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  1. soyup

    I Got A Concussion...

    I recently got a concussion today at school while playing basketball, I will not be online for at least one week. @McPathos @TrunxOG @Cowie @CaliX2Guns
  2. soyup

    Changing DNS + Regedit Against The Rules?

    Hello, I was thinking of changing my DNS and Regedit so it will be much easier to pvp, but I'm not sure if this is against the rules.
  3. soyup

    LNO Recruitment Page

    Roster: Leader - VSaucy Officers - qodly Veterans - Rookies - Members - StaleBreadstick, GetEzed_ and EggRoller_ Please use the template and meet the requirements below to apply: We are also accepting ally requests: Good luck with your application! ;)
  4. soyup

    The Photoshop Game

    The aim of the game is to take the image posted by the previous poster, and modify it. The person after you then takes your image and edits it again. This should create a chain of image modifications. Don't be put off by the title. You can use any image editing software you want to. A few...
  5. soyup

    Probably Fastest Way To Rankup For Non-Donors Or Munchers

    Hello fellow miners, a while back, I came up with a way to rank up fast. And this is, in my opinion, the fastest way for non-donors or munchers to rank up. I used to use this myself but since I recently bought the Gobbler rank, I decided to share it with you guys. Requirements: You must be rank...
  6. soyup

    Looking For A Good Pfp

    Hello, I'm looking for someone has a lot of experience making Minecraft player profile pictures who can make me a very good one. PM me if you're interested, I will pay with in-game money, the amount will vary if I like it or not. I'd like the main colors to be blue and black.
  7. soyup

    How To Get More FPS

    Some players get lag because their PC can't handle the blocks breaking so fast or there are too many players at the same mine. So, I created this tutorial in hopes of helping those who can barely play the game. 1. Install the OptiFine mod, it boosted my game so much. I went from 150 - 200 FPS...
  8. soyup

    A New Gang Has Risen...

    A new gang has risen... The Egg Army. We are a new, pvping gang hoping to grow and become the best pvpers on the server. Roster: Leader - Eggies Co-Leaders - NorthPlays and myself Mods - xXalius and iiSux Members - EggRoller_, fts and selfs We are currently recruiting, please use the template...
  9. soyup

    Glock's Introduction

    Hello, my name is Glxck, but you can call me Termie. I recently joined today. I came from Prime, just like most of the players on this server. But, with the new updates on Skyblock and the EULA ruining everything, I decided to come here. I joined today and I am hooked to this server. I still...