Before I start, I would just like to mention, we will be doing a community meeting next Saturday, January 19th, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. EST, this will give all of you an opportunity to give us suggestions, provide us with feedback on things you like to see as well as share your opinions. This thread isn't at all to shame or throw hate on anyone or the server as a whole, my goal is to voice my opinion and to put an end to the suffering the server has been getting over the past two months. If you disagree with my opinions or agree with them, I will understand, I just respect that you keep the replies on topic and to keep them polite. If you have any disagreements or anything which you know as a person will cause toxicity or flame, feel free to start a conversation with me and I'll kindly respond.
Saturday, January 19th at 5:00 P.M. EST
This is purely for you as a community to share your thoughts and leave feedback as a server on what we should do to complete and make this community grow back together as it once was. All feedback, suggestions, and requests will be stored and taken to heart to help see this server grow once again. I've been with this server for over 560+ days and still counting, I'd hate to see it all disappear.
This thread wasn't at all means anyone's idea except mine, I hate holding promises and then later not applying them. I've made a promise to produce more mines and provide more content, reason more mines yet to be added as I don't want to have more lag issues than what we already have. Along with the content promises for the past few weeks, this is far out of my control, I can only add so much, I've decided to take some of my own money to purchase the ConnectFour plugin to help give something more for players to do during their free time, sadly that wasn't much of a help.Saturday, January 19th at 5:00 P.M. EST
This is purely for you as a community to share your thoughts and leave feedback as a server on what we should do to complete and make this community grow back together as it once was. All feedback, suggestions, and requests will be stored and taken to heart to help see this server grow once again. I've been with this server for over 560+ days and still counting, I'd hate to see it all disappear.
The lack of events, well was practically my fault, I've only depended on one person majority of the time to create the builds for the events (Lynnie). Which I will say, she has produced fabulous builds, I give her full respect for managing to help out and to actually be there when I deeply needed it. Around early December we've ended up getting into many personal issues which I will not discuss but I will say it resulted in me furiously getting rid of my only help. I've later decided to try and produce events myself, but I'll be fully honest, I don't have the time to build as I have many other things going on. Later had BigCDG & Leafy10 make builds for the Spleef & Sumo event which were hosted pretty recently but I've lost a lack of motivation towards events due to the absences of Lynn.
I've been getting a lot of hate, yeah I don't mind hate as it gives me a chance to improve myself for the community, but when it's hate about things which aren't personally my fault that's when I don't respect it. Yeah I have school, yeah I don't have as much free time as I used to, but it doesn't mean I'm not trying, OPBlocks is the only server I'm working for and I have and still will dedicate as much time as possible towards it. I'm not a developer, I'm not a manager, I'm an administrator meaning I can only do so much, I've ran out of ideas.
I've been through four different managers, Tuxx, Amazing, Resilience, and Aoros, each has produced different and unique content. I can assure Aoros has been the most communicative manager which I deeply respect. Trust me, I want to see OPBlocks succeed, I want to see it grow back to the server it was a long time ago, but the one thing that we need to respect is feedback and patience. The unnecessary hate the server is getting is just going to lead the server in more worse and worse directions than making it grow. And, yeah I'm probably not everyone's favorite admin, yeah I've had a horrible past with OPBlocks but I will always try my hardest when it comes to helping the revival of OPBlocks.
I'm not going anywhere, hopefully, but I want to meet everyone's expectations with the direction of the server as well as the community. This thread has been having my eye on it over the past week, if you have any opinions or suggests I highly suggest posting them in this thread, otherwise wait until Saturday's meeting to voice it verbally.
On this thread, I do agree it could've been handled a different way, I've read it, and I've compiled to it which resulted in nerfing the Winter Mine so it's better than CandyKing but worse than CandyGod.
On this thread, it could've been handled and worded better, but besides the fact, I will say it hit some pretty strong points, and I don't dislike the thread but I don't love it either. But I've read it and I've voiced my opinion if you would like to review it you may.
In the end, OPBlocks is OPBlocks, can we revive it to the v1 shape? Without a doubt, but can we try and exceed players expectations? For sure, I've added a #feedback channel to our official discord server which you will only see your messages and not the message history. This channel will be open until the day of the meeting which it'll be locked and later removed.
Now is your chance, I've shared my opinion publicly, I would hope for your full respect and to help me, Aoros, and phase through this.
Your Admin,