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  1. Yakub_

    Should i Come Back?

    Hello everyone, i was just wondering if any of you would like me to return to opblocks after i have quit for a month or two, most of u would know me by 52 or 4uY but if not u might recognise me by these names: https://namemc.com/profile/52n.2 my current in game name is 52n, hope i still have...
  2. Yakub_

    Bit Late But Meh

    when i get banned (PERMANENTLY) for joking to hacking i should have just got a warn?? Nathan hates me ;/ Admitting or joking about hacking Refrain from using terms like “I hack” First offence » Warning Second offence » 3 Hour mute Third offence » 1 Day mute Fourth offence » 3 Day mute
  3. Yakub_

    2 truths and a lie

    most people will know how to place this fun game but i`ll explain it anyways. So basically how to play this is you say 2 truths and one lie and the person below you (next to reply) tries to guess the lie i don't know if this will work out or not but lets try after you answer you then go and it...
  4. Yakub_

    Uprising is Rising Up IDEK that was cringy

    Delete :3
  5. Yakub_


    appeal didn't get accepted so i guess I'm leaving, it was fun while it lasted. I may or may not come back in a months time to appeal once again, if i get unbanned then i will think about returning to the server, Have fun ~Yakub/Lapraz/GetPinged
  6. Yakub_


    Quitting as my appeal did NOT get accept i may or may not see you in a months time have fun.
  7. Yakub_

    Probably Quitting??

    Hello, I'm MIGHT be quitting opblocks due to the fact that i got banned for ''hacking'' and I'm pretty sure Nathan which is the person who banned me, Hates me because whenever there is a report of me it doesn't last long before nathan gets onto it. therefore not giving other staff time to look...
  8. Yakub_

    Opblocks V3 Gang.

    Hello there, i am Rtul and i was thinking of created a gang on opblocks v3 of course this would be a pvp gang considering thats what i do mostly. The gang name will be either "Intercept" "Intercepted" or maybe a completely different name such as "Uprising" or "Vortex" unless someone gives me any...
  9. Yakub_


    Was just wondering if someone could make me a cool 'Pvp style' signature for forums would really appreciate it, Thanks! PM ME
  10. Yakub_


    Im getting a bug/glitch that i can't see anyones signatures including my own there are just little blue question marks, HALP
  11. Yakub_

    Quitting Rtul~

    im quitting opblocks because no-one likes me anymore for some strange reason but if some people do its about 2 people so yea bye, i had fun while people actually liked me and i got #1 on /a top which is about the only GOOD thing i achieved on this sever so yea.. i guess i probably won't see...
  12. Yakub_

    Wont be on for awhile..

    Hey just informing everyone that i won't be on for about 10days, going on holidays! :D so my staff application will most likely get denied Topkek so yea cya all in 10days! also if anyone knows why ouj is annoyed at me pm me :/ if was being... rude, Thanks
  13. Yakub_

    Lack of staff? (caramel)

    this is my personal opinion but i haven't seen a single staff on caramel in atleast a week :/ I'm just wondering if this is just me or ???
  14. Yakub_

    Pvp Rating

    This is simple Rate the person that posted above you/before you in a 1-10 scale on how good at pvp they are, Have Fun! (I'm GetPinged) #BestPvPerOnCaramel
  15. Yakub_

    Fear Is Recruiting

    Well, Fear is now recruiting! So, I are accepting four amazing pvpers to join the gang. Further information following. This is for Caramel Only Requirements: Must be rank 31 or prestige1 Must be active Must be a good PvPer (Rate YourSelf 1-10 in reply) Must be trustworthy/loyal Current...
  16. Yakub_

    Amount of Staff

    hey, i have come to the point to realise that the amount of staff that aren't online is kind of insane :/ i have almost got killed 5 times from hackers but no staff were online to help me.. I'm just wondering where all the staff are?..
  17. Yakub_

    Join My Gang

    hey, I (Yqkub) has decided to recruit 3 extremely good pvpers for my gang, because I'm quite sick of darkknight's gang tryna 6v1 me but me still getting out, they are quite persistent to kill me but they never do :/ but yea if you wanna join be good at pvp. (no1 from the thug gang)
  18. Yakub_


    Hello. I'm Yqkub or most of your might know me as Yakub_, You can just call me Yak. I was originally a member from OPBlocks V1. I have heard about OPBlocks for a while now, and I'v been quite pleased with it but at the same time disappointed i admit its not as good as the old OPBlocks but its...