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  1. Nutrigrian


    welcome to the cool kid table
  2. Nutrigrian

    Describe the person above you with uno wordo

    you remind me of that guy that wipes before pooping
  3. Nutrigrian

    Describe the person above you with uno wordo

    "Together we can face any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky..." stolen quotes, i describe you as stolen quotes
  4. Nutrigrian

    Describe the person above you with uno wordo

    Rejected mlp character (jk)
  5. Nutrigrian


  6. Nutrigrian

    but I'm going to miss you as staff </3

    but I'm going to miss you as staff </3
  7. Nutrigrian

    heheh you never got the chance to warn me (:

    heheh you never got the chance to warn me (:
  8. Nutrigrian

    Announcement Long Overdue Update

    oh darn. will we be keeping our ranks? i got a free rank from that code you released a couple months ago :c
  9. Nutrigrian


  10. Nutrigrian

    Most Embarrassing Moments...

    Back when I was friends with this girl, I asked if she wanted to netflix and chill, (i didn't know what it meant.) ah, i look back on that moment and cringe so much
  11. Nutrigrian

    you got staff!!! yay hello there gary

    you got staff!!! yay hello there gary
  12. Nutrigrian

    aren't you that one person from NZ? hi, i'm from there to!!! :o chur hue hue

    aren't you that one person from NZ? hi, i'm from there to!!! :o chur hue hue
  13. Nutrigrian

    oooh Hi

    oooh Hi
  14. Nutrigrian

    pls stop this. this has literally been going on for almost 8 months pls guys no

    pls stop this. this has literally been going on for almost 8 months pls guys no
  15. Nutrigrian

    what do I care? i just care. it looks odd

    what do I care? i just care. it looks odd
  16. Nutrigrian

    how dare u you made the first thread in off topic locked a.k.a mine shame on you young man

    how dare u you made the first thread in off topic locked a.k.a mine shame on you young man
  17. Nutrigrian

    How famous is the person above you?

    9.9/10 the sky is falling, :>
  18. Nutrigrian

    why would you put a fowards slash in your name

    why would you put a fowards slash in your name
  19. Nutrigrian

    ehem hello, haven't talked to you for 2 months ;-;

    ehem hello, haven't talked to you for 2 months ;-;