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  1. BazerKing

    My apology to everyone...

    I don't know the people who I am truly sorry to are reading this right now. But I have a few things I need to get rid of off my mind. And that is my apology for being kind of rude to others. Now I am not straight up rude to others, I am just a kind of guy who is cautioned about everything around...
  2. BazerKing


    This was the first time I heard this, and if this is a rare event that happens: I am getting full credit for it :3 So when I was playing Minecraft I heard random sounds, here are some sounds I heard: Nether portal sounds, Horse footstep sounds, Wither sounds, falling ankle break sounds, pressure...
  3. BazerKing

    We must end money beggars

    I can't take it anymore... Money beggars are taking it too far these days, like... Can I have a small loan of 1 billion dollars, like seriously! We are not gonna give it to you! Now I'm not trying to call out other people for this, I am trying to just make this madness stop... This might turn...
  4. BazerKing

    Im taking over the new posts

    The title says it all, im stopping now xD
  5. BazerKing

    I like pie...

  6. BazerKing

    Welcome AlphaVoids! R.I.P Tuxx And CoolKish...

    I know I am late here, but yeah... Tuxx and CoolKish left... We all knew they were good staff... Always deciding what to add, they made me play this server... But they gotta go, everyone needs a change... CoolKish - You were awesome at being admin, you had a great sense of humor and you were...
  7. BazerKing

    On a Scale Of 1 - 10, How Twitter are you?

    On a Scale Of 1 - 10, How Twitter are you?
  8. BazerKing

    FixMC Raid!

    There was a Raid FixMC Started... But i't didn't crash the server :D
  9. BazerKing

    Say "I love OPBlocks If you play on Lollipop

    Everyone, say I love OPBlocks if you play Lollipop. I just want to know. :D
  10. BazerKing

    Try to guess my name...

    Try to guess my age without cheating.... If you cheat you lose... I'ts that simple... :D -BazerKing
  11. BazerKing

    Who is better? Vanoss Or XpertTheif?

    DISCLAIMER: This thread is not to hate on any of these YouTubers, this is just for fun and its all in games. Ok guys, I didn't have time for this one so here is a link to there YouTube channels, tell me what you think of them. And before you do click on their links, those 2 channels are for...
  12. BazerKing

    TheOGs Recruitment!

    Alright guys its BazerKing here. And today, I am recruiting a gang called "TheOG's" To join, you need to have 1 requirement. - To join you have to be here since V1 of OPBlocks, hence the name, TheOG's My IGN is BazerKing and I play on Lollipop, I hope you join!
  13. BazerKing

    How often do staff apps get accepted?

    Hi I am BazerKing, again. I know I have been posting a lot recently but this one is important... So if you make a staff app, what are the chances of it being accepted? And I mean the applications that are very maturated and overall a good app. If anyone could tell me the chances of staff...
  14. BazerKing

    What should I spend my money on??? Please help me!

    Ok guys, this is the most serious thread that I have ever posted in my life... Ready? What should I spend my 20$ on from the OPBlocks store... I play on Lollipop fyi, thanks. -BazerKing 2k17
  15. BazerKing

    Hey guys! I am BazerKing!

    Hi guys, well I got nothing else today and I have no friends... So im just going to make this. Hi! Im BazerKing I live in Canada, ON and I am 12 years old! (My profile says that im 18 but its incorrect) I played OP Candy Prison since V1! (MiningSinceV1) and then I stopped playing it, then I...
  16. BazerKing

    Who is better? SSundee V.S Crainer (Ultimate Edition)

    Before I make this, I would like to say that I like both of these YouTubers and there should not be any hate from these amazing people... Anyways, lets move on. Who is better? SSundee V.S Crainer (Ultimate Edition) Ok, so I was just scrolling through threads and I saw an article with the...