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Pig's Attempt at Out-Staff-Applicationing @xFlied


Infamous Member
First Name: Super

IGN: SuperPiggeh

IGN Nickname (if any): pig

Previous IGN/s:

1. SuperPig778: Ah yes, my first ever minecraft username. At the time as a young boy whos favorite animal was the pig and was really into superheros, I created my own fictional character known as Super Pig. He was like Superman, but, well, a pig. I created a long backstory for him which I have now forgotten but if I remembered I would gladly include here. Now you may be wondering what the 778 is for. Personally, 7 is my favorite number. I wanted to do SuperPig7, obviously, but that was taken, and can you believe it, so was SuperPig77! Next, I was going to try SuperPig777, but I then realized that the name SuperPig777 would go against my own moral code, as it promoted gambling which is not ok. I decided to 1 up that name (literally) and so I ended up with SuperPig778 as my official Minecraft username.

2. Lord_Of_The_Pugs: At about this time in my minecraft career, I grew weary of being a pig, and I wanted a changeup. So I became the next best thing: a pug. I wanted to maintain my feeling of superiority that SuperPig778 had. The "Super" really made me feel like a powerful, important person, and I wanted to stay that way. So I decided to become the lord of all pugs. I ruled over the pugs with an iron fist. My kingdom grew and grew and grew until all the world's pugs were under my command, building my nation. We were going to TAKE OVER THE WORLD, I TELL YOU! But before this could happen, I tragically had to change my name again.

3. SuperPig778: Super Pig heard of this evil pug lord's attempt to enslave pugs and rule the world, and had to do something about it. He flew off into the air in search of the pug lord's kingdom. After tireless days and nights of searching for this evildoer's whereabouts, he found the lord of the pugs nation. He flew right through the window of the throne room, grabbing the evil pug lord and slamming him against the opposite wall. Super Pig reached for a pen on the pug lord's desk, and was about to take a stab at the pug lord, who quickly hit Super Pig with a leg sweep, catching the pen midair and using it to stab our hero. Luckily he barely missed the heart, and Super Pig was able to pull through, grabbing the pug lords neck as he stood up. He hit the evil mastermind with a chokeslam and a german suplex, and proceeded to hit his finishing manouver, the Attitude Adjustment, on the lord of pugs, who lay there, broken, defeated. Super Pig locked him up and went to free all the enslaved pugs before leaving to take care of other business.

4. Mr_Ficklestein: A grumpy old man who lived in the neighborhood of the pug lord and Super Pig heard the racket made by the epic battle between pug lord and Super Pig, and he got cranky. He put down his newspaper and his prune juice, grabbed his cane, and walked outside waving it, saying "You darn kids get off my property!", before realizing there were no children in sight. Off in the distance, he could hear yelling and saw an explosion in the pug lord's castle. He saw Super Pig flying away from the scene, and he swore to get his revenge on Super Pig for making a racket at any cost. He yelled, "Hey up there! I need to have a word with you young man, please descend at your earliest convenience!". Super Pig did so, and the old man proceeded to slap Super Pig with his cane. The cane broke across Super Pig's cheek, and Super Pig responded with his finishing manouver, the Attitude Adjustment, to Mr Ficklestein, who was never heard from again.

5. SuperPig778: After the epic battles with the Pug Lord and Mr Ficklestein, Super Pig returned home to relax for a while before his next outgoing.

6. EzafPig: At the time, my friends and I wanted to have group names. We saw youtubers such as the Faze clan with names like these, so we were inspired. After days, weeks, even, of attempting to come up with a clan name, we decided on Ezaf, which was Faze spelled backwards. Obviously, me, being Super Pig, had to be EzafPig.

7. EzafCloroxBleach: My young, immature, adolescent self was entranced by the "clorox bleach" meme going around at the time. The reckless young man I was thought that suicide was funny! That's absolutely unacceptable and I've been repenting for my sins ever since. As soon as I realized how distasteful this name was, I was ashamed and went to change it immediately after saying my prayers and asking for forgiveness from our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

8. EzafPig: This was the result of my attempt to repent for the sin of naming myself "EzafCloroxBleach".

9. SuperPigg__: At the time, I had made new friends, completely unrelated to my old friends in the Ezaf clan. They all had matching names with the format "Name followed by a duplicate of the last letter, followed by two underscores." To follow this format, I was required to change my name to SuperPigg__ to be initiated into their socie- I mean, cult- I mean, friend group, yes!

10. PvPSucker_Noob: Much like SuperPiggeh, I was following a name format to match with a new friend, completely unrelated to my past 2 friend groups. This particular format was "Activity you enjoy, followed by your skill level at said activity, followed by a single underscore and your status as a partaker in such activity." And so PvPSucker_Noob was born.

11. SuperPiggeh: At last, we reach my current name. I was running out of variants for the Super Pig name, and as a 13 year old who played multiplayer minecraft, I of course thought that adding an H to the end of my name was a cute thing to do. And so I did. I lived with this name for a very long time until we come to a stage of my life I am not proud of, but I will tell you the story anyways.

12. HumanNotPig: This was me, finally growing tired of being a pig (again). Remembering the incident with the lord of the pugs the last time this happened, I decided not to give myself a position of power, but rather a commoner title such as "Human". Nothing special. I had no evil intentions to take over the world, I was just a normal guy trying to live life. But I wasn't. It was all a lie. I was Super Pig this whole time. I just covered it up and once again I said my prayers and asked for forgiveness from our lord and savior Jesus Christ before finally returning to SuperPiggeh.

Age: Age is just a number, isn't it?

Timezone: PST

Primary Gamemode: Factiions

Why would you like to be a staff member?

I would like to be a staff member mainly for my entertainment skills. If you read all the backstories behind all of my names, you will have seen I am an exceptional storyteller. The current staff team are able to to their jobs well enough, but none of them can really excite and entertain the players like me. I also offer cookies and $20 paypal if you choose to accept me.

What makes you stand out over other applicants?

Like I said, cookies and $20 paypal. Also I'm a pig. A Super Pig.

How active are you on the server? Describe your typical availability.

At the moment I play about 1 hour every week because I have better things to do than be playing such a generic server as this.

What previous experience do you have with server moderation? If none, leave blank.

I was helper and moderator on the overpowered blocks network for the amount of time listed in my signature.

When did you join OPBlocks?

When my favorite god- I mean youtuber, MrCrainer uploaded his first video here.

Do you have any previous punishments on any server/s? If so, explain.

Of course not! I am a strong catholic man who believes in a zero-wrongdoing policy and I have busted my backside doing my very best to follow every single rule I've ever been given.

Are you able to record in viewable quality?


How many applications have you made prior to this? What date?

I dont remember the dates but I have made 2 previous, obviously INFERIOR applications before this one. The first which was accepted, and the second which was denied by a corrupt admin who was mad at me because his ecrush had an ecrush on me, and he still held that against me, and decided to deny my application. He claimed it was because of maturity, but the months leading up to that application I had made sure my maturity was at a staff-material level. When I confronted him about this, I received no answer. further reinforcing my belief that this was a grudge denial.

Anything else?



You notice the server is offline. What do you do?

I panic and run around in circles screaming for help until my mother comes and makes it all better.

You are arguing with a player who starts attacking you. What do you do?

I instantly give them a permanent ban from the network for hurting my feelings.

You catch a friend breaking the rules. How would you approach this situation?

Say "lol" and ignore it.

If a rule has been broken but is not fully explained, what will you do?

I will do nothing because I'm too afraid to make mistakes.

Thank you all for reading my staff application and I hope you have a wonderful day.


Dedicated Member
Alright pig so you wish to take a step in the ring? Alright then I'll start grading...

1. SuperPig778 - Out of the gate, the first thing that we're hit with when reading this piece is a wave of disappointment. We see that we cannot have the lore behind SuperPig, but are told that such lore exists. I'll get back to this point later. Clearly, you were a good-hearted Christian against gambling back in the day (as you still are now) which I am proud of. Here's where the previous point comes back to life. Now we have one piece of the puzzle, we know that this superhero (superpig778) is a strong Christian. Going solely based off of this fact, SuperPig778 is now shrouded in almost an air of mystery, and his true backstory is left to the reader. I do quite enjoy a good mystery, so that scores points in my books. If you may, maybe begin writing a new backstory for SuperPig778 based on the experiences you've had in life so far, maybe one day you will remember the original backstory for SuperPig778 and can see how much you've grown over time. Now that the name is done, lets move on to the personal character in the name. You liked pigs and also Christian Super Heroes, so you made a superman-esque "Fellow Against Gambling." This clearly shows good moral character as you wanted to be a person who saves people from the troubles of life (specifically in the casino). Although SuperPig778 was not you, it was easy to tell that you were not trying to become SuperPig778 and were staying quite far away from the levels of obsession other people might have been caught up in. SuperPig778 is clearly just a character you created while wanting to enjoy life, something to help you get out of the trap that is The American Dream. Overall, this name displays both an air of good mystery and foresight as a writer and also the childlike innocence of an innocent child. +2 for multiple criteria being met, bravo.

2. Lord_Of_The_Pugs - For this piece I am going to start with the personal character. Upon playing with the character known as SuperPig778 for a bit, you liked the power that came with the name. Specifically being a superpig. But, the character you created would not give you what you wanted, SuperPig778 was too nice as he used all of his power for the good, giving you no chance to relish in the satisfaction of being over someone. In order to gain power, you decided to become another character, a hardcore gambling addict named Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Just being "Super" wasn't enough for you anymore, you needed power. Not physical power, as you had plenty of that as SuperPig778, but ruling power. You became someone that Jesus would not like and attempted at taking over the world with an iron fist and poker chips. But luckily as satan was attempting to take over, Jesus forgave you and led you out of that nightmare that was Lord_Of_The_Pugs. You say that you "Tragically" had to change your name again, which I believe you should be wary of as you might one day relapse into another gambling phase. Lord_Of_The_Pugs is gone in name sense, but he still lurks in the depths of your heart. I'll have to give you a measly +.5 and re-warn you of the dangers of gambling and of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, "Go into the light, with Jesus, and be caught not in the dangers of Gambling and Satan, in that order." Corinthians 6:12. What this bible verse tells us is to not be mastered by our own vices, fight against Lord_Of_The_Pugs and whatever remnants may still lie deep in your heart. You may be tired of Jesus and being a pig, but Jesus is always there for you. I hope you realize that now, it was not a tragedy that you had to change your name, but a blessing from our lord himself, Amen.

3. The Return Of SuperPig778 - In order to fight against Satan, Gambling and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, Jesus led you back to the promised land as SuperPig778. There is nothing much to say here on the name except that it is clearly a battle between God (SuperPig778) and Satan (Lord_Of_The_Pugs), quite like an angel and a devil on your shoulders except instead of giving you advice they are battling to the death. Now onto the story bit that I see you've thrown in here. I won't be commenting much on the ongoing story, because I am here to grade names, but I will make some attempt to quantify my reaction and insights into the story. Just a side note, the side story has NEVER been a major part of the grading process. Names are more about personal growth than the growth of a made up character. Onto the story. The story opens with SuperPig778 going about his daily business, before being stopped by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus warns him of the ongoing machinations of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, and kindly asks SuperPig778 to help fight against this issue. Enraged by something such as this going on behind his back, SuperPig778 rushes to stop the evildoer Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Instead of the expected fighting against progressively strong henchmen until he finally reaches the "final boss," we are thrown directly into the action of the main character versus the main villain. Although this move by the author saved us from a lot of possible filler, cliches are cliche for a reason and we might receive a bit of metaphorical whiplash and are thrown directly into the action, and I do not know if this was intended by the author. Now, here's where I disagree with the story, instead of kindly asking Lord_Of_The_Pugs to stop his evil machinations and promoting gambling via his CS:GO gambling site, SuperPig778 does something slightly out of character and starts beating Lord_Of_The_Pugs right away. I do not know how much this tells about the author, but he (or she) may or may not be racist against pugs and has clearly failed to hide that here. For the sake of this post, I will take this minor point as being a thing of the times. SuperPig778 continues to act out of character, instead of trying to persuade Lord_Of_The_Pugs with bible verses to bring him back to the promised land, he reaches for a lethal weapon straight away. Although we know Lord_Of_The_Pugs was clearly evil, he almost appears to be the good guy in this scenario as he is merely defending himself. He sweep kicks SuperPig778's hand and takes the lethal weapon and stabs the SuperPig778. Although Lord_Of_The_Pugs is supposed to be seen as a villain because he greatly injured the hero, if you look at it from his point of view a random pig flew into his office one day and instantly began attacking him. Startled, he stabs our hero in self defense. In this scene where no gambling takes place, Lord_Of_The_Pugs is painted in a more positive light than SuperPig778. SuperPig778 survives the stab and proceeds to WWE the **** out of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, leaving him a broken mess when he is done with him. This is a possible callback as to how we all have demons inside of us, no matter how righteous we are. Instead of busting through the window bible in hand preaching like a normal person, SuperPig778 is overtaken by rage after hearing Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions and attacks him right away, giving him no chance for a redemption arc. SuperPig778 is clearly a more brutal character than we were led to believe in the first name. Although a peaceful solution would've been easy if SuperPig778 had just given his classic anti-gambling speech, he shows corruption, giving the villain no chance whatsoever. Even the greatest heroes can fall one day. I will have to give this another +.5 as there is a clear showing of the Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions rubbing off on SuperPig778.

4. Mr_Ficklestein - There is literally no reason I can see as to why you chose this name, nor is it ever explained. A -1 is clear, but I will still have to give a minor overview of the story, just so you can't say I didn't try. Mr_Ficklestein, although a grumpy old man, clearly has a good heart. He hears a massive racket going on outside and goes to check it out. He assumes that there are kids playing on his lawn again, and proceeds to yell out before realizing that there are no kids out there. He does however, see our corrupt hero SuperPig778 flying away, and beckons for him to come down. Because Mr_Ficklestein heard what was going on between SuperPig778 and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, he saw the corruption that SuperPig778 was falling into and a possible thing Mr_Ficklestein might have said is "Hey kid, I know the temptations of abusing your powers are strong, you shouldn't turn down that road, you can still be saved." However, despite his attempts of helping out, SuperPig778 jumps straight to violence yet again, presumably killing Mr_Ficklestein, cementing his damnation straight to hell. Although it is true that we can all be saved from the throes of violence and gambling, no growth is ever shown again in this character. He refused Mr_Ficklestein's help although he was possibly a messenger sent from Jesus himself to lead SuperPig778 back on the right track.

5. SuperPig778 - As now Lord_Of_The_Pugs is locked up and Mr_Ficklestein is now gone, SuperPig778 now rests, without realizing that he has become the villain.A possible theory of mine is that SuperPig778 is still out there, but we only saw him once. SuperPig778 is still a strong Christian. How can I explain the needless violence and gambling then? Easy, SuperPig777. That's right, SuperPig778 was only seen in the first name before deciding to leave. He never came back and was instead replaced by SuperPig777, in the guise of SuperPig778. This is the only way I could possibly fathom for SuperPig778's character to be saved. Although we now see the return of SuperPig778 in namesake, instead of it being a battle of God vs Satan, it is merely Satan in the guise of God pretending to fight himself. It'll have to be a -1 from me as SuperPig778 is not being used in a positive light.

6. EzafPig - The Clan Days. Most of us have went through clan days, even I have gone through a minor clan phase, but I do not know if the prename "x" can be counted as a true clan. That's right, BQ1 never really happened, that was all just a bad dream, "x"Flied was my only minor experience with clans. The name "Ezaf" is not that bad of a name, as I have seen much worse. At least there is a double meaning instead of just going for the coolest sounding name. The double meaning is of course, calling yourself easy as frick (presumably at the game) and also being backwards Faze. Faze was massive back in the day, as were clans, so no fault can be seen in this name. This was also the moment where you truly solidified yourself as a pig instead of flipping back and forth between characters. Overall, it is a decent clan name and you found your true calling as a pig, +1.

7. EzafCloroxBleach - Although you clearly have repented for this name in the present, I will still have to give it a -1 and I do not believe I need to explain why. But I will anyway. Suicide memes are as you stated, not funny. Someone might see your name (and also the memes ongoing at the time) and attempted to drink some bleach, even if they're not suicidal but merely curious as to what it tastes like. Not only are you killing yourself by doing that, you're also giving yourself one of the most painful deaths imaginable, burning yourself from the inside out. There is no need to gamble by attempting this, as we already know gambling only leads to bad things. Now onto the meme part of the name. Memes die fast, incredibly fast. There is no good reason to ever name yourself after a meme as you will quickly need to change it when it goes out of style, else people will avoid you for being outdated.

8. EzafPig - Whether it be that you realized your mistake or the haha funny suicide meme just went out of season, you changed your name back to EzafPig. This will be a +0 as I too would change my name back as soon as possible, if I had a meme name.

9. SuperPigg__ - Here we see a new iteration of SuperPig778, although this time there are no ongoing battles against gambling. As your identity was now SuperPig (as just being called Pig is too general and you obviously can't still use the clan tag you left behind) you used that as the basis of your name. I'll give you a +1 as you're going back to your superpig roots, but I can only hope that this SuperPig is the a more advanced version of SuperPig778 and not SuperPig777, as we all dread the possibility of that Satanistic gambling addict coming back.

10. PvPSucker_Noob - The idea behind the name was below average at best and your execution was also bad. An activity followed by your skill in said activity, there are really onto two skill levels you can fit into most names. You can't do Parkour_Intermediate as that name is clearly past the 16 character limit, you could only do Parkour_Pro or Parkour_Noob, MAYBE Parkour_Adept. That's why the idea was bad, but here is why the execution was bad. Your activity was clearly sucking at pvp, which you do a really good job at. The two viable names you could've chosen for the PvP Category would've either been Pvp_Noob or PvPSucker_Pro, as you are a professional at sucking in pvp. Being named PvPSucker_Noob without knowing the format would of course portray you as a pvp noob as you are merely restating your skill level twice. However, knowing the format, PvPSucker_Noob makes it appear that you are actually good at pvp, which you are not. You are not a noob at sucking at pvp, but a professional. -1

11. SuperPiggeh - This is the name I believe most people on the server know you by, and I can say by far it is your best name. You decide to double down on the SuperPig market and become SuperPiggeh (as SuperPiggie/SuperPiggy both suck). I can only rate this a a good decision and I will not go into much depth. However, I am under contractual obligation to make all my paragraphs longer than your corresponding paragraphs, so I will continue to type until that quota is filled. As you fail to list it, your name is currently SuperPiggeh as you decided that this was the best name you could get, and I somewhat agree. This is probably the epitome of the SuperPig line of names, so in order to get a superior name you would have to completely rebrand. +1

12. HumanNotPig - I agree with the sentiment that you wanted to be a normal person for a while, a troupe I always enjoy whenever it appears is an overpowered character just enjoying life in whatever situation the author of their story decides to put them in. You say that it was a lie and that you needed to go back to being SuperPiggeh, but you are at no fault whatsoever. We all go through ups and downs in our lives, and wanting a break is nowhere near as bad of an issue as gambling. Now had you continued your human lifestyle, that would have been a problem as there were people out there dying and even worse, gambling. But you didn't stay down, you came back up with the help of Jesus. We often forget that despite our heroes having powers beyond our belief, they too sometimes need rest. They can't be on duty every waking moment of their life. A break was much needed for our hero SuperPiggeh, and I believe that he came back refreshed and ready to go. "If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." ~Abraham Lincoln. If you go into life with a dull axe, you may be able to save one or two people from gambling, but if you go in there sharp and refreshed not only can you save people faster but you can also spread the word of Jesus Christ for longer. +1.

Tally up: 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 0 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 -4* = A total score of... -1!
*-4 for 4 names skipped, went back to SuperPig778 but didn't write so, then after SuperPiggeh came PiggehTakesFatLs, then back to SuperPiggeh, and also the most recent name change back to SuperPiggeh was never given info on.

So the question on your mind is "Did I out Flied the Fliedster?" and the short answer is no. Nobody can out-Flied the Fliedster. The long answer why one cannot out-Flied the Fliedster, aside from the obvious gap of skill, is because you doubled down on the story aspect and forgot to give reasons for many of your names, even skipping some! We may be able to get the full story of SuperPig778, but we missed out on the full story about you, and that's what the application is truly about.
[doublepost=1587531019,1587530931][/doublepost]I have given you an optimistic rating because you were truly too optimistic about your skills, thinking you could outdo me.


Well-Known Member
5. SuperPig778: After the epic battles with the Pug Lord and Mr Ficklestein, Super Pig returned home to relax for a while before his next outgoing.

6. EzafPig: At the time, my friends and I wanted to have group names. We saw youtubers such as the Faze clan with names like these, so we were inspired. After days, weeks, even, of attempting to come up with a clan name, we decided on Ezaf, which was Faze spelled backwards. Obviously, me, being Super Pig, had to be EzafPig.

8. EzafPig: This was the result of my attempt to repent for the sin of naming myself "EzafCloroxBleach".

9. SuperPigg__: At the time, I had made new friends, completely unrelated to my old friends in the Ezaf clan. They all had matching names with the format "Name followed by a duplicate of the last letter, followed by two underscores." To follow this format, I was required to change my name to SuperPigg__ to be initiated into their socie- I mean, cult- I mean, friend group, yes!

10. PvPSucker_Noob: Much like SuperPiggeh, I was following a name format to match with a new friend, completely unrelated to my past 2 friend groups. This particular format was "Activity you enjoy, followed by your skill level at said activity, followed by a single underscore and your status as a partaker in such activity." And so PvPSucker_Noob was born.

11. SuperPiggeh: At last, we reach my current name. I was running out of variants for the Super Pig name, and as a 13 year old who played multiplayer minecraft, I of course thought that adding an H to the end of my name was a cute thing to do. And so I did. I lived with this name for a very long time until we come to a stage of my life I am not proud of, but I will tell you the story anyways.
I understand this may have only taken 3 minutes but I still think these areas could use with some beefing up.

Decent guy tho just gonna leave a +0.5 for now.
Alright pig so you wish to take a step in the ring? Alright then I'll start grading...

1. SuperPig778 - Out of the gate, the first thing that we're hit with when reading this piece is a wave of disappointment. We see that we cannot have the lore behind SuperPig, but are told that such lore exists. I'll get back to this point later. Clearly, you were a good-hearted Christian against gambling back in the day (as you still are now) which I am proud of. Here's where the previous point comes back to life. Now we have one piece of the puzzle, we know that this superhero (superpig778) is a strong Christian. Going solely based off of this fact, SuperPig778 is now shrouded in almost an air of mystery, and his true backstory is left to the reader. I do quite enjoy a good mystery, so that scores points in my books. If you may, maybe begin writing a new backstory for SuperPig778 based on the experiences you've had in life so far, maybe one day you will remember the original backstory for SuperPig778 and can see how much you've grown over time. Now that the name is done, lets move on to the personal character in the name. You liked pigs and also Christian Super Heroes, so you made a superman-esque "Fellow Against Gambling." This clearly shows good moral character as you wanted to be a person who saves people from the troubles of life (specifically in the casino). Although SuperPig778 was not you, it was easy to tell that you were not trying to become SuperPig778 and were staying quite far away from the levels of obsession other people might have been caught up in. SuperPig778 is clearly just a character you created while wanting to enjoy life, something to help you get out of the trap that is The American Dream. Overall, this name displays both an air of good mystery and foresight as a writer and also the childlike innocence of an innocent child. +2 for multiple criteria being met, bravo.

2. Lord_Of_The_Pugs - For this piece I am going to start with the personal character. Upon playing with the character known as SuperPig778 for a bit, you liked the power that came with the name. Specifically being a superpig. But, the character you created would not give you what you wanted, SuperPig778 was too nice as he used all of his power for the good, giving you no chance to relish in the satisfaction of being over someone. In order to gain power, you decided to become another character, a hardcore gambling addict named Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Just being "Super" wasn't enough for you anymore, you needed power. Not physical power, as you had plenty of that as SuperPig778, but ruling power. You became someone that Jesus would not like and attempted at taking over the world with an iron fist and poker chips. But luckily as satan was attempting to take over, Jesus forgave you and led you out of that nightmare that was Lord_Of_The_Pugs. You say that you "Tragically" had to change your name again, which I believe you should be wary of as you might one day relapse into another gambling phase. Lord_Of_The_Pugs is gone in name sense, but he still lurks in the depths of your heart. I'll have to give you a measly +.5 and re-warn you of the dangers of gambling and of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, "Go into the light, with Jesus, and be caught not in the dangers of Gambling and Satan, in that order." Corinthians 6:12. What this bible verse tells us is to not be mastered by our own vices, fight against Lord_Of_The_Pugs and whatever remnants may still lie deep in your heart. You may be tired of Jesus and being a pig, but Jesus is always there for you. I hope you realize that now, it was not a tragedy that you had to change your name, but a blessing from our lord himself, Amen.

3. The Return Of SuperPig778 - In order to fight against Satan, Gambling and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, Jesus led you back to the promised land as SuperPig778. There is nothing much to say here on the name except that it is clearly a battle between God (SuperPig778) and Satan (Lord_Of_The_Pugs), quite like an angel and a devil on your shoulders except instead of giving you advice they are battling to the death. Now onto the story bit that I see you've thrown in here. I won't be commenting much on the ongoing story, because I am here to grade names, but I will make some attempt to quantify my reaction and insights into the story. Just a side note, the side story has NEVER been a major part of the grading process. Names are more about personal growth than the growth of a made up character. Onto the story. The story opens with SuperPig778 going about his daily business, before being stopped by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus warns him of the ongoing machinations of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, and kindly asks SuperPig778 to help fight against this issue. Enraged by something such as this going on behind his back, SuperPig778 rushes to stop the evildoer Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Instead of the expected fighting against progressively strong henchmen until he finally reaches the "final boss," we are thrown directly into the action of the main character versus the main villain. Although this move by the author saved us from a lot of possible filler, cliches are cliche for a reason and we might receive a bit of metaphorical whiplash and are thrown directly into the action, and I do not know if this was intended by the author. Now, here's where I disagree with the story, instead of kindly asking Lord_Of_The_Pugs to stop his evil machinations and promoting gambling via his CS:GO gambling site, SuperPig778 does something slightly out of character and starts beating Lord_Of_The_Pugs right away. I do not know how much this tells about the author, but he (or she) may or may not be racist against pugs and has clearly failed to hide that here. For the sake of this post, I will take this minor point as being a thing of the times. SuperPig778 continues to act out of character, instead of trying to persuade Lord_Of_The_Pugs with bible verses to bring him back to the promised land, he reaches for a lethal weapon straight away. Although we know Lord_Of_The_Pugs was clearly evil, he almost appears to be the good guy in this scenario as he is merely defending himself. He sweep kicks SuperPig778's hand and takes the lethal weapon and stabs the SuperPig778. Although Lord_Of_The_Pugs is supposed to be seen as a villain because he greatly injured the hero, if you look at it from his point of view a random pig flew into his office one day and instantly began attacking him. Startled, he stabs our hero in self defense. In this scene where no gambling takes place, Lord_Of_The_Pugs is painted in a more positive light than SuperPig778. SuperPig778 survives the stab and proceeds to WWE the **** out of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, leaving him a broken mess when he is done with him. This is a possible callback as to how we all have demons inside of us, no matter how righteous we are. Instead of busting through the window bible in hand preaching like a normal person, SuperPig778 is overtaken by rage after hearing Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions and attacks him right away, giving him no chance for a redemption arc. SuperPig778 is clearly a more brutal character than we were led to believe in the first name. Although a peaceful solution would've been easy if SuperPig778 had just given his classic anti-gambling speech, he shows corruption, giving the villain no chance whatsoever. Even the greatest heroes can fall one day. I will have to give this another +.5 as there is a clear showing of the Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions rubbing off on SuperPig778.

4. Mr_Ficklestein - There is literally no reason I can see as to why you chose this name, nor is it ever explained. A -1 is clear, but I will still have to give a minor overview of the story, just so you can't say I didn't try. Mr_Ficklestein, although a grumpy old man, clearly has a good heart. He hears a massive racket going on outside and goes to check it out. He assumes that there are kids playing on his lawn again, and proceeds to yell out before realizing that there are no kids out there. He does however, see our corrupt hero SuperPig778 flying away, and beckons for him to come down. Because Mr_Ficklestein heard what was going on between SuperPig778 and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, he saw the corruption that SuperPig778 was falling into and a possible thing Mr_Ficklestein might have said is "Hey kid, I know the temptations of abusing your powers are strong, you shouldn't turn down that road, you can still be saved." However, despite his attempts of helping out, SuperPig778 jumps straight to violence yet again, presumably killing Mr_Ficklestein, cementing his damnation straight to hell. Although it is true that we can all be saved from the throes of violence and gambling, no growth is ever shown again in this character. He refused Mr_Ficklestein's help although he was possibly a messenger sent from Jesus himself to lead SuperPig778 back on the right track.

5. SuperPig778 - As now Lord_Of_The_Pugs is locked up and Mr_Ficklestein is now gone, SuperPig778 now rests, without realizing that he has become the villain.A possible theory of mine is that SuperPig778 is still out there, but we only saw him once. SuperPig778 is still a strong Christian. How can I explain the needless violence and gambling then? Easy, SuperPig777. That's right, SuperPig778 was only seen in the first name before deciding to leave. He never came back and was instead replaced by SuperPig777, in the guise of SuperPig778. This is the only way I could possibly fathom for SuperPig778's character to be saved. Although we now see the return of SuperPig778 in namesake, instead of it being a battle of God vs Satan, it is merely Satan in the guise of God pretending to fight himself. It'll have to be a -1 from me as SuperPig778 is not being used in a positive light.

6. EzafPig - The Clan Days. Most of us have went through clan days, even I have gone through a minor clan phase, but I do not know if the prename "x" can be counted as a true clan. That's right, BQ1 never really happened, that was all just a bad dream, "x"Flied was my only minor experience with clans. The name "Ezaf" is not that bad of a name, as I have seen much worse. At least there is a double meaning instead of just going for the coolest sounding name. The double meaning is of course, calling yourself easy as frick (presumably at the game) and also being backwards Faze. Faze was massive back in the day, as were clans, so no fault can be seen in this name. This was also the moment where you truly solidified yourself as a pig instead of flipping back and forth between characters. Overall, it is a decent clan name and you found your true calling as a pig, +1.

7. EzafCloroxBleach - Although you clearly have repented for this name in the present, I will still have to give it a -1 and I do not believe I need to explain why. But I will anyway. Suicide memes are as you stated, not funny. Someone might see your name (and also the memes ongoing at the time) and attempted to drink some bleach, even if they're not suicidal but merely curious as to what it tastes like. Not only are you killing yourself by doing that, you're also giving yourself one of the most painful deaths imaginable, burning yourself from the inside out. There is no need to gamble by attempting this, as we already know gambling only leads to bad things. Now onto the meme part of the name. Memes die fast, incredibly fast. There is no good reason to ever name yourself after a meme as you will quickly need to change it when it goes out of style, else people will avoid you for being outdated.

8. EzafPig - Whether it be that you realized your mistake or the haha funny suicide meme just went out of season, you changed your name back to EzafPig. This will be a +0 as I too would change my name back as soon as possible, if I had a meme name.

9. SuperPigg__ - Here we see a new iteration of SuperPig778, although this time there are no ongoing battles against gambling. As your identity was now SuperPig (as just being called Pig is too general and you obviously can't still use the clan tag you left behind) you used that as the basis of your name. I'll give you a +1 as you're going back to your superpig roots, but I can only hope that this SuperPig is the a more advanced version of SuperPig778 and not SuperPig777, as we all dread the possibility of that Satanistic gambling addict coming back.

10. PvPSucker_Noob - The idea behind the name was below average at best and your execution was also bad. An activity followed by your skill in said activity, there are really onto two skill levels you can fit into most names. You can't do Parkour_Intermediate as that name is clearly past the 16 character limit, you could only do Parkour_Pro or Parkour_Noob, MAYBE Parkour_Adept. That's why the idea was bad, but here is why the execution was bad. Your activity was clearly sucking at pvp, which you do a really good job at. The two viable names you could've chosen for the PvP Category would've either been Pvp_Noob or PvPSucker_Pro, as you are a professional at sucking in pvp. Being named PvPSucker_Noob without knowing the format would of course portray you as a pvp noob as you are merely restating your skill level twice. However, knowing the format, PvPSucker_Noob makes it appear that you are actually good at pvp, which you are not. You are not a noob at sucking at pvp, but a professional. -1

11. SuperPiggeh - This is the name I believe most people on the server know you by, and I can say by far it is your best name. You decide to double down on the SuperPig market and become SuperPiggeh (as SuperPiggie/SuperPiggy both suck). I can only rate this a a good decision and I will not go into much depth. However, I am under contractual obligation to make all my paragraphs longer than your corresponding paragraphs, so I will continue to type until that quota is filled. As you fail to list it, your name is currently SuperPiggeh as you decided that this was the best name you could get, and I somewhat agree. This is probably the epitome of the SuperPig line of names, so in order to get a superior name you would have to completely rebrand. +1

12. HumanNotPig - I agree with the sentiment that you wanted to be a normal person for a while, a troupe I always enjoy whenever it appears is an overpowered character just enjoying life in whatever situation the author of their story decides to put them in. You say that it was a lie and that you needed to go back to being SuperPiggeh, but you are at no fault whatsoever. We all go through ups and downs in our lives, and wanting a break is nowhere near as bad of an issue as gambling. Now had you continued your human lifestyle, that would have been a problem as there were people out there dying and even worse, gambling. But you didn't stay down, you came back up with the help of Jesus. We often forget that despite our heroes having powers beyond our belief, they too sometimes need rest. They can't be on duty every waking moment of their life. A break was much needed for our hero SuperPiggeh, and I believe that he came back refreshed and ready to go. "If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." ~Abraham Lincoln. If you go into life with a dull axe, you may be able to save one or two people from gambling, but if you go in there sharp and refreshed not only can you save people faster but you can also spread the word of Jesus Christ for longer. +1.

Tally up: 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 0 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 -4* = A total score of... -1!
*-4 for 4 names skipped, went back to SuperPig778 but didn't write so, then after SuperPiggeh came PiggehTakesFatLs, then back to SuperPiggeh, and also the most recent name change back to SuperPiggeh was never given info on.

So the question on your mind is "Did I out Flied the Fliedster?" and the short answer is no. Nobody can out-Flied the Fliedster. The long answer why one cannot out-Flied the Fliedster, aside from the obvious gap of skill, is because you doubled down on the story aspect and forgot to give reasons for many of your names, even skipping some! We may be able to get the full story of SuperPig778, but we missed out on the full story about you, and that's what the application is truly about.
[doublepost=1587531019,1587530931][/doublepost]I have given you an optimistic rating because you were truly too optimistic about your skills, thinking you could outdo me.
Effort +1


Infamous Member
I understand this may have only taken 3 minutes but I still think these areas could use with some beefing up.

Decent guy tho just gonna leave a +0.5 for now.
This took me an hour but ok
Alright pig so you wish to take a step in the ring? Alright then I'll start grading...

1. SuperPig778 - Out of the gate, the first thing that we're hit with when reading this piece is a wave of disappointment. We see that we cannot have the lore behind SuperPig, but are told that such lore exists. I'll get back to this point later. Clearly, you were a good-hearted Christian against gambling back in the day (as you still are now) which I am proud of. Here's where the previous point comes back to life. Now we have one piece of the puzzle, we know that this superhero (superpig778) is a strong Christian. Going solely based off of this fact, SuperPig778 is now shrouded in almost an air of mystery, and his true backstory is left to the reader. I do quite enjoy a good mystery, so that scores points in my books. If you may, maybe begin writing a new backstory for SuperPig778 based on the experiences you've had in life so far, maybe one day you will remember the original backstory for SuperPig778 and can see how much you've grown over time. Now that the name is done, lets move on to the personal character in the name. You liked pigs and also Christian Super Heroes, so you made a superman-esque "Fellow Against Gambling." This clearly shows good moral character as you wanted to be a person who saves people from the troubles of life (specifically in the casino). Although SuperPig778 was not you, it was easy to tell that you were not trying to become SuperPig778 and were staying quite far away from the levels of obsession other people might have been caught up in. SuperPig778 is clearly just a character you created while wanting to enjoy life, something to help you get out of the trap that is The American Dream. Overall, this name displays both an air of good mystery and foresight as a writer and also the childlike innocence of an innocent child. +2 for multiple criteria being met, bravo.

2. Lord_Of_The_Pugs - For this piece I am going to start with the personal character. Upon playing with the character known as SuperPig778 for a bit, you liked the power that came with the name. Specifically being a superpig. But, the character you created would not give you what you wanted, SuperPig778 was too nice as he used all of his power for the good, giving you no chance to relish in the satisfaction of being over someone. In order to gain power, you decided to become another character, a hardcore gambling addict named Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Just being "Super" wasn't enough for you anymore, you needed power. Not physical power, as you had plenty of that as SuperPig778, but ruling power. You became someone that Jesus would not like and attempted at taking over the world with an iron fist and poker chips. But luckily as satan was attempting to take over, Jesus forgave you and led you out of that nightmare that was Lord_Of_The_Pugs. You say that you "Tragically" had to change your name again, which I believe you should be wary of as you might one day relapse into another gambling phase. Lord_Of_The_Pugs is gone in name sense, but he still lurks in the depths of your heart. I'll have to give you a measly +.5 and re-warn you of the dangers of gambling and of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, "Go into the light, with Jesus, and be caught not in the dangers of Gambling and Satan, in that order." Corinthians 6:12. What this bible verse tells us is to not be mastered by our own vices, fight against Lord_Of_The_Pugs and whatever remnants may still lie deep in your heart. You may be tired of Jesus and being a pig, but Jesus is always there for you. I hope you realize that now, it was not a tragedy that you had to change your name, but a blessing from our lord himself, Amen.

3. The Return Of SuperPig778 - In order to fight against Satan, Gambling and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, Jesus led you back to the promised land as SuperPig778. There is nothing much to say here on the name except that it is clearly a battle between God (SuperPig778) and Satan (Lord_Of_The_Pugs), quite like an angel and a devil on your shoulders except instead of giving you advice they are battling to the death. Now onto the story bit that I see you've thrown in here. I won't be commenting much on the ongoing story, because I am here to grade names, but I will make some attempt to quantify my reaction and insights into the story. Just a side note, the side story has NEVER been a major part of the grading process. Names are more about personal growth than the growth of a made up character. Onto the story. The story opens with SuperPig778 going about his daily business, before being stopped by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus warns him of the ongoing machinations of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, and kindly asks SuperPig778 to help fight against this issue. Enraged by something such as this going on behind his back, SuperPig778 rushes to stop the evildoer Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Instead of the expected fighting against progressively strong henchmen until he finally reaches the "final boss," we are thrown directly into the action of the main character versus the main villain. Although this move by the author saved us from a lot of possible filler, cliches are cliche for a reason and we might receive a bit of metaphorical whiplash and are thrown directly into the action, and I do not know if this was intended by the author. Now, here's where I disagree with the story, instead of kindly asking Lord_Of_The_Pugs to stop his evil machinations and promoting gambling via his CS:GO gambling site, SuperPig778 does something slightly out of character and starts beating Lord_Of_The_Pugs right away. I do not know how much this tells about the author, but he (or she) may or may not be racist against pugs and has clearly failed to hide that here. For the sake of this post, I will take this minor point as being a thing of the times. SuperPig778 continues to act out of character, instead of trying to persuade Lord_Of_The_Pugs with bible verses to bring him back to the promised land, he reaches for a lethal weapon straight away. Although we know Lord_Of_The_Pugs was clearly evil, he almost appears to be the good guy in this scenario as he is merely defending himself. He sweep kicks SuperPig778's hand and takes the lethal weapon and stabs the SuperPig778. Although Lord_Of_The_Pugs is supposed to be seen as a villain because he greatly injured the hero, if you look at it from his point of view a random pig flew into his office one day and instantly began attacking him. Startled, he stabs our hero in self defense. In this scene where no gambling takes place, Lord_Of_The_Pugs is painted in a more positive light than SuperPig778. SuperPig778 survives the stab and proceeds to WWE the **** out of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, leaving him a broken mess when he is done with him. This is a possible callback as to how we all have demons inside of us, no matter how righteous we are. Instead of busting through the window bible in hand preaching like a normal person, SuperPig778 is overtaken by rage after hearing Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions and attacks him right away, giving him no chance for a redemption arc. SuperPig778 is clearly a more brutal character than we were led to believe in the first name. Although a peaceful solution would've been easy if SuperPig778 had just given his classic anti-gambling speech, he shows corruption, giving the villain no chance whatsoever. Even the greatest heroes can fall one day. I will have to give this another +.5 as there is a clear showing of the Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions rubbing off on SuperPig778.

4. Mr_Ficklestein - There is literally no reason I can see as to why you chose this name, nor is it ever explained. A -1 is clear, but I will still have to give a minor overview of the story, just so you can't say I didn't try. Mr_Ficklestein, although a grumpy old man, clearly has a good heart. He hears a massive racket going on outside and goes to check it out. He assumes that there are kids playing on his lawn again, and proceeds to yell out before realizing that there are no kids out there. He does however, see our corrupt hero SuperPig778 flying away, and beckons for him to come down. Because Mr_Ficklestein heard what was going on between SuperPig778 and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, he saw the corruption that SuperPig778 was falling into and a possible thing Mr_Ficklestein might have said is "Hey kid, I know the temptations of abusing your powers are strong, you shouldn't turn down that road, you can still be saved." However, despite his attempts of helping out, SuperPig778 jumps straight to violence yet again, presumably killing Mr_Ficklestein, cementing his damnation straight to hell. Although it is true that we can all be saved from the throes of violence and gambling, no growth is ever shown again in this character. He refused Mr_Ficklestein's help although he was possibly a messenger sent from Jesus himself to lead SuperPig778 back on the right track.

5. SuperPig778 - As now Lord_Of_The_Pugs is locked up and Mr_Ficklestein is now gone, SuperPig778 now rests, without realizing that he has become the villain.A possible theory of mine is that SuperPig778 is still out there, but we only saw him once. SuperPig778 is still a strong Christian. How can I explain the needless violence and gambling then? Easy, SuperPig777. That's right, SuperPig778 was only seen in the first name before deciding to leave. He never came back and was instead replaced by SuperPig777, in the guise of SuperPig778. This is the only way I could possibly fathom for SuperPig778's character to be saved. Although we now see the return of SuperPig778 in namesake, instead of it being a battle of God vs Satan, it is merely Satan in the guise of God pretending to fight himself. It'll have to be a -1 from me as SuperPig778 is not being used in a positive light.

6. EzafPig - The Clan Days. Most of us have went through clan days, even I have gone through a minor clan phase, but I do not know if the prename "x" can be counted as a true clan. That's right, BQ1 never really happened, that was all just a bad dream, "x"Flied was my only minor experience with clans. The name "Ezaf" is not that bad of a name, as I have seen much worse. At least there is a double meaning instead of just going for the coolest sounding name. The double meaning is of course, calling yourself easy as frick (presumably at the game) and also being backwards Faze. Faze was massive back in the day, as were clans, so no fault can be seen in this name. This was also the moment where you truly solidified yourself as a pig instead of flipping back and forth between characters. Overall, it is a decent clan name and you found your true calling as a pig, +1.

7. EzafCloroxBleach - Although you clearly have repented for this name in the present, I will still have to give it a -1 and I do not believe I need to explain why. But I will anyway. Suicide memes are as you stated, not funny. Someone might see your name (and also the memes ongoing at the time) and attempted to drink some bleach, even if they're not suicidal but merely curious as to what it tastes like. Not only are you killing yourself by doing that, you're also giving yourself one of the most painful deaths imaginable, burning yourself from the inside out. There is no need to gamble by attempting this, as we already know gambling only leads to bad things. Now onto the meme part of the name. Memes die fast, incredibly fast. There is no good reason to ever name yourself after a meme as you will quickly need to change it when it goes out of style, else people will avoid you for being outdated.

8. EzafPig - Whether it be that you realized your mistake or the haha funny suicide meme just went out of season, you changed your name back to EzafPig. This will be a +0 as I too would change my name back as soon as possible, if I had a meme name.

9. SuperPigg__ - Here we see a new iteration of SuperPig778, although this time there are no ongoing battles against gambling. As your identity was now SuperPig (as just being called Pig is too general and you obviously can't still use the clan tag you left behind) you used that as the basis of your name. I'll give you a +1 as you're going back to your superpig roots, but I can only hope that this SuperPig is the a more advanced version of SuperPig778 and not SuperPig777, as we all dread the possibility of that Satanistic gambling addict coming back.

10. PvPSucker_Noob - The idea behind the name was below average at best and your execution was also bad. An activity followed by your skill in said activity, there are really onto two skill levels you can fit into most names. You can't do Parkour_Intermediate as that name is clearly past the 16 character limit, you could only do Parkour_Pro or Parkour_Noob, MAYBE Parkour_Adept. That's why the idea was bad, but here is why the execution was bad. Your activity was clearly sucking at pvp, which you do a really good job at. The two viable names you could've chosen for the PvP Category would've either been Pvp_Noob or PvPSucker_Pro, as you are a professional at sucking in pvp. Being named PvPSucker_Noob without knowing the format would of course portray you as a pvp noob as you are merely restating your skill level twice. However, knowing the format, PvPSucker_Noob makes it appear that you are actually good at pvp, which you are not. You are not a noob at sucking at pvp, but a professional. -1

11. SuperPiggeh - This is the name I believe most people on the server know you by, and I can say by far it is your best name. You decide to double down on the SuperPig market and become SuperPiggeh (as SuperPiggie/SuperPiggy both suck). I can only rate this a a good decision and I will not go into much depth. However, I am under contractual obligation to make all my paragraphs longer than your corresponding paragraphs, so I will continue to type until that quota is filled. As you fail to list it, your name is currently SuperPiggeh as you decided that this was the best name you could get, and I somewhat agree. This is probably the epitome of the SuperPig line of names, so in order to get a superior name you would have to completely rebrand. +1

12. HumanNotPig - I agree with the sentiment that you wanted to be a normal person for a while, a troupe I always enjoy whenever it appears is an overpowered character just enjoying life in whatever situation the author of their story decides to put them in. You say that it was a lie and that you needed to go back to being SuperPiggeh, but you are at no fault whatsoever. We all go through ups and downs in our lives, and wanting a break is nowhere near as bad of an issue as gambling. Now had you continued your human lifestyle, that would have been a problem as there were people out there dying and even worse, gambling. But you didn't stay down, you came back up with the help of Jesus. We often forget that despite our heroes having powers beyond our belief, they too sometimes need rest. They can't be on duty every waking moment of their life. A break was much needed for our hero SuperPiggeh, and I believe that he came back refreshed and ready to go. "If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." ~Abraham Lincoln. If you go into life with a dull axe, you may be able to save one or two people from gambling, but if you go in there sharp and refreshed not only can you save people faster but you can also spread the word of Jesus Christ for longer. +1.

Tally up: 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 0 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 -4* = A total score of... -1!
*-4 for 4 names skipped, went back to SuperPig778 but didn't write so, then after SuperPiggeh came PiggehTakesFatLs, then back to SuperPiggeh, and also the most recent name change back to SuperPiggeh was never given info on.

So the question on your mind is "Did I out Flied the Fliedster?" and the short answer is no. Nobody can out-Flied the Fliedster. The long answer why one cannot out-Flied the Fliedster, aside from the obvious gap of skill, is because you doubled down on the story aspect and forgot to give reasons for many of your names, even skipping some! We may be able to get the full story of SuperPig778, but we missed out on the full story about you, and that's what the application is truly about.
[doublepost=1587531019,1587530931][/doublepost]I have given you an optimistic rating because you were truly too optimistic about your skills, thinking you could outdo me.
Jesus christ, lesson learned, I shall bow to the master


Active Member
Alright pig so you wish to take a step in the ring? Alright then I'll start grading...

1. SuperPig778 - Out of the gate, the first thing that we're hit with when reading this piece is a wave of disappointment. We see that we cannot have the lore behind SuperPig, but are told that such lore exists. I'll get back to this point later. Clearly, you were a good-hearted Christian against gambling back in the day (as you still are now) which I am proud of. Here's where the previous point comes back to life. Now we have one piece of the puzzle, we know that this superhero (superpig778) is a strong Christian. Going solely based off of this fact, SuperPig778 is now shrouded in almost an air of mystery, and his true backstory is left to the reader. I do quite enjoy a good mystery, so that scores points in my books. If you may, maybe begin writing a new backstory for SuperPig778 based on the experiences you've had in life so far, maybe one day you will remember the original backstory for SuperPig778 and can see how much you've grown over time. Now that the name is done, lets move on to the personal character in the name. You liked pigs and also Christian Super Heroes, so you made a superman-esque "Fellow Against Gambling." This clearly shows good moral character as you wanted to be a person who saves people from the troubles of life (specifically in the casino). Although SuperPig778 was not you, it was easy to tell that you were not trying to become SuperPig778 and were staying quite far away from the levels of obsession other people might have been caught up in. SuperPig778 is clearly just a character you created while wanting to enjoy life, something to help you get out of the trap that is The American Dream. Overall, this name displays both an air of good mystery and foresight as a writer and also the childlike innocence of an innocent child. +2 for multiple criteria being met, bravo.

2. Lord_Of_The_Pugs - For this piece I am going to start with the personal character. Upon playing with the character known as SuperPig778 for a bit, you liked the power that came with the name. Specifically being a superpig. But, the character you created would not give you what you wanted, SuperPig778 was too nice as he used all of his power for the good, giving you no chance to relish in the satisfaction of being over someone. In order to gain power, you decided to become another character, a hardcore gambling addict named Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Just being "Super" wasn't enough for you anymore, you needed power. Not physical power, as you had plenty of that as SuperPig778, but ruling power. You became someone that Jesus would not like and attempted at taking over the world with an iron fist and poker chips. But luckily as satan was attempting to take over, Jesus forgave you and led you out of that nightmare that was Lord_Of_The_Pugs. You say that you "Tragically" had to change your name again, which I believe you should be wary of as you might one day relapse into another gambling phase. Lord_Of_The_Pugs is gone in name sense, but he still lurks in the depths of your heart. I'll have to give you a measly +.5 and re-warn you of the dangers of gambling and of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, "Go into the light, with Jesus, and be caught not in the dangers of Gambling and Satan, in that order." Corinthians 6:12. What this bible verse tells us is to not be mastered by our own vices, fight against Lord_Of_The_Pugs and whatever remnants may still lie deep in your heart. You may be tired of Jesus and being a pig, but Jesus is always there for you. I hope you realize that now, it was not a tragedy that you had to change your name, but a blessing from our lord himself, Amen.

That's longer than the entire staff app with
3. The Return Of SuperPig778 - In order to fight against Satan, Gambling and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, Jesus led you back to the promised land as SuperPig778. There is nothing much to say here on the name except that it is clearly a battle between God (SuperPig778) and Satan (Lord_Of_The_Pugs), quite like an angel and a devil on your shoulders except instead of giving you advice they are battling to the death. Now onto the story bit that I see you've thrown in here. I won't be commenting much on the ongoing story, because I am here to grade names, but I will make some attempt to quantify my reaction and insights into the story. Just a side note, the side story has NEVER been a major part of the grading process. Names are more about personal growth than the growth of a made up character. Onto the story. The story opens with SuperPig778 going about his daily business, before being stopped by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus warns him of the ongoing machinations of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, and kindly asks SuperPig778 to help fight against this issue. Enraged by something such as this going on behind his back, SuperPig778 rushes to stop the evildoer Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Instead of the expected fighting against progressively strong henchmen until he finally reaches the "final boss," we are thrown directly into the action of the main character versus the main villain. Although this move by the author saved us from a lot of possible filler, cliches are cliche for a reason and we might receive a bit of metaphorical whiplash and are thrown directly into the action, and I do not know if this was intended by the author. Now, here's where I disagree with the story, instead of kindly asking Lord_Of_The_Pugs to stop his evil machinations and promoting gambling via his CS:GO gambling site, SuperPig778 does something slightly out of character and starts beating Lord_Of_The_Pugs right away. I do not know how much this tells about the author, but he (or she) may or may not be racist against pugs and has clearly failed to hide that here. For the sake of this post, I will take this minor point as being a thing of the times. SuperPig778 continues to act out of character, instead of trying to persuade Lord_Of_The_Pugs with bible verses to bring him back to the promised land, he reaches for a lethal weapon straight away. Although we know Lord_Of_The_Pugs was clearly evil, he almost appears to be the good guy in this scenario as he is merely defending himself. He sweep kicks SuperPig778's hand and takes the lethal weapon and stabs the SuperPig778. Although Lord_Of_The_Pugs is supposed to be seen as a villain because he greatly injured the hero, if you look at it from his point of view a random pig flew into his office one day and instantly began attacking him. Startled, he stabs our hero in self defense. In this scene where no gambling takes place, Lord_Of_The_Pugs is painted in a more positive light than SuperPig778. SuperPig778 survives the stab and proceeds to WWE the **** out of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, leaving him a broken mess when he is done with him. This is a possible callback as to how we all have demons inside of us, no matter how righteous we are. Instead of busting through the window bible in hand preaching like a normal person, SuperPig778 is overtaken by rage after hearing Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions and attacks him right away, giving him no chance for a redemption arc. SuperPig778 is clearly a more brutal character than we were led to believe in the first name. Although a peaceful solution would've been easy if SuperPig778 had just given his classic anti-gambling speech, he shows corruption, giving the villain no chance whatsoever. Even the greatest heroes can fall one day. I will have to give this another +.5 as there is a clear showing of the Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions rubbing off on SuperPig778.

4. Mr_Ficklestein - There is literally no reason I can see as to why you chose this name, nor is it ever explained. A -1 is clear, but I will still have to give a minor overview of the story, just so you can't say I didn't try. Mr_Ficklestein, although a grumpy old man, clearly has a good heart. He hears a massive racket going on outside and goes to check it out. He assumes that there are kids playing on his lawn again, and proceeds to yell out before realizing that there are no kids out there. He does however, see our corrupt hero SuperPig778 flying away, and beckons for him to come down. Because Mr_Ficklestein heard what was going on between SuperPig778 and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, he saw the corruption that SuperPig778 was falling into and a possible thing Mr_Ficklestein might have said is "Hey kid, I know the temptations of abusing your powers are strong, you shouldn't turn down that road, you can still be saved." However, despite his attempts of helping out, SuperPig778 jumps straight to violence yet again, presumably killing Mr_Ficklestein, cementing his damnation straight to hell. Although it is true that we can all be saved from the throes of violence and gambling, no growth is ever shown again in this character. He refused Mr_Ficklestein's help although he was possibly a messenger sent from Jesus himself to lead SuperPig778 back on the right track.

5. SuperPig778 - As now Lord_Of_The_Pugs is locked up and Mr_Ficklestein is now gone, SuperPig778 now rests, without realizing that he has become the villain.A possible theory of mine is that SuperPig778 is still out there, but we only saw him once. SuperPig778 is still a strong Christian. How can I explain the needless violence and gambling then? Easy, SuperPig777. That's right, SuperPig778 was only seen in the first name before deciding to leave. He never came back and was instead replaced by SuperPig777, in the guise of SuperPig778. This is the only way I could possibly fathom for SuperPig778's character to be saved. Although we now see the return of SuperPig778 in namesake, instead of it being a battle of God vs Satan, it is merely Satan in the guise of God pretending to fight himself. It'll have to be a -1 from me as SuperPig778 is not being used in a positive light.

6. EzafPig - The Clan Days. Most of us have went through clan days, even I have gone through a minor clan phase, but I do not know if the prename "x" can be counted as a true clan. That's right, BQ1 never really happened, that was all just a bad dream, "x"Flied was my only minor experience with clans. The name "Ezaf" is not that bad of a name, as I have seen much worse. At least there is a double meaning instead of just going for the coolest sounding name. The double meaning is of course, calling yourself easy as frick (presumably at the game) and also being backwards Faze. Faze was massive back in the day, as were clans, so no fault can be seen in this name. This was also the moment where you truly solidified yourself as a pig instead of flipping back and forth between characters. Overall, it is a decent clan name and you found your true calling as a pig, +1.

7. EzafCloroxBleach - Although you clearly have repented for this name in the present, I will still have to give it a -1 and I do not believe I need to explain why. But I will anyway. Suicide memes are as you stated, not funny. Someone might see your name (and also the memes ongoing at the time) and attempted to drink some bleach, even if they're not suicidal but merely curious as to what it tastes like. Not only are you killing yourself by doing that, you're also giving yourself one of the most painful deaths imaginable, burning yourself from the inside out. There is no need to gamble by attempting this, as we already know gambling only leads to bad things. Now onto the meme part of the name. Memes die fast, incredibly fast. There is no good reason to ever name yourself after a meme as you will quickly need to change it when it goes out of style, else people will avoid you for being outdated.

8. EzafPig - Whether it be that you realized your mistake or the haha funny suicide meme just went out of season, you changed your name back to EzafPig. This will be a +0 as I too would change my name back as soon as possible, if I had a meme name.

9. SuperPigg__ - Here we see a new iteration of SuperPig778, although this time there are no ongoing battles against gambling. As your identity was now SuperPig (as just being called Pig is too general and you obviously can't still use the clan tag you left behind) you used that as the basis of your name. I'll give you a +1 as you're going back to your superpig roots, but I can only hope that this SuperPig is the a more advanced version of SuperPig778 and not SuperPig777, as we all dread the possibility of that Satanistic gambling addict coming back.

10. PvPSucker_Noob - The idea behind the name was below average at best and your execution was also bad. An activity followed by your skill in said activity, there are really onto two skill levels you can fit into most names. You can't do Parkour_Intermediate as that name is clearly past the 16 character limit, you could only do Parkour_Pro or Parkour_Noob, MAYBE Parkour_Adept. That's why the idea was bad, but here is why the execution was bad. Your activity was clearly sucking at pvp, which you do a really good job at. The two viable names you could've chosen for the PvP Category would've either been Pvp_Noob or PvPSucker_Pro, as you are a professional at sucking in pvp. Being named PvPSucker_Noob without knowing the format would of course portray you as a pvp noob as you are merely restating your skill level twice. However, knowing the format, PvPSucker_Noob makes it appear that you are actually good at pvp, which you are not. You are not a noob at sucking at pvp, but a professional. -1

11. SuperPiggeh - This is the name I believe most people on the server know you by, and I can say by far it is your best name. You decide to double down on the SuperPig market and become SuperPiggeh (as SuperPiggie/SuperPiggy both suck). I can only rate this a a good decision and I will not go into much depth. However, I am under contractual obligation to make all my paragraphs longer than your corresponding paragraphs, so I will continue to type until that quota is filled. As you fail to list it, your name is currently SuperPiggeh as you decided that this was the best name you could get, and I somewhat agree. This is probably the epitome of the SuperPig line of names, so in order to get a superior name you would have to completely rebrand. +1

12. HumanNotPig - I agree with the sentiment that you wanted to be a normal person for a while, a troupe I always enjoy whenever it appears is an overpowered character just enjoying life in whatever situation the author of their story decides to put them in. You say that it was a lie and that you needed to go back to being SuperPiggeh, but you are at no fault whatsoever. We all go through ups and downs in our lives, and wanting a break is nowhere near as bad of an issue as gambling. Now had you continued your human lifestyle, that would have been a problem as there were people out there dying and even worse, gambling. But you didn't stay down, you came back up with the help of Jesus. We often forget that despite our heroes having powers beyond our belief, they too sometimes need rest. They can't be on duty every waking moment of their life. A break was much needed for our hero SuperPiggeh, and I believe that he came back refreshed and ready to go. "If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." ~Abraham Lincoln. If you go into life with a dull axe, you may be able to save one or two people from gambling, but if you go in there sharp and refreshed not only can you save people faster but you can also spread the word of Jesus Christ for longer. +1.

Tally up: 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 0 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 -4* = A total score of... -1!
*-4 for 4 names skipped, went back to SuperPig778 but didn't write so, then after SuperPiggeh came PiggehTakesFatLs, then back to SuperPiggeh, and also the most recent name change back to SuperPiggeh was never given info on.

So the question on your mind is "Did I out Flied the Fliedster?" and the short answer is no. Nobody can out-Flied the Fliedster. The long answer why one cannot out-Flied the Fliedster, aside from the obvious gap of skill, is because you doubled down on the story aspect and forgot to give reasons for many of your names, even skipping some! We may be able to get the full story of SuperPig778, but we missed out on the full story about you, and that's what the application is truly about.
[doublepost=1587531019,1587530931][/doublepost]I have given you an optimistic rating because you were truly too optimistic about your skills, thinking you could outdo me.
That's longer than the entire staff app wth


Infamous Member
Alright pig so you wish to take a step in the ring? Alright then I'll start grading...

1. SuperPig778 - Out of the gate, the first thing that we're hit with when reading this piece is a wave of disappointment. We see that we cannot have the lore behind SuperPig, but are told that such lore exists. I'll get back to this point later. Clearly, you were a good-hearted Christian against gambling back in the day (as you still are now) which I am proud of. Here's where the previous point comes back to life. Now we have one piece of the puzzle, we know that this superhero (superpig778) is a strong Christian. Going solely based off of this fact, SuperPig778 is now shrouded in almost an air of mystery, and his true backstory is left to the reader. I do quite enjoy a good mystery, so that scores points in my books. If you may, maybe begin writing a new backstory for SuperPig778 based on the experiences you've had in life so far, maybe one day you will remember the original backstory for SuperPig778 and can see how much you've grown over time. Now that the name is done, lets move on to the personal character in the name. You liked pigs and also Christian Super Heroes, so you made a superman-esque "Fellow Against Gambling." This clearly shows good moral character as you wanted to be a person who saves people from the troubles of life (specifically in the casino). Although SuperPig778 was not you, it was easy to tell that you were not trying to become SuperPig778 and were staying quite far away from the levels of obsession other people might have been caught up in. SuperPig778 is clearly just a character you created while wanting to enjoy life, something to help you get out of the trap that is The American Dream. Overall, this name displays both an air of good mystery and foresight as a writer and also the childlike innocence of an innocent child. +2 for multiple criteria being met, bravo.

2. Lord_Of_The_Pugs - For this piece I am going to start with the personal character. Upon playing with the character known as SuperPig778 for a bit, you liked the power that came with the name. Specifically being a superpig. But, the character you created would not give you what you wanted, SuperPig778 was too nice as he used all of his power for the good, giving you no chance to relish in the satisfaction of being over someone. In order to gain power, you decided to become another character, a hardcore gambling addict named Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Just being "Super" wasn't enough for you anymore, you needed power. Not physical power, as you had plenty of that as SuperPig778, but ruling power. You became someone that Jesus would not like and attempted at taking over the world with an iron fist and poker chips. But luckily as satan was attempting to take over, Jesus forgave you and led you out of that nightmare that was Lord_Of_The_Pugs. You say that you "Tragically" had to change your name again, which I believe you should be wary of as you might one day relapse into another gambling phase. Lord_Of_The_Pugs is gone in name sense, but he still lurks in the depths of your heart. I'll have to give you a measly +.5 and re-warn you of the dangers of gambling and of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, "Go into the light, with Jesus, and be caught not in the dangers of Gambling and Satan, in that order." Corinthians 6:12. What this bible verse tells us is to not be mastered by our own vices, fight against Lord_Of_The_Pugs and whatever remnants may still lie deep in your heart. You may be tired of Jesus and being a pig, but Jesus is always there for you. I hope you realize that now, it was not a tragedy that you had to change your name, but a blessing from our lord himself, Amen.

3. The Return Of SuperPig778 - In order to fight against Satan, Gambling and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, Jesus led you back to the promised land as SuperPig778. There is nothing much to say here on the name except that it is clearly a battle between God (SuperPig778) and Satan (Lord_Of_The_Pugs), quite like an angel and a devil on your shoulders except instead of giving you advice they are battling to the death. Now onto the story bit that I see you've thrown in here. I won't be commenting much on the ongoing story, because I am here to grade names, but I will make some attempt to quantify my reaction and insights into the story. Just a side note, the side story has NEVER been a major part of the grading process. Names are more about personal growth than the growth of a made up character. Onto the story. The story opens with SuperPig778 going about his daily business, before being stopped by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus warns him of the ongoing machinations of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, and kindly asks SuperPig778 to help fight against this issue. Enraged by something such as this going on behind his back, SuperPig778 rushes to stop the evildoer Lord_Of_The_Pugs. Instead of the expected fighting against progressively strong henchmen until he finally reaches the "final boss," we are thrown directly into the action of the main character versus the main villain. Although this move by the author saved us from a lot of possible filler, cliches are cliche for a reason and we might receive a bit of metaphorical whiplash and are thrown directly into the action, and I do not know if this was intended by the author. Now, here's where I disagree with the story, instead of kindly asking Lord_Of_The_Pugs to stop his evil machinations and promoting gambling via his CS:GO gambling site, SuperPig778 does something slightly out of character and starts beating Lord_Of_The_Pugs right away. I do not know how much this tells about the author, but he (or she) may or may not be racist against pugs and has clearly failed to hide that here. For the sake of this post, I will take this minor point as being a thing of the times. SuperPig778 continues to act out of character, instead of trying to persuade Lord_Of_The_Pugs with bible verses to bring him back to the promised land, he reaches for a lethal weapon straight away. Although we know Lord_Of_The_Pugs was clearly evil, he almost appears to be the good guy in this scenario as he is merely defending himself. He sweep kicks SuperPig778's hand and takes the lethal weapon and stabs the SuperPig778. Although Lord_Of_The_Pugs is supposed to be seen as a villain because he greatly injured the hero, if you look at it from his point of view a random pig flew into his office one day and instantly began attacking him. Startled, he stabs our hero in self defense. In this scene where no gambling takes place, Lord_Of_The_Pugs is painted in a more positive light than SuperPig778. SuperPig778 survives the stab and proceeds to WWE the **** out of Lord_Of_The_Pugs, leaving him a broken mess when he is done with him. This is a possible callback as to how we all have demons inside of us, no matter how righteous we are. Instead of busting through the window bible in hand preaching like a normal person, SuperPig778 is overtaken by rage after hearing Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions and attacks him right away, giving him no chance for a redemption arc. SuperPig778 is clearly a more brutal character than we were led to believe in the first name. Although a peaceful solution would've been easy if SuperPig778 had just given his classic anti-gambling speech, he shows corruption, giving the villain no chance whatsoever. Even the greatest heroes can fall one day. I will have to give this another +.5 as there is a clear showing of the Lord_Of_The_Pugs' actions rubbing off on SuperPig778.

4. Mr_Ficklestein - There is literally no reason I can see as to why you chose this name, nor is it ever explained. A -1 is clear, but I will still have to give a minor overview of the story, just so you can't say I didn't try. Mr_Ficklestein, although a grumpy old man, clearly has a good heart. He hears a massive racket going on outside and goes to check it out. He assumes that there are kids playing on his lawn again, and proceeds to yell out before realizing that there are no kids out there. He does however, see our corrupt hero SuperPig778 flying away, and beckons for him to come down. Because Mr_Ficklestein heard what was going on between SuperPig778 and Lord_Of_The_Pugs, he saw the corruption that SuperPig778 was falling into and a possible thing Mr_Ficklestein might have said is "Hey kid, I know the temptations of abusing your powers are strong, you shouldn't turn down that road, you can still be saved." However, despite his attempts of helping out, SuperPig778 jumps straight to violence yet again, presumably killing Mr_Ficklestein, cementing his damnation straight to hell. Although it is true that we can all be saved from the throes of violence and gambling, no growth is ever shown again in this character. He refused Mr_Ficklestein's help although he was possibly a messenger sent from Jesus himself to lead SuperPig778 back on the right track.

5. SuperPig778 - As now Lord_Of_The_Pugs is locked up and Mr_Ficklestein is now gone, SuperPig778 now rests, without realizing that he has become the villain.A possible theory of mine is that SuperPig778 is still out there, but we only saw him once. SuperPig778 is still a strong Christian. How can I explain the needless violence and gambling then? Easy, SuperPig777. That's right, SuperPig778 was only seen in the first name before deciding to leave. He never came back and was instead replaced by SuperPig777, in the guise of SuperPig778. This is the only way I could possibly fathom for SuperPig778's character to be saved. Although we now see the return of SuperPig778 in namesake, instead of it being a battle of God vs Satan, it is merely Satan in the guise of God pretending to fight himself. It'll have to be a -1 from me as SuperPig778 is not being used in a positive light.

6. EzafPig - The Clan Days. Most of us have went through clan days, even I have gone through a minor clan phase, but I do not know if the prename "x" can be counted as a true clan. That's right, BQ1 never really happened, that was all just a bad dream, "x"Flied was my only minor experience with clans. The name "Ezaf" is not that bad of a name, as I have seen much worse. At least there is a double meaning instead of just going for the coolest sounding name. The double meaning is of course, calling yourself easy as frick (presumably at the game) and also being backwards Faze. Faze was massive back in the day, as were clans, so no fault can be seen in this name. This was also the moment where you truly solidified yourself as a pig instead of flipping back and forth between characters. Overall, it is a decent clan name and you found your true calling as a pig, +1.

7. EzafCloroxBleach - Although you clearly have repented for this name in the present, I will still have to give it a -1 and I do not believe I need to explain why. But I will anyway. Suicide memes are as you stated, not funny. Someone might see your name (and also the memes ongoing at the time) and attempted to drink some bleach, even if they're not suicidal but merely curious as to what it tastes like. Not only are you killing yourself by doing that, you're also giving yourself one of the most painful deaths imaginable, burning yourself from the inside out. There is no need to gamble by attempting this, as we already know gambling only leads to bad things. Now onto the meme part of the name. Memes die fast, incredibly fast. There is no good reason to ever name yourself after a meme as you will quickly need to change it when it goes out of style, else people will avoid you for being outdated.

8. EzafPig - Whether it be that you realized your mistake or the haha funny suicide meme just went out of season, you changed your name back to EzafPig. This will be a +0 as I too would change my name back as soon as possible, if I had a meme name.

9. SuperPigg__ - Here we see a new iteration of SuperPig778, although this time there are no ongoing battles against gambling. As your identity was now SuperPig (as just being called Pig is too general and you obviously can't still use the clan tag you left behind) you used that as the basis of your name. I'll give you a +1 as you're going back to your superpig roots, but I can only hope that this SuperPig is the a more advanced version of SuperPig778 and not SuperPig777, as we all dread the possibility of that Satanistic gambling addict coming back.

10. PvPSucker_Noob - The idea behind the name was below average at best and your execution was also bad. An activity followed by your skill in said activity, there are really onto two skill levels you can fit into most names. You can't do Parkour_Intermediate as that name is clearly past the 16 character limit, you could only do Parkour_Pro or Parkour_Noob, MAYBE Parkour_Adept. That's why the idea was bad, but here is why the execution was bad. Your activity was clearly sucking at pvp, which you do a really good job at. The two viable names you could've chosen for the PvP Category would've either been Pvp_Noob or PvPSucker_Pro, as you are a professional at sucking in pvp. Being named PvPSucker_Noob without knowing the format would of course portray you as a pvp noob as you are merely restating your skill level twice. However, knowing the format, PvPSucker_Noob makes it appear that you are actually good at pvp, which you are not. You are not a noob at sucking at pvp, but a professional. -1

11. SuperPiggeh - This is the name I believe most people on the server know you by, and I can say by far it is your best name. You decide to double down on the SuperPig market and become SuperPiggeh (as SuperPiggie/SuperPiggy both suck). I can only rate this a a good decision and I will not go into much depth. However, I am under contractual obligation to make all my paragraphs longer than your corresponding paragraphs, so I will continue to type until that quota is filled. As you fail to list it, your name is currently SuperPiggeh as you decided that this was the best name you could get, and I somewhat agree. This is probably the epitome of the SuperPig line of names, so in order to get a superior name you would have to completely rebrand. +1

12. HumanNotPig - I agree with the sentiment that you wanted to be a normal person for a while, a troupe I always enjoy whenever it appears is an overpowered character just enjoying life in whatever situation the author of their story decides to put them in. You say that it was a lie and that you needed to go back to being SuperPiggeh, but you are at no fault whatsoever. We all go through ups and downs in our lives, and wanting a break is nowhere near as bad of an issue as gambling. Now had you continued your human lifestyle, that would have been a problem as there were people out there dying and even worse, gambling. But you didn't stay down, you came back up with the help of Jesus. We often forget that despite our heroes having powers beyond our belief, they too sometimes need rest. They can't be on duty every waking moment of their life. A break was much needed for our hero SuperPiggeh, and I believe that he came back refreshed and ready to go. "If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe." ~Abraham Lincoln. If you go into life with a dull axe, you may be able to save one or two people from gambling, but if you go in there sharp and refreshed not only can you save people faster but you can also spread the word of Jesus Christ for longer. +1.

Tally up: 2 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 1 - 1 + 1 - 1 + 0 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 1 -4* = A total score of... -1!
*-4 for 4 names skipped, went back to SuperPig778 but didn't write so, then after SuperPiggeh came PiggehTakesFatLs, then back to SuperPiggeh, and also the most recent name change back to SuperPiggeh was never given info on.

So the question on your mind is "Did I out Flied the Fliedster?" and the short answer is no. Nobody can out-Flied the Fliedster. The long answer why one cannot out-Flied the Fliedster, aside from the obvious gap of skill, is because you doubled down on the story aspect and forgot to give reasons for many of your names, even skipping some! We may be able to get the full story of SuperPig778, but we missed out on the full story about you, and that's what the application is truly about.
[doublepost=1587531019,1587530931][/doublepost]I have given you an optimistic rating because you were truly too optimistic about your skills, thinking you could outdo me.
that's almost 3,000 words
you've impressed me