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  1. TitanX_


    Why not me? Anyway farewell come back soon 3.0
  2. TitanX_

    more in depth//depression [EMOTIONAL WARNING]

    @Plurals Sorry to hear you are in grief. Try asking your counsler at school to help deal with your problems. If they get worse talk to the principal.
  3. TitanX_

    Mod? Eh U deserve Member Admin

    Mod? Eh U deserve Member Admin
  4. TitanX_

    Leaving until next update

    Also left a month ago. I just check forums lol. Decided to start playing again
  5. TitanX_

    Closed UnBan

    Your responsibility no one else's. Your fault The End
  6. TitanX_

    Help me to help you!

    Make a guide on etokens m8. Which enchants to get first for noobs/how to save etokens
  7. TitanX_

    Ping And Fps

    Two words: Follow me... Hehe so off topic. So you want better fps huh? Buy a cheap graphics card like a GT730. Boom 60 frames done.
  8. TitanX_

    Guess Who Is Going To Post Next.

  9. TitanX_

    Keemstar be 14 years old? I think not

    Keemstar be 14 years old? I think not
  10. TitanX_

    Ping And Fps

    I got low ping. In CS:GO i get 5 ^.^ hehe. I need to run Labby/5-zig for Minecraft though
  11. TitanX_

    Guess Who Is Going To Post Next.

    @Misha @Ricegum @Keemstar @LeafyIsHere I know they arent part of forums :P #hatemeallyouwant
  12. TitanX_

    Ping And Fps

    Use better wifi (ethernet or 5Ghz wifi)
  13. TitanX_

    Guess Who Is Going To Post Next.

  14. TitanX_

    Guess Who Is Going To Post Next.

  15. TitanX_


    @emelade ;-; U forgot me and u resigned now ;-;
  16. TitanX_


    Um. Disappointed
  17. TitanX_

    200 million $$$ Giveaway!!11

    I shall claim the reward today at like 5:00EST because I have a band rehearsal after school
  18. TitanX_

    200 million $$$ Giveaway!!11

    Now your copying my Pokémon vibe
  19. TitanX_

    200 million $$$ Giveaway!!11

    IGN: TitanX_ Reason why you wanna win: I want to prestige. I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was To catch them is my real test To train them is my cause I will travel across the land Searching far and wide Each Pokemon to understand The power that's inside Pokemon, gotta catch 'em...
  20. TitanX_

    I play CounterStrikeGO everyday.

    I play CounterStrikeGO everyday.