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Hungered's Introduction


Active Member
As many of you didn't know, I haven't made an introduction thread about myself. So here I am today making one. I will tell you a few facts about myself.

Some of you may know this but for those who don't I was a former staff member on Prime. I was a helper for about 1 month and a few days till I resigned. I won't explain why I resigned since it's a long story that I don't want to discuss to you all.

My name is Alex for those who don't know and I'm 13 years old. I have a dog and a cat both 2 years old. My dogs called wisper and my cats called twinkle.

I joined OPBlocks forums a few months ago when the server wasn't released. I made new friends from when it was closed and now as its open. I really enjoy this server so much, and I'm glad I joined. From today I'm prestige 5 almost 6, I enjoy every single moment of it.

I hope you liked a few facts about me, I really could of written a lot more but it's late for me right now. If you want me to tell you more facts about me either comment or pm me. Once again hope you liked this.
Hey there!

Welcome to OPBlocks Forums!!
The food is over at my profile, your room is located at your profile page and most of the fun is located in the offtopic section.

Enjoy your stay!


Active Member
Hi there welcome to Opblocks I'm glad you have joined this amazing community I hope you meet new people and also have fun on the server. In addition we love adding new people to the family so we're glad to have you here looking forward to seeing you in-game.