Hey guys!
First off, you might be wondering why I'm writing this post rather than
@Amazing. After quite a long time, Amazing has decided to step down from his position at OPBlocks for reasons I'll leave him to explain, meaning that I'll be taking over all of his responsibilities effective immediately. With the help of our wonderful staff team, I'm going to do my best to push the servers player count up in the hundreds as it used to be. At this point, you're probably wondering what we're going to do in order to achieve this - I've broken the remaining areas of this post into Factions, Prison, and Survival, find information regarding each of those below.
Factions will be the first of our gamemodes to reset, the date of which will be announced in a post soon to follow with full information regarding all the features, bug fixes, map details, etc. After going through countless pages of suggestions, here's what we have planned in terms of content updates for the next map.
Currently, the only boss available for purchase is the wicked witch boss. From the next map onwards, we plan to have several new bosses available - without too many teasers, one will summon a zombie horde and one will trap you in an ice cage from time to time.
Similar to Prison, you'll soon be able to duel other players to decide who's the better fighter! These will be duels where you have the same kits, effects, enchantments, etc, with the ability to place wagers on who will win. To send a duel request, both players must be at spawn with an empty inventory.
Want to sell something to another player safely? You'll be able to trade items or money via a simple GUI rather than risk items despawning or a player stealing them from you.
Custom Enchantments
After talking with both players and the staff team, it seems that there's certain game-breaking enchantments currently as well as some much needed ones added. This next reset will have enchantments such as Berserk removed, non pvp-enchants added, and the overall cost of custom enchantments decreased.
Show yourself off in chat with our brand new title system! You'll be able to see a full list of titles in the reset post, however a few to mention would be "EZ", "<3", "FTOP", and "Savage".
May Chest
It seems like the Monthly Chest on the store hasn't been updated in quite a while. With the next reset, the May Chest will be available with tons of new and revamped loot.
Blackmarket Rework
The blackmarket currently doesn't serve too much of a purpose on Factions, it'll be reworked to contain tons of new items such as Tags, Genbuckets, EXP Bombs, Money Pouches, and more!
We're aware of the bugs currently present, and will work our hardest to get them all fixed for next map. If I listed each and every single planned bug fix this post would go on for way too long, however a complete list will be in the reset post.
Prison will follow Factions in a reset the week after, read below to find the content updates happening! Similar to Factions, a full post will be released closer to the actual reset with extensive details.
Your concerns have been heard regarding full inventories! Pets will have their own separate backpacks when necessary to carry items dropped for you instead of putting it directly into your inventory. This means that shift-right-clicking the Boxer or Panda pet will open a GUI with all of the items collected for you.
Vote Parties
Every time 200 votes have been reached, a vote party on the server will begin. This will give every player on the server loot far better than normal voting rewards.
Bosses Rework
Each free world (Normal, Nether, and End) will all have their own unique boss. The vanilla world boss will be an Iron Golem, the nether boss will be a Wither, and the end boss will be an Enderman. Each will have different abilities and work in a similar way to the current Iron Golem boss in the Nether free world.
End Dimension
Similar to the current two free worlds, Prestige 4 (or 5) will have access to a new world, the end dimension. This will have a 5k x 5k border and have a boss similar to the other two worlds.
For those of you that have stuck around since OPBlocks v1, we'll be adding back a candy that hasn't made an appearance in a while. Introducing... Jolly Ranchers. Jolly Ranchers will mine in a 3x3 area for you when used.
Similar to the current Factions map, you'll soon be able to unlock trails! These are particles that are constantly around you/follow you around, they'll make you look cool to everyone around you.
May Chest
It seems like the Monthly Chest on the store hasn't been updated in quite a while. With the next reset, the May Chest will be available with tons of new and revamped loot.
We're aware of the bugs currently present, and will work our hardest to get them all fixed for next map. If I listed each and every single planned bug fix this post would go on for way too long, however a complete list will be in the reset post.
I haven't looked too deeply into the state of Survival at the time I'm writing this post, however from the people I've spoken to regarding it, it seems to be mostly done. Once the Prison and Factions resets are out of the way, survival will follow as a brand new gamemode. More details about this will be out at a much closer time to release, which is weeks and weeks away.
Note: The list above for Factions and Prison is by no means comprehensive, content is subject to be added at any time from now to the reset, check the actual reset posts for complete details!
Thank you all for taking the time to read this post, and thank you to everyone that has stuck around OPBlocks for this long. We won't disappoint, stay tuned for our new resets (with advertisement of course
Best Regards,