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Adios!! Quitting...I guess?

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Active Member
Had a feeling you'd end up quitting, I hate to see this and ngl had me in tears. Keep in touch, and you have my media (if you ever feel like talking to me). Hope sports and everything goes well for you and understandable, Minecraft isn't always the most enjoying thing to do, even I started getting back into some irl stuff myself (kind of). I will say, you've for sure made v5 the most memorable and entertaining version for me and I'm sincerely glad for how close you were to me. If you ever need me, I'll probably still be here staffing or otherwise, you have my other media. Hope you'll still be willing to keep in touch as you're funny, kind and unremarkably one of the best people I know. <3
A heartful letter littered with displacement, disappointment, and discept.

What a waste of the English language.
Goodbye, hope to see you again in the future. We really didn't get to know each other much after I went to factions but hope to see you around. Good luck in future endeavors.


Active Member
Ok, basically I’ve been gone for around 2 months now. I’ve been extremely busy with school work and sports. I was thinking though, I never actually said an official goodbye to the people who didn’t hate me. I fully enjoyed my time on OpBlocks, although the end was a bit rocky I still enjoyed seeing how OpBlocks is changing for the worse (what?) I mean better {Stop adding more gamemodes}!! I also have decided to quit minecraft altogether...because it’s minecraft. I will still be active on forums just no where else! Here are the tags <3

@JustACookie Sir Cookie. It was a pleasure to accompany you.

@Chrissehh Amigo

@Mochi Thanks for teleporting me up to the platform first

@far9448 ly <3 I forget your dog’s name though

@BigCDG thanks for making me laugh buddy

@Luigi I guess I could say you’re chill?

@LovesPhilosophy *screams*

@FencingGreyhound you are too serious for my type

@KaosLord ^^^^^ times 2

@M1ghtyMa5on m1son

@JustMe03 good luck bud

@Sub glub glub

@Scare23 two faced?

@Madara_ surprised?

@puck all your forum accounts are banned but ly?

@OpticLuLz please?????

@SuperPiggeh basically, you absolutely hated me. Then you tried to be friends with me, then you hated me for being too toxic. Thanks?

@2good2betrue ign?

@OgMinisuga you never really liked me anyways

@Mutah Uhm, I never saw you ingame. So....hi?

@DdubsRulez2 you make me want to bake cupcakes?

If I forgot to tag you, you’re either irrelevant to me, hate me, talk Sugar about me, or just annoyed me. Or I just forgot, comment if you want tagged lmfao

Ly guys <3
Who r u ?
Anyways good ridden
LOL jk like how this is like peak time for quitting
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