Robrussia Retired Russian Jul 13, 2020 #41 Messages 329 Jul 13, 2020 #41 Biggest inspiration- Michael Scott
1 123munster123 New Member Jul 13, 2020 #42 Messages 1 Jul 13, 2020 #42 I would have to say my CTE instructors
C Capt_Cooter New Member Jul 13, 2020 #43 Messages 2 Jul 13, 2020 #43 nothing compares to the fact that i had attempted suicide in the past and my amazing therapist dr.philps helped me through all of it
nothing compares to the fact that i had attempted suicide in the past and my amazing therapist dr.philps helped me through all of it
4blake Active Member Jul 13, 2020 #44 Messages 159 Jul 13, 2020 #44 My Grandpa for teaching me all about a much different time, allowing me to learn a lot more from the past and first hand experiences of others.
My Grandpa for teaching me all about a much different time, allowing me to learn a lot more from the past and first hand experiences of others.
S Sharktail001 New Member Jul 14, 2020 #46 Messages 4 Jul 14, 2020 #46 My dad. Even though he can be a bit tough on me, he always inspires me to do more and achieve great things.
My dad. Even though he can be a bit tough on me, he always inspires me to do more and achieve great things.
D Darkknight007 New Member Jul 14, 2020 #47 Messages 2 Jul 14, 2020 #47 AidanBubbers said: Who is the biggest inspiration in your life? **NEW FOR QOTW ~ Everyone who responds to this QOTW and future QOTWs will have a chance to win a variety of prizes including keys, ranks, and mystery items!** Click to expand... I would say my pets thy just keep me happy when I am sad or they keep me entrained whenever I am bored
AidanBubbers said: Who is the biggest inspiration in your life? **NEW FOR QOTW ~ Everyone who responds to this QOTW and future QOTWs will have a chance to win a variety of prizes including keys, ranks, and mystery items!** Click to expand... I would say my pets thy just keep me happy when I am sad or they keep me entrained whenever I am bored
PenguinTheNoot Eating Fish Staff member Administrator Community Manager Jul 14, 2020 #48 Messages 84 Jul 14, 2020 #48 The biggest inspiration in my life, I gotta say its @arfah.
BigCDG Well-Known Member Jul 19, 2020 #51 Messages 419 Jul 19, 2020 #51 Thank you to everyone who has responded to this weeks QOTW! This week we have 3 winners: 1x Fantasy Key: @Mario_Earth 2x Magic Key: @Darkknight007 1x Magic Key: @kyle Nuttall Message me on discord (BigCDG#3106) to claim your prizes! IMPORTANT NOTE: Answers that are not related to the topic will have you disqualified from the raffle.
Thank you to everyone who has responded to this weeks QOTW! This week we have 3 winners: 1x Fantasy Key: @Mario_Earth 2x Magic Key: @Darkknight007 1x Magic Key: @kyle Nuttall Message me on discord (BigCDG#3106) to claim your prizes! IMPORTANT NOTE: Answers that are not related to the topic will have you disqualified from the raffle.