Well, this thread is very delayed. I've mostly delayed it while the dust settled with the all the issues surrounding the staff team at the time.
Reason for my resignation is purely Resilience. He was the most incompetent manager I've had the displeasure of working with.
I thoroughly enjoyed working with the staff team, despite me sometimes straying from the maturity levels. I am fully aware that I had both ups and downs as a staff member. Though one thing which people were unable to call me was inactive.
I learnt a lot of lessons while in the staff team, which sounds surprising since it's about a block game. But as a team, we learnt the values of working in a team, communication and the most vital lesson was patience. Patience not only with players but with each other. I'm not saying I always represented the staff team with these values because I did not. Which I do regret because I not only made the staff team look bad but the server at times. For that, I can only apologise.
I will be taking a step back from Minecraft for at least a couple of months, this is because of me starting college. I leave my house at 7 am and return at 6 pm. Then I do around 2 hours of independent study, followed by around 1 hour of physical exercise. Leaving little time for Minecraft or any other video game.
Time for the tags;
@JustACookie Thank you for supporting us lower staff and helping us with issues we had.
@Mochi Love you
@BigCDG Got to nock *Nock nock* on wood
@Annegare you will be my bride! One day!
@FencingGreyhound R.I.P Chicken in the hub?
@Madara_ Nublet! Look after the new nubs.
@Lefky10 Heheheheheh
@ElvenRider Don't spec me!
@Unhappiness Let's keep spreading the joy!
@Rizuri Please keep teaching people with foul mouths lessons in pvp.
@Lynn Forever my hotshoulder