ign: whyamihere
Rank: -808
Fact: i dont know why im here
Why you want to win: i am the worlds poorest man confirmed and not the richest person on the server.
Ok so I'm doing a 100million giveaway! (Plus maybe a max pick if we get 20+ people) So just copy this in and fill it in down below!
Why you want to win:
The giveaway will end soon and everyone who enters gets 1 mil! Winners make sure to msg me in-game!
Lol Koala replied and since we got 20+ people I'll be giving away my pick too!
Deciding Results right now!
Grand Prize (Pick) The one who posts below me
Grand Prize 2 (100m) StaleBreadstick
Prize (1mil) Everyone else!
Msg me in-game to collect it! once someone posts below me I'll close it!