should I Apply For Staff?

    Dear Forum Users, Lately I have been thinking of applying for staff. Please comment any suggestions, or your opinion whether or not I should apply. Sincerly, BaconBoy123 (IGN)