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Hey everyone!
Time for our third v6 content update, this one's a big one so let's get right into it!
Before reading ahead, feel free to checkout Crainer's 3rd video on the server. We've started to hit over 200 players regularly and are consistently growing, thank you for all the support!
Here's our brief changelog from the past week, view specific content updates in more detail below.
- Added /warp fishing
- Made further progress on FreeWorld spawn
- Fixed an issue where players were able to craft items they shouldn't have been able to
- Fixed an issue where GKits were not properly displaying on the server
- Fixed the Merchant enchant's description
- Fixed an issue where there was an improper amount displayed on a reward in the Crazie chest
- Updated rank descriptions to properly reflect perks
- Removed raw fish from /shop
- Disabled fly in the end free world
- Added Candy Critters
- Added the Pickaxe Chest
- Reimplemented bosses from v5 (and two new ones)
- Prestige & Vote Top announced below
- Consolidated chests into a singular category on the store, adjusted prices and sales for all items
- Back-end improvements to prepare for future content updates and holding more players
Candy Critters
This is by far, our largest content update since launch, and possibly even larger than some of the new features we implemented during the actual reset.
Introducing Candy Critters, items that when in your inventory will give you either passive abilities or hostile abilities that you can right-click to activate. We've added 12 Critters to start with, and will be regularly adding seasonal ones as time passes. Each Critter can be leveled up to unlock higher levels of the abilities provided.
These Critters can be dropped to other players, and you can be killed with them - so watch out and use them carefully.
These can either be obtained on our store or unlocking them in the Pickaxe Chest talked about below. Candy Critters have an exclusive sale going on, read about it at the bottom of the post. Below is a list of our first 12 candy critters and their abilities:
Max Level: 2000
Ability: Have constant speed when in your inventory.
Max Level: N/A
Ability: Removes any negative potion effects when in your inventory.
Creeper (can only be used at /warp pvp)
Max Level: 50
Ability: Right-clicking will blast enemies in a 5 block radius away from you.
Iron Golem (can only be used at /warp pvp)
Max Level: 200
Ability: Right-clicking will give you extra absorption hearts.
Max Level: N/A
Ability: Never lose hunger when in your inventory.
Max Level: 1000
Ability: Have constant jump boost when in your inventory.
Max Level: N/A
Ability: Always one-shot mobs when in your inventory.
Max Level: 25
Ability: Gain saturation from hitting enemies when in your inventory.
Chocolate Bunny
Max Level: N/A
Ability: Right-clicking will give you extra hearts, strength and knockback.
Beach Ball
Ability: Right-clicking will launch nearby enemies into the air.
Max Level: N/A
Max Level: 1000
Ability: Gives you a passive sell booster when in your inventory.
Max Level: 1000
Ability: Gives you a passive eToken booster when in your inventory.
Pickaxe Chest
Just getting started and need a good pickaxe, tokens, or boosters? Take advantage of the Pickaxe Chest, a new 10-reward chest that gets you geared for the new season of Prison. Inside the Pickaxe Chest contains the Money and EToken Critters, two of the most useful critters from our newest update. Also potentially win a rare omnitool enchantment, talked about below. View the full rewards in the attached image below, and click here if you're interested in purchasing one.

Omnitool Enchantment
Bosses are back better than ever, ready to be fought. There are now three bosses on the server as previously requested, one per each free world. Killing a boss will give you a reward, most commonly a set of 5 crate keys. View details regarding each boss below:
Normal Free World
Titan Boss
Iron Golem
Nether Free World
Fuze Boss
End Free World
Shadow Boss
Bosses will randomly spawn and be broadcasted in chat from when this post goes live, and a command to view the status of them similar to v5 will be added later tonight (/boss or /bosses).
Vote Top
The results are in! The top three voters for the month of June are...
1. diamond3101 (39 votes)
2. Bentes3 (36 votes)
3. ChixenLegJo (36 votes)
PM an admin on the forums or via Discord to claim your prize.
Prestige Top
As promised, the top 3 players with the highest prestige at the end of the first month will receive store credit prizes! Congrats to...
1. AllTheBest ($250 store credit)
2. MysticRosess ($150 store credit)
3. OMG_Its_Rock ($100 store credit)
PM an admin on the forums or via Discord to claim your prize.
Sale Status
While the global 65% sale has ended, we are offering a limited time sale on our brand new critters and all 3 chests (Summer, Crazie, and *new* Pickaxe)! If you didn't get a rank this time around with the sale, no worries! There will be more this summer, stay tuned for more info on that in future content update posts.
We're still pushing forward planning more and more content, with an even bigger update coming next week! We can't wait to show you all that's been planned, let's keep this community strong and growing!
See you next week!
Best Regards,