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  1. soyup

    PC Won't Turn On

    So I was AFK on my computer for a couple of hours and then when I came back, everything was shut off. No plugs are unplugged and everything seems connected. Anyone may know how to fix it?
  2. soyup

    Image size to fill signature

    Anybody know the image size to fill a signature?
  3. soyup

    Looking For Good Old School Rappers or Songs

    So I'm in need of more songs, I'm into old school rap, not the new **** like yachty so leave songs below if you have any.
  4. soyup

    Car Accident...

    So I was in a car accident today... My mom, brother and I were driving back home from a basketball tournament. We were in the middle lane of a tunnel, so we were going at least 100mph, when all of a sudden, a car bumped us from behind. My brother and I immediately turned around while my mom was...
  5. soyup

    Lost Prepaid Card..

    I recently lost my prepaid mastercard, which is bummer because I still had money on it. But, I used this same card to buy a couple of items on this server. So, I was wondering if an admin is able to look at the card I used and give me the card details?
  6. soyup

    Vanilla Prepaid Master Card

    So I bought a vanilla prepaid master card, but I don't see any payment option for it. Does anyone know if it's possible to use this type of prepaid card or is it only paypal?
  7. soyup

    I knew it

  8. soyup

    wont be active

    so yeah title says it all im goin through some tough **** i constantly get irritated and and angry over the smallest things. i can love my parents and brothers and then a second later i dont want to hear them talk or look at them. i get the weirdest mood swings the only stuff that calm me down...
  9. soyup

    new ign ideas

    ^^ ?
  10. soyup


    made a new gang only good pvpers getting accepted comment if you wanna join
  11. soyup


    exactly how did emelade get helper without applying??
  12. soyup

    @ Pathos

    I'm gonna miss you a **** ton Pathos, I'm not kidding, I don't think TS will ever be the same. You were honestly my favorite staff member (hope no one gets offended), and I think my first friend here on OPB. I'll miss the moments when we were the kings of PvP, destroying teams of 3-5 together...
  13. soyup


  14. soyup


    http://www.yzy-official.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=4 @Plurals
  15. soyup

    Is That A Pro Genji?!

    Prob my best POTG so far @McPathos @KuhakuYoshino
  16. soyup

    Need Help With 2nd Monitor

    So I plugged in my second monitor into my computer, but when I try to turn it on, it says "No signal." Anyone know how to fix it?
  17. soyup

    Name Ideas?

    So, I can now change my IGN, any ideas? I prefer 3-letter names or 1-word ones.
  18. soyup

    My Headset...

    So, if you've been in the same TeamSpeak channel as me and my mic volume is very low/bad, this is why... The first part that broke was the right side of my headset that connects the headband to the speaker. I may or not of raged after playing a competitive game of CS:GO and I threw my...
  19. soyup

    Anyone Here Play Overwatch?

    I'm currently looking for players to play Overwatch with since I always lose when solo queuing. My rank is platinum, so I'm looking for players who are also platinum. PM me via forums if you would like to play together.
  20. soyup

    Get Banned For A Name That's Promoting Suicide

    Hello, I was just wondering if a player can get banned for having an IGN that promotes suicide.