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Denied LateTester41871's Staff Application

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What is your first name?:
What is your IGN?:
What is your nickname? (If Any):
What are your previous IGNs? (If Any):
How old are you?:
What is your timezone?:
What is your primary gamemode?:
Why would you like to be a staff member?:
I love the server and think it would be a good job for me.
What makes you stand out over other applicants?:
I play the server a lot so I will be actively Moderate the server.
How active are you on the server? Describe your typical availability.:
7 days a week 10am-4am.
What previous experience do you have with server moderation? If none, leave blank.:
When did you join OPBlocks?:
About four months ago.
Do you have any previous punishments on any server/s? If so, explain.:
1 warning for character spam I said OOoOOOooo.
Please provide a video URL proving you are able to record.:
How many applications have you made prior to this? What date?:
Anything else?:
I Can't use Vc
You notice the server is offline. What do you do?:
Contact Owner/Dev to see if they know about the issue and try to help them get the server back up.
You are arguing with a player who starts attacking you. What do you do?:
Don't attack them just mute them and forget about the situation
You catch a friend breaking the rules. How would you approach this situation?:
Say just because your my friend Does not mean you can break the rules.
If a rule has been broken but is not fully explained, what will you do?:
Explain to the user what they Have done wrong and do the required punishment.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi LateTester, this application is lacking significant detail. I would recommend add more detail to the Scenarios and the questions Why would you like to be a staff member? and What makes you stand out over other applicants? as these are the most important. If you read the helper application guidelines found here require you to be able to VC, so this has a high chance of being denied. Good luck with your application!


New Member
Hey LateTester, just letting you know your video doesn't work, and you definitely need to expand and add more detail to every question. You seem like you have good potential, so prove you do!


New Member
hi there Latetester! Your application lacks significant amounts of detail. I would recommend adding more detail ESPECIALLY to questions such as "Why would you like to be a staff member" and "What makes you stand out from other applicants." Explain more in depth what is special about you, why we should choose you over other applicants.
Another thing is that it is MANDATORY for you to be able to use a microphone/VC. I would recommend checking out the Mandatory Requirements. You can find them here --------> https://opblocks.com/threads/staff-application-mandatory-requirements.50421/
I'd also recommend adding more information to questions like, "you notice the server is down, what do you do" and all of the others below it.
I cant get to your video link, as it says that I do not have access to it. Due to this, we cannot view your video recording quality. I would suggest posting it to youtube and put the link in your application.
If you fix these issues, then your application could become quite strong! I wish you the best of luck :)
Hello, thanks for taking the time to apply for staff on OPBlocks. Unfortunately, your application has been declined due to lack of detail.

Feel free to reapply in 30 days.
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