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  1. BazerKing

    R.I.P V3, Welcome V4!

    Thank you Barrytoo as well for helping me out in the video!
  2. BazerKing

    R.I.P V3, Welcome V4!

    As you guys know, v3 is going goodbye. And v4 is coming soon, so for that I welcome you a little video I made so we can keep memories from v3... Enjoy the video!
  3. BazerKing

    OPBlocks News Report #8

    @angyma Jer gave me the receipt, I can't share it with anyone because of third party info. But the iPhone will probably come at the 26th of April. I will make a separate thread if I do get the iPhone...
  4. BazerKing

    Name change ideas...

    GabeTime GABENation :p GabeTheSkyWarsGod GabeTheBedwarsGod GabeThePvpGod GabeBot GoGabe BorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBorkBork
  5. BazerKing

    Name change ideas...

    Gabeulous GabeTastic Shr3ktAndR3kt ---- R.I.P, you will be missed... Gabestric GabeStinks GABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GabeyCommander GaberKing
  6. BazerKing

    Name change ideas...

    ToLateForGabe GabeSucks GabeLyfe PewDieGabe JackGabeEye CinnamonToastGabe I'm just naming YouTubers now -_-
  7. BazerKing

    Name change ideas...

    GabeLyfeMatters GabeG GabeStalkz GabeHuntz GabeSkillz GabeAura GabeGetsHackusated GabeCraft You will have more :)
  8. BazerKing

    Another Giveaway!

    Jewles won he edited the thread...
  9. BazerKing


  10. BazerKing

    http://imgur.com/a/3i5oE Licky + Bazer

    http://imgur.com/a/3i5oE Licky + Bazer
  11. BazerKing

    ★Remne's Introduction★

    Welcome to the server/forums! I hope you get to know people really fast! Is it just me or I fell like she/he has potential for being a staff member, on this server.... :3
  12. BazerKing

    Lets Sing A Song

    Searching far and wide??? Idk..................................................................
  13. BazerKing

    Closed Report on _SavAgE_X

    http://www.opblocks.com/threads/im-sorry.5722/ He posted an apology thread, but I don't really think a lot of people could forgive him... He hasn't done anything to me but looking at his posts, yeah....
  14. BazerKing

    Ummm, Do you live with me??? xD jk

    Ummm, Do you live with me??? xD jk
  15. BazerKing

    [GIVEAWAY] Full Access Alt

    I have entered!!!
  16. BazerKing

    You seem familiar...

    You seem familiar...
  17. BazerKing

    How many stupid tags can you fit into 1 sentence?

    @BazerKing is always @Amazing because he eats @trkey and @trkey is a pretty @(cool)kish thing to eat. @LuckyCommander is a nub.
  18. BazerKing

    Why do you always write in bold, underlined and red text...

    Why do you always write in bold, underlined and red text...
  19. BazerKing

    WHO am I? Click this to find out! :P

    Pardon meh me fewwows butt I am rlly kuller thn all of you
  20. BazerKing

    WHO am I? Click this to find out! :P

    You seem to really learn a lot about the forums really fast... You have already got a signature!