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I quit.

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Dedicated Member
Yep, I quit. All the OG's are leaving. There are no new updates, and no, flip is not an upgrade to the server, it is a DOWNGRADE http://prnt.sc/ceyfon .Lotto? OMG YOU WIN practically nothing. Pvp is empty, with the occasional hacker and new player. I remember OPBv1, when Crainer quit, the fan-base still kept it over 100 players for a REALLY LONG TIME. Only after news of the server shutting down did it get under 100 players. OPBv2? It's been out for a while now, Crainer uploads OPB videos once every millennia and when he's not on, there are only about 80 people online, but when he's on the server fills up.

What really pushed me over the edge was when Tuxx replied to a suggestion, 18 days after it was suggested. He denied it because he didn't know what it meant by "Raise the EToken cap" because back then, it was only at 20. It even said in the thread to raise it from 20. I think that's enough to show Tuxx that it's no longer relevant, but he clearly didn't even read it twice.

There's also nothing new. Tuxx replying to that 18 day old suggestion is proof. I know that the devs all have lives, do work on other servers, but they still need to make a damned update once every few days. it'd be fine going for weeks on end with no updates if the server were complete. The thing is, it's not complete. You've got glitches everywhere, the only thing you can do is mine (I know it is a prison server), there wasn't even a freeworld added yet, when one was supposed to be added a few days after the server came out.

It's a chain reaction. First, crainer plays on OPB and all the fanboys fill up the server and none of the OG's can make it in, discouraging them from rejoining the server. Eventually they quit the server because of my reasons I stated above, and then them leaving causes more and more OG players to leave the server. This makes the server much more likely to be full of people there for Crainer, instead of people there for the actual server. Because of the server being full of young children, it causes even MORE people to leave the server. This gets even worse as time goes on. Because it's not even a complete server and is always empty, Crainer doesn't want to play it as much, making his fan-base less likely to play it, lowering the player count even more.

No freeworld will save you from this chain now. You'd need something really really big to bring me back. I'm doing one last sweep of PvP, and then I'm gone.


Active Member
Sad to see you go mate, I dont blame you. Although there is not updates, the server is new, give it another 4 weeks to make it better. If you don't have that time, then leave and come back when you want to. See you soon and on the other side.


Dedicated Member
BRO THIS SERVER SUCKS so bad lmao @trkey you really messed up the server cant wait for this server to go away, opb was supposed to be GOOD but you know now its un opb primev2 with these annoying prime kids and only a few people left you are a terrible server owner


Well-Known Member
Welp, another one down the drain. I cri everytiem. Tho I totally agree with you. And I started playing on Lagham prison 1, I truthfully love it there, but it would just be nice if we could have the same mines, prices, picks etc. I looooooved my 300 pick back in lolli


Active Member
BRO THIS SERVER SUCKS so bad lmao @trkey you really messed up the server cant wait for this server to go away, opb was supposed to be GOOD but you know now its un opb primev2 with these annoying prime kids and only a few people left you are a terrible server owner
Yo didn't you quit? @Speed__xD


Got to be DEAD HONEST, this server has disappointed me. I am also thinking about quitting FOR GOOD!!!


Well-Known Member
There are no new updates, and no, flip is not an upgrade to the server, it is a DOWNGRADE http://prnt.sc/ceyfon .Lotto? OMG YOU WIN practically nothing.
This. There are literally NO GOOD UPDATES these past few days, but I am really trying to be patient with them. I made a thread about it quite awhile ago but got really few people looking at it. Devs having lives is understandable but it is unforgivable if they don't make time to update/fix the server every once in a while. Not to mention the amount of false hopes we have been getting. Many suggestions have been accepted but not yet implemented even if the thread is long long ago. They need a huge update that REALLY changes how we view OPBlocks again. Not some horrible /flip or lottery update like they did. If you are going to add an update, do it right at least. The day they release a proper statement about it or a proper patch, then maybe ill start to be more active.


mod who has become a senior
I've already sort of quit Lollipop, I mean there is literally nothing to do other than mine or PvP. And if that isn't bad enough, PvP is usually empty. They really need to push out a new update or something, I think just one huge update would satisfy players for at least a month or so. That would give the devs time to rest.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, trkey does not have any tie to implement any updates onto OPBlocks because he is currently working on OPEmpire (even though that server sucks). So, at least try to give him some time.


New Member
i have quit also for same reasons plus school starting up again, unless this server gets a MAJOR MAJOR update i will most likely not be back (even though i donated). have fun with what you do, cya. oh yea also sad to see you go


Infamous Member
Sorry to see you have to leave. R.I.P I guess. Well good luck and hopefully we see you around in the forums sometimes.


Well-Known Member
BRO THIS SERVER SUCKS so bad lmao @trkey you really messed up the server cant wait for this server to go away, opb was supposed to be GOOD but you know now its un opb primev2 with these annoying prime kids and only a few people left you are a terrible server owner
100.% correct, I'm only on hear to talk to freids, I don't mine I don't rank up, there is no point when the server is still in beta, O WAIGHT THE SERVER ISNT IN BETA, this proves how much it sucks
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