- Messages
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Hey guys!
This post will cover everything you need to know about Prison v6! This reset is part of OPBlocks v6, an ambitious project to perform a full-scale revamp of all current OPBlock servers. We've fixed countless bugs, added new content, and added a spirit of competitiveness to make for a great Season 6.
First, please give our trailer a watch to get hyped for our release!
Prison will release This Saturday, June 2nd, at 5 PM EST. To find that time in your own timezone, google search "5PM EST".
General Information
- MrCrainer returns from vacation soon, he'll be on both Factions and Prison recording let's plays once he's back!
- This is a complete reset. This means you will keep ranks, kits, and any other perks you may have obtained, but items will be lost along with any plots or building in the free world. This reset is meant to give a new sense of competitiveness to the Prison gamemode and implement all of our new content and bug fixes.
- We are continuing the tradition of Prestige Top introduced during OPBlocks v5. At the end of the first month, the top 3 players will recieve the following rewards. View the current rankings with /ptop.
- $250 Gift Card
- $150 Gift Card
- $100 Gift Card
- The first person to reach Prestige 1 will receive a $100 Gift Card as well
- There will be 3 free worlds compared to a previous 2. These will be the normal world, nether, and *NEW* end dimension. The bosses for each world will function in a similar fashion to the Iron Golem boss that was previously in the Nether.
- Normal World - Iron Golem Boss
- Nether World - Wither Boss
- End World - Enderman Boss
- OPBlocks v6 will have a series of CONTENT UPDATES, this means that the release of certain content updates listed below will be staggered so that we can introduce new things throughout the season. This will prevent the server from getting stale right from the start with the same things to do. We have quite a lot of content already planned for this reset, some of which is detailed below.
We've heard your requests! Pets will have their own separate backpacks when necessary to carry items dropped for you instead of putting it directly into your inventory. This means that shift-right-clicking the Boxer or Panda pet will open a GUI with all of the items collected for you.
Vote Parties
Every 200 votes, all players on the server will get their own random loot! This will be displayed in chat when a player votes, so people can see how far away they are from a party. This will replace the previously disabled Candy Parties.
Similar to the Iron Golem Boss in the Nether for v5, v6 features 3 bosses detailed in the General Information section.
Custom Enchantments
Berserk and Slice have been removed from the game. Poison and Wither have had their knockback issues patched.
Similar to Factions, trails have been added to Prison! Show yourself off to all players around you with a fancy particle trail.
June Chest
The June Chest is a rework of our previous Winter Chest with much more goodies to be won! Rewards will be posted to our store and Discord shortly.
New Candy
Introducing the Jolly Rancher! This will mine in a 3x3 area for you when used.
End Dimension
A new dimension emerges! The End Dimension will be accessible to those that are Prestige 5, featuring the Enderman boss.
Quality of Life Improvements
We've added a new spawn and mines to the server, enjoy the fresh look! We've also made some quality of life improvements to messages, the scoreboard, and other utilities to give the server a fresh coat of paint.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where wooden items with Custom Enchants break /pv’s.
- Fixed an issue where /ignore doesn’t work for /msg.
- You will now get pets from /voteshop without any issues.
- The plot section in /help has been updated to display the working command.
- Fixed an issue where you could dupe candy by breaking it in a farm.
- Added /back to Destroyer+.
- Top Voters will receive rewards at the end of every month.
- Updated the 4th vote link to properly function in /vote.
- Minebombs will work after being placed in /pv's.
- Black Market position has been updated.
- Mushroom Soup in /shop has been reduced from 64 to 1 and the price has been reduced.
- Fixed an issue where some command/permission notes from chests didn't work
- The black market has been modified:
- Vendor can no longer be killed.
- Rewards updated.
- The June Chest rewards have been updated.
- Pet Backpacks have been added to applicable pets.
- End Dimension added.
- When you get kicked/disconnected you will retain your soulbound items.
- Wither now works in the Warzone.
- Jolly Ranchers have been added.
- New Bosses have been added.
- Optimizations have been made to prevent lag on launch.
- New Builds (Spawn + Mines) have been added.
- Quality of Life changes to messages, scoreboard, and other utilities have been implemented.
We're excited to launch v6 alongside starting to prepare the first of several content updates, we hope to see as many of you on as possible! We're going to be doing giveaways and flash sales in our Discord from today through Saturday, join it by clicking here.
Best Regards,