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Saying goodbye !


Active Member
hey OPBlockers,

So all of u guys know I'm not on a lot anymore so I'm going to tell u guys why I'm not on a lot anymore

Reason 1:
The community isn't what it hs been before it's not good anymore , yes candy came back but the old candies were better

Reason 2:
Donations people like me that donated more than 100$ and didn't know their e-mails etc or lost it just got a voucher of 15$ like 2k other people got that's not fair ! some people transferred the ranks to prime because they didn't want their money to go away Trkey never told us he was getting opblocks up again if he did a lot of people wouldn't have done the transfer

Reason 3:
The staff team,
It's a good team don't get e wrong but a lot of staff members barely come online and a lot of helpers got promoted yeah they work hard but my friend got staff he's the only EU and he's on the most does everything what he can he really deserves a promotion, not staff that didn't come on etc !

And I just don't enjoy it anymore because this is nothing compared to OPBlocksv1

I'm not leaving completely I will come on now and then to talk and ill be on the forums like before

So yeah bye guys !

@McPathos keep up the good work !
@Ouj i saw u got accepted good luck pall !


Dedicated Member
hmu on skype its NewBornPvP i hope we can play kit together :D it is terrible to see that you are leaving but pathos doesnt want to be promoted he is just getting into being a helper but i hope to see you on kit :( ill miss you


Active Member
Sad to see you go Strength, Enjoy your time wherever you find yourself going and always know you're always welcome at OPB :) <3