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  1. K

    Giveaway Event.

    Hi you. I want to thank you all for helping me. So at Saturday (29th of September 3pm EST/EDT) i will be hosting a giveaway event at "/plot h event". This will not be like any previous giveaways i have made. This time i will hide chest-shops around my plot, some will be easy to find, some will...
  2. K

    +5760 Creeper Spawners!

    So most of you remember i reached +1k spawners back in v5. Which was pretty op, now 1k spawners is nothing pff.
  3. K

    Rip my spawners

    My Spawner-room is now as dead as the server. RIP. /plot h spawner And yes that in the middle is a cube filled with spawners
  4. K

    Almost 1k :P