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Name: Can't you read??!? Jk it's BazerKing
Rank: Muncher/Skittles, yum.
Prestige: 1

Idk you but I am just greedy so give meh everything you have or else.
0.0 Just joking. Except for the I don't know you part. Also, I would like either the pick or 500M cuz greed is always gud.
Like a good man once said, 2gud2behtru. Exdee sorry for calling you out skrub. Idk you anyways.

I feel weird.

And also no memory of you cuz my brain is the most useless organ in my body. I am planning to sell it.

Btw If I don't win I would wish of @Werner_12 or @MeRightHere to win the giveaway. They are awesome and very nice and kind people to the community of OPB. So they really should deserve it.

to be continued...


Well-Known Member
Name: far9448
Rank: Cprince, mine 1
Prestige: 2
Menory: Pr**e V4, I remember yopu from prison V4 :)

Plz let the potato win
Name: Gabe0508
Rank: CandyPrice
Prestige: 1

I know you mainly from the forums but I have seen you on the server and I must say you are very nice and you are quite a builder. I would like the pick so I can give the other back to my friend but anything is appreciated.


Senior Member
Name: GalaxyTurtlez, picked this name cause why not
Rank: Hoarder : 26
Prestige: 2

I'll take anything I can.
We have like no memories because I barely know you but your nice ingame.


Active Member
Last day then the giveaway entry for anyone else who wants to join will be Closed!
So if you want to still enter today is the last day to do so!
Name: _SavAgE_X
Rank:candy prince
Memory: on forums talking about crisps XP and how pringles don't sell air.
Plus in server seeing you helping players and say hi to me and me saying hi back I'll miss that.
Good luck with whatever you wish to pursue, don't be a stranger and still pop on inthe server!
Sav change your ign on your thread


Active Member
Hello once again everyone,
As you know today is the day in which i will pick one of the post made on here to win my giveaway. First off i would like to thank everyone for saying postive things and the memories we had. The winner i have picked will be @Werner_12. Congratulations for winning the giveaway and send me a message on my profile or either send me a convo and i will respond and then come online to give you the stuff. Once again i would like to thank everyone for writing some nice and postive stuff and i would just like to say thank you all for being so nice to me :). And yes i may do more giveaways in the future so don't be sad if you didn't win all of you will have a chance to win again once i make another giveaway :).
Hello once again everyone,
As you know today is the day in which i will pick one of the post made on here to win my giveaway. First off i would like to thank everyone for saying postive things and the memories we had. The winner i have picked will be @Werner_12. Congratulations for winning the giveaway and send me a message on my profile or either send me a convo and i will respond and then come online to give you the stuff. Once again i would like to thank everyone for writing some nice and postive stuff and i would just like to say thank you all for being so nice to me :). And yes i may do more giveaways in the future so don't be sad if you didn't win all of you will have a chance to win again once i make another giveaway :).
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