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Help me improve as a staff member

Do you think I'm "toxic"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • No

    Votes: 26 83.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hey Piggeh, You are a rly nice staff member, and I don't remember any instance of you getting angry (other than the once time I liek spammed you with questions sry bout dat). So.. yeah :p #PiggehForPresident


Didn't want to really get myself involved with this thread/topic but knowing my name was mentioned quite a few times, best I express my point of view. Yes Pig I understand the whole "stole your best friend" right now, I don't even know what a friend is.. I've been diving for support to help me recover as last time I dated someone and they broke up with me it resulted into a huge fight and made me end up resigning. I don't want a repeat, I enjoy this community, I enjoy the players, toxic or not, we are all human. I understand how you can be upset at Goddess, but you need to understand nothing is her fault. There are many issues with me as a person, my maturity being my main issue currently which I did take into deep consideration and trying my best to clear up from it all.

I agree with the majority of this, did feel quite bad, but mine and Goddess's relationship was mainly between me and her. I really was stupid getting others involved and I apologize for that. Goddess, you don't deserve to be harassed by my mistakes, obviously, there's a reason you broke up with me (which I will not discuss here). I really hope eventually everyone can just brush off of this and we can just be friends and forgive and forget about my mistakes. I just wasn't really that perfection many say I am.. I have some cons to me. Many will realize I've practically made many mistakes in my life, gotten mad at @Sub, never treated @Hunye how she should be treated, not tagging this, but really ruined my reputation with a certain someone which I will not discuss. @Lynn which I mistreated multiple times which was really wrong of me. Sorry for tagging, just would like to deeply say sorry to all those who I've hurt, I don't mean to do it nor ever intend to want to. I love this community, I love you all, I can't even say I 'hate' anyone cause hate is way too strong of a word.

Pig, she never really hurt me, more I hurt her, and yes I admit, I was truly an awful boyfriend (I'm sure many can agree). But now I know what I need to change for the future and improve on.

Everyone has a little bias in them, it's not something no one can't have, I will admit I have some bias but it's more on the part that I'm scared on how they'll react if I mute/ban them. Some handle it way worse than others.

Just want to say, Pig you're doing a fantastic job, the perks towards staffing is you are going to get some hate. We all do, just got to learn to hold it in or just walk away from it, try to avoid getting yourself involved in the drama/toxicity. If you ever feel like you need a break, they are always available just don't take too many breaks. Right after mine and Goddess's break, I had to take quite a few breaks, still not fully secure yet towards staffing but today I was motivated towards doing 30 appeals and spend 5 hours on appeals alone. I haven't given up nor plan on for a long time, I just hope everyone can just consider and take into thought staff have final say in things no matter what rank they are. Helper, Moderator, SrModerator, or Admin, we all are a community, we are a family.

where is the disagree rating when you need one

It’s like you’ve never looked at forums. The majority of us are just generous bots concerned for your health.
@SuperPiggeh you’re doing fine as staff. Here’s the thing, if multiple people say you’re biased, it’s because you’ve given them reason to believe you’re biased. Keep punishing by the heirarchy, no matter who it is you’re punishing. I don’t know why all these people are whining about your personality, clearly you just enjoy talking in chat as much as the next person. You do act childish in chat, but I don’t mind as long as you get off your ass and ban people when you need to.
thats the first time ive laughed in a long time

"the majority of us are just generous bots concerned for your health" lmfao


you caught me ;) xD honestly I dont like the way he is treating piggeh tho and stop calling me out please BB hahaha ;) revenge! who deleted what I said? xD
i was never bashing pig in any of my posts i was just stating my constructive criticism on a staff member who asked for constructive criticism. lmao post farmers!


Infamous Member
Don't have favorites. you said "I would mute scare for that but not you"
It's impossible not to have favorites, but it is possible to punish fairly without bias. I honestly don't remember saying that, but if I did, I apologize. I'll definitely work on that, thanks for your input.


Active Member
Pig you are not toxic but I feel you are very bias and wouldnt punish friends which is a good quality to have. But not as a staff when punishing a player don’t think about who they are. Just punish accordingly. Some suggestions


Infamous Member
Pig you are not toxic but I feel you are very bias and wouldnt punish friends which is a good quality to have. But not as a staff when punishing a player don’t think about who they are. Just punish accordingly. Some suggestions
Thanks for your feedback, I know a lot of people say I'm biased, which I don't understand. Nobody has yet to give me a reasonable example. All the examples I've gotten are "you muted me but warned the other guy". That's because of their punishment history, not my bias. Anyone care to actually give an example of when I was biased? Thanks for the advice though.


If I made this thread I would have 100% of the people saying I’m a bad person smh. But pig I really like you but you’re bias. I can’t tell a lie <—- (LMFAOOO)


Infamous Member
If I made this thread I would have 100% of the people saying I’m a bad person smh. But pig I really like you but you’re bias. I can’t tell a lie <—- (LMFAOOO)
I know a lot of people say I'm biased, which I don't understand. Nobody has yet to give me a reasonable example. All the examples I've gotten are "you muted me but warned the other guy". That's because of their punishment history, not my bias. Anyone care to actually give an example of when I was biased?


Anyone care to actually give an example of when I was biased?
ok bud you asked for feedback, not screenshots.

+ i dont see you asking like food where some evidence of you being toxic is like bud you know the examples you did them stop asking for proof of your own actions xd

smh and you wonder why people think your toxic / a bad staff member you bash their opinion


New Member
Your not toxic in my opinion. Your friendly to opblocks members. You often connect to them aswell which i wish staff did often.