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Hey guys!
I'm back again this week with another content update for OPBlocks, this post will give you information about that, our weekly changelog, staff promotions, and a look to the future in regards to content.
Let's get right into it!
First off, Crainer's second video on OPBlocks is not up yet but should be in the next couple of days, this post will be updated with it when that time comes.
Below is a list of everything we've fixed in the past week:
- Fixed an issue where items on the auction house would disappear after they expire
- Fixed an issue where bonbons would glitch you into the floor
- Fixed an issue where autosmelt gave the wrong items back
- Fixed an issue where autosmelt did not work with fortune when mining gold and iron
- Voting now gives proper rewards from all sites
- Prevented Jolly Ranchers from breaking bedrock on plotmines
- Fixed an issue where /backpack opened your pet backpack
- Sumo now properly teleports you to the arena
- Fixed an issue where Jolly Ranchers made it possible to farm bedrock in the free world
- Fixed an issue where Jolly Ranchers were spamming players chat with errors
- Prevented players from creating fake plot mine sell signs
- Fixed an issue where the Constructor III mission was not giving proper rewards
- The max plot mine size from the store will now fit the newly sized plots
- Fixed an issue where the summer chest was not giving proper rewards
- Prevented players from flying in sumo arenas
- Fixed several plots that caused players to crash
- Jolly Ranchers have been converted into a donor candy due to how OP they were
- Added 3 GKits
- Added the Crazie Chest
- Added a PvP Mine at /warp pvp
- Free World spawn implemented (currently a W.I.P)
- /warp end and /warp wood are now open for use
- We've taken major steps towards fixing the random lag spikes, you should see a severe decrease in these if any at all
Introducing GKits! These are god kits that you can purchase at the store which will last an unlimited time. For starters, we've added 3, but we'd love to add more in the future depending on the feedback. The 3 current GKits are Summer, PvP, and Candy, each at a different price range depending on how good the items inside are (all 3 have excellent items for specific uses, depending on your play style). View the 3 GKits here, and get them cheap while they're on sale!
Crazie Chest
For all of you Crazie MrCrainer fans, we've added the Crazie Chest! This chest contains better and updated rewards compared to the Summer Chest themed towards MrCrainer, click here to view possible rewards and purchase one.
65% Sale
I've bumped the sale up to 65% to celebrate our weekly update! This sale won't last forever, take advantage while it lasts by clicking here to view our packages.
Staff Promotions
If you see these staff online, give them a big congrats!
@Annegare Mod -> SrMod
@BigCDG Helper -> Mod
We know you love them, and we're nearly ready to bring them back. In Update 1.2 (hopefully next week), we'll be releasing the 3 bosses to the 3 separate free worlds, more details to follow in that post. We've also got a neat surprise coming to pets, stay tuned for that!
Thanks to everyone supporting us, we're still on the content update grind thanks to our wonderful management team. We can't wait to bring more fun experiences to the OPBlocks world! Future content updates will always contain 1 or more free content updates and 1 or more paid content updates, so that we can still provide a great experience to those that wish to play for free.
See you next week!
Best Regards,
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