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  1. ShroomsDawg

    Guess the Lyric

    I'm on the Highway to hell? We all live in a yellow _______
  2. ShroomsDawg

    Guess the Lyric

    Water Death of a __________
  3. ShroomsDawg


  4. ShroomsDawg

    Nice mod mate

    Nice mod mate
  5. ShroomsDawg

    40 Hour Famine - An event worth sacrificing for

    Hi guys! I'm ShroomsDawg! Some of you may know me as Shrooms, others as Pearl but I want to talk to you all about the 40 Hour Famine. The 40 Hour Famine is a 40 hour time period in Australia going from August 19th 8 pm (AEST) to August 21st and it lets people in Australia give something up to...
  6. ShroomsDawg

    /sellall Alternative

    Personally I recommend setting it just in front of the NPC since it gives you a little boost forward.
  7. ShroomsDawg

    McPathos Staff Application

    This guy is a great lad and is friendly all the time! Only things I would suggest changing is fixing up your grammar, adding more detail and changing the color of the top question of meeting requirements to the same as the rest. Other than that this is a great application backed up by a great...
  8. ShroomsDawg

    Announcement Introduction & Staff Applications

    Hi Tuxx!! Happy to see you here! Good luck with handling the community... Look forward to seeing you round!
  9. ShroomsDawg

    Reopen staff apps so peoplez can apply.

    I think that would work well XD
  10. ShroomsDawg


    Look forward to it! :D Good luck with the videos as well!
  11. ShroomsDawg


    Like other people said, keep them as they'll be really rare in future. Keep them in your plot, pv or as a /hat for now
  12. ShroomsDawg


    Hope to see you back in the future!
  13. ShroomsDawg


  14. ShroomsDawg

    Asking if someone is alright can make them feel exactly that.

    Asking if someone is alright can make them feel exactly that.
  15. ShroomsDawg

    Hi! So when you are at spawn you will want to go to /warp a or /warp rank1 and start mining...

    Hi! So when you are at spawn you will want to go to /warp a or /warp rank1 and start mining! After you have some blocks run to the NPC or a sign and right click it and you will get money! With enough money do /rankup!
  16. ShroomsDawg

    What does prestige do?

    I don't think it has been but it's definitely planned xD
  17. ShroomsDawg

    What does prestige do?

    It just lets you restart the mining process and eventually go to new areas such as the free world!
  18. ShroomsDawg

    Etoken Shop

    What pickaxe are you using and have you relogged?
  19. ShroomsDawg

    Etoken Shop

    Are you sure you have enough tokens? What enchant are you trying to buy?
  20. ShroomsDawg

    Etoken Shop

    Does it say anything in chat when you try? Is your pickaxe in your first item slot?