So does everyone remember Kangaroooooooo. Well... He is better than me now XD. His new name is wvq and he now has a cps of 15 with perfect aim. Now I have amde an allinace/gang with 4 people so far. 69HD,wvq,EspanolGamer, And Newbornpvp/Firedroppvp. Now this means no one can join the gang but I would like to announce a recent advancement to this case. Wvq and I will now be hosting Sectors. This means that if someone makes a gang you can sign your gang up to be a sector and you will be able to go out as a team to participate in our Purges and our Build UHC tourneys. Now I hope everyone notices this and now let me tell you how to become a part of our sectors. People who comment on this thread will automatically sign up to be a leader of one of our sectors. Now this means ANYONE Can lead them ANYONE. All you have to do is have a cps (Clicks per Second) Higher than 3. I hope everyone realizes by now as in who am I. I am Larsulr1ch. I quit for 3 months and I have removed all of my rust and have improved alot. I was a 1700 in UHC so

. Am I good? Plz say yes. Have a good day. Smile more
P.s. Dont worry I know I dont make any sense right now dont worry