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Announcement Sumo Tournament w/ Buycraft Rewards


big cat manager
Hey everyone!

We’re going to be holding our very first Sumo Tournament event! This event will allow OPBlocks players to 1v1 each other with our Sumo feature and advance in a bracket system (similar to this https://imgur.com/a/VwhPCIH)! This event will start accepting entries right now and will begin on April 26.

What is Sumo?!?!

Sumo is an event where we have a small platform and 2 players on either side. When the players are released from their stationary position they must hit each other off of the platform to win.

Each matchup will consist of up to three (3) rounds of Sumo with the first player to 2 wins moving on.
What are the rules?!?!
  • The players must submit screenshots of each Sumo result. 2 wins constitutes a victory and advances you to the next bracket.
  • No complaints about lag or any other PVP issues! You know what you are getting into if you sign up for this tournament and complaining / being toxic is unacceptable. Just say GG and move on like a mature adult!
  • If you disconnect from a Sumo or have issues with your PC, that round will be counted as a loss. I recommend you prepare everything as best you can to avoid a situation like this.
  • Any users that take more than 48 hours to complete their Duels after being assigned an opponent will forfeit and be disqualified from the tournament. Be respectful of your opponents time and try to make it happen quickly for everyone's sake!
    • If this does happen to you, make sure you update us on the thread to continue on with the tournament.
  • Hacking is obviously not allowed and if your opponent has any proof you will be disqualified and appropriately punished according to the rules.

To enter into this massive event click this link!

Entries to the event will close at 5:00 PM EST on Saturday, April 25 so that we can finalize the bracket.

We will have prizes for the top 3 finalists as follows!

1st - $15 Buycraft voucher
2nd - $10 Buycraft voucher
3rd - $10 Buycraft voucher

Good luck to all participants and may the best Sumo-er win!