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I'm happy to say that this post contains everything you need to know regarding our upcoming Factions Reset. This reset is part of OPBlocks v6, an ambitious project to perform a full-scale revamp of all current OPBlock servers. We've heard your complaints, and have made tremendous changes this map to make for a much more community driven environment.
Factions will release This Saturday, May 19th, at 2 PM EST. To find that time in your own timezone, google search "2PM EST".
General Information
- As per usual, MrCrainer will be making a return for v6, populating the server and growing it to new heights. Stay tuned on his channel for countless videos featuring our new resets.
- There will be a $500 F-Top prize paid out at the end of the map. Faction leaders must set their PayPal email with /setpaypal <email> in-game so we know where to send your reward.
- On the last Saturday of the map, the top three factions will be rewarded with the following rewards:
- F-Top #1 will get $250 PayPal + $250 Store Giftcard
- F-Top #2 will get $150 PayPal + $150 Store Giftcard
- F-Top #3 will get $100 PayPal + $100 Store Giftcard
Please note that the gift cards may only be used towards buying Ranks, not items from other categories.
- There will be 3 worlds with 12 corners. Each faction is only allowed 1 corner claim at any given point in time.
- Main World (10,000 x 10,000)
- Nether (5,000 x 5,000)
- End (5,000 x 5,000)
- The first week of the map will be a grace period for factions to prepare for the competitive season. All explosions (TnT and Creepereggs) will be disabled for this first week.
Introducing... the Skeletal Summoner and Ice Wizard! Two new bosses are making an appearance, with unique abilities for each.
- The Skeletal Summoner will conjure up a zombie horde from the dead. The summoner can cast blindness and poison upon you, as well as remove any of your potion buffs. Killing the zombie hordes will not yield anything, you must kill the summoner to obtain your reward.
- The Ice Wizard will barrage you with snowballs that inflict damage and cause slowness. It can also trap you in an ice cage for 5-10 seconds. Randomly, snowmen will spawn around him as clones to also throw snowballs and deal damage, however similar to the summoner, the main boss must be killed to obtain your reward.
Similar to Prison, you'll be able to duel other players to decide who's the better fighter! These will be duels where you have the same kits, effects, enchantments, etc, with the ability to place wagers on who will win. To send a duel request, both players must be at spawn with an empty inventory.
Want to sell something to another player safely? You'll be able to trade items or money via a simple GUI rather than risk items despawning or a player stealing them from you. (/trade).
Custom Enchantments
Berserk and Slice have been removed from the game. Poison and WIther have had their knockback issues patched. 4 new enchantments have been added to the game.
- Orb - Chance to gain extra EXP when mining ores. Max Level: 3 Applies To: Tools
- Smelt - Automatically converts iron ore, gold ore, lapis ore, redstone ore, and coal ore to their respective items (e.g gold ingot). Max Level: 1 Applies To: Tools
- Haste - Allows you to swing your tools faster. Max Level: 5 Applies To: Tools
- Necromancer - Gives you more EXP from killing mobs. Max Level: 3 Applies To: Swords & Axes
Show yourself off in chat with our brand new title system! Similar to prison, these will show up next to your name in chat. A full list can be found on the store page once Factions is live.
May Chest
The May Chest is a rework of our previous Winter Chest with much more goodies to be won! Rewards will be posted to our store once Factions is live.
Blackmarket Rework
The blackmarket items have been updated to contain Tags, Genbuckets, EXP Bombs, Money Pouches, and more! We've also fixed an issue where you were able to previously kill the blackmarket NPC.
Bug Fixes
- A gen bucket tool has been added for easy access and use (/gb).
- Creeper spawners only drop TNT.
- Sell wands, TNT wands, and TNT pouches can now be stored in /f vault.
- Spawners may no longer be stored in backpacks and enderchests.
- Spawners may no longer be placed 24 hours before FTOP values are saved.
- Commands in combat have been updated.
- Knockback has been buffed.
- Speed and depth strider are obtainable via the custom enchant GUI.
- XP levels have been adjusted for custom enchants.
- Printing and /printer has been optimized.
- Faction permissions has been optimized.
- Chests can now be opened in enemy and neutral territory.
- Issues with Faction Stealth have been fixed.
- The black market has been modified:
- Vendor can no longer be killed.
- Rewards updated.
- The May Chest rewards have been updated.
- Anti-cheat has been updated to stop players from using nuker and other cheats.
- TNT-Fill signs have been properly implemented.
- /F Check has been added.
- Allows faction members to manage wall checking schedule and sound an alarm to alert other members in-game. Similar to the discord bot.
- When logging out in enemy territory, there is now a 5 minute time before you are teleported to spawn.
- The spawner tax has been raised to 20% (excluding the grace period).
- /F Access has been re added (only applicable to players now).
- Factions fly will now be automatic in own or ally territory.
- Click to claim factions map has been added.
- Faction relations has been added.
- Enemies, allies, truces, neutrals, and faction members will now have colored names depending on your relation.
- People can no longer mine spawners if enemies are within a 320 block radius.
- /tnttoggle has been implemented.
- You may now choose between preventing viewing explosions, falling blocks and sounds to help with client side lag when firing large cannons.
- Throwable creeper eggs has been implemented.
- When thrown, they will explode on impact with a block and blow up ceggable blocks within a certain radius.
- Spawner block entities will no longer be destroyed by TNT, creepers, or lava, or be picked up by hoppers.
- Sell-wands now sell:
- Gold Ingot, Diamond, Emerald, TNT, Gunpowder, Potato, Carrot, Cooked Porkchop, Raw Porkchop, Raw Beef, Bottle, Sugarcane
We're excited to see each and every one of you turn out for v6! We're extremely optimistic for the future of OPBlocks and what we can turn it into. Our advertisement and regular content update schedule should rise us back up to the top! P.S: Reset information about Prison is coming next week!
Best Regards,