dont you love it when you get a solo lobby in gta 5, thats me everyday.
time to spread cancer on primemc
i like how pig denies your app and doesn't consider the fact that it was a troll, yet just says "denied on request".. great staff
you're lowkey a meme on this forums nowadays
im foukin 14 you ******s it was for the staff app
how low is the chance that I would get staff again?
can someone give me a 5 dollar bill
im a female dont assume my gender and dont call me egrill and if you do i will btch slap you in the fckn face you weirdo
dont worry guys im secretly staff
make opblocks great again
So what're you going to do for your 1k sub special?
Damn being a ghoster is fun lmfao
I don't think Crainer would go on unless the payout is big xd
You know I am a saddo when im talking sugar about a server but still play it. ;)