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Scavenger Hunt v2

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Infamous Member
Hello there!

This Saturday I’m proud to announce our second official OPBlocks Scavenger Hunt! The rundown will be similar to last time but should hopefully be a lot smoother since I've learned what many have been struggling with. These riddles are all based on the Prison behalf of the server and nowhere else. Hopefully, this time should be a lot more enjoyable as well as have much more of the community involved.

Below you will all the information towards this event (FAQ, Riddles, Format, etc.) the riddles will be edited onto this thread on Saturday at 3pm EDT (July 7th, 2018). Just a few tips to keep in mind, some of the places aren't actually what they seem and will involve much more exploration than you think. Also, I suggest reading the entirety of this thread before asking questions cause most are answered. What you will end up doing is taking a screenshot of you in third-person and what you think is the answer to the riddle. Once you feel like you have all the possible answers towards each riddle, you’ll start a conversation with me with the format provided below.


Riddle #1 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #2 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #3 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #4 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #5 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #6 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #7 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #8 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #9 (answer) (screenshot)
Riddle #10 (answer) (screenshot)


Riddle: The sweet fight below begins. Fight against many in this rough terrain of chocolate and galore.

Riddle #1 PvP http://prntscr.com/k1wj9w
(This is not one of the riddle answers, this is just an example)​

FAQ (This will change as new questions are asked)

Q: What is the reward for solving all 10 riddles?
A: All prizes are listed below, if you win, you’ll be awarded a voucher.

Q: How exactly should I take the picture?
A: What I expect from an image is you (your main), and the answer towards the riddle.

Q: How do I take a screenshot?
A: You can use default Minecraft F2 and upload to Imgur, or download Gyazo or Lightshot for faster uploading.

Q: Where can I find the format?
A: The format can be found above, be sure to use it accordingly, the less messy, the faster it is for us to review your riddles.

Q: Why is it taking so long for my answers to be reviewed?
A: When I look over your riddles I try to do it as fast as possible so I can move onto the next person, I go in order by whoever sends me them first. If you spam me, I will ignore your riddles and tell you that you're no longer allowed to participate.

Q: How do I claim my reward?
A: If you win, you'll message me directly for your reward.

After you message me your guesses towards each riddle you'll then wait patiently for me to review your answers. This is probably going to take roughly 1-15 minutes, could be longer depends on how efficient I'll be able to be as I'm sure many will join.


1st Place - $50 Voucher
2nd Place - $25 Voucher
3rd Place - $10 Voucher

This thread will be locked during the event and unlocked when the event is over. Once someone has solved all the riddles, I will announce the winners in the reserved slot below along with rewarding them with their prizes.

Credits to @Mochi for taking the time out of her day to make riddles​
  1. Open the door for a challenge above. This is a secret hidden in the trunk of the spawn.

  2. Warp to a place filled with the starting block of Minecraft. Hidden in the side is a fallen surprise.

  3. Fight your way to access the sweet delight of this zone.

  4. A test of fist, fight against your foes in this quick duel.

  5. Protected from the ice and frost outside, a secret meeting is being held inside.

  6. This is a test of patience. Catch your prize at this place. The opportunity is open for everyone!

  7. Fight your foes in new ways. With the new sweet arenas to fight one on one.

  8. Jump through this for a fight of your life. Teleport to a zone of fights, candy and more.

  9. These new builds are so cute! There is an donut! There is an egg! Don’t eggs usually have something inside?

  10. This gives you a snippet of the freeworld. A little view of the nature out of the prison we are in. Come see some animals to ride or slay.

Riddle Answers
  1. Secret Parkour

  2. Wood Mine Secret

  3. PvP mine

  4. Sumo Arena

  5. Plot Spawn Secret

  6. Warp Fishing

  7. Duel Arena

  8. Donut Spawn Thing

  9. Easter Egg

  10. Warp Grinder

Thank you for reading and can't wait to see you all there!
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