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  1. far9448

    Staff or nah

    My 13th birthday is coming up so I was wondering if I should apply for staff again? Plz tell me what you think
  2. far9448


  3. far9448

    Staff App

    Hey guys . As some of you probably know I requested my application to be denied. I was wondering if anyone would actually like to see me as staff? If I do post another application then it will be on my 13th birthday. 10th July
  4. far9448


    Heyo so i'm back to do another dropper comp ex dee. This time the dropper is 2x bigger. The current prize (only one) is $1000000000 (Billion) I would love if some other people would donate for the prize <3 Donation List: @Wammy2 300million @CraftStarOr123 100million I will be needing...
  5. far9448

    Title plz

    Thanks @Amazing <3 McDonalds tag plz
  6. far9448

    Huge Giveaway???

    Hi, so recently some of you might know I achieved 50 DOUBLE chests of laffy taffy and filled my other candy chests. So ima do a giveaway xD Format: IGN: Mine Rank: Donor Rank: Why You Want The Stuff: Who is far9448? What are you going to do with it (You may do anything you want but try...
  7. far9448


    IDK HOW! but i did it!
  8. far9448

    I am lonely...

    http://imgur.com/a/BMAdC :( RIP OPBlocks...
  9. far9448

    Minecraft Dropper Competition (Need Referee's)

    So, recently I have built a MASSIVE INSANE dropper map at my 2nd plot. This will be on lollipop realm I am going to be holding a competition for it on the 1st of October at 9 AM-10 AM AEST/7PM-8PM EST/ 4PM-5PM PST. The PRIZES for this competition are: 1st: 3 BIL 2nd: 2 BIL 3rd: 100 MIL For...
  10. far9448

    Myth Key

    I recently accidentally bought a mythical key instead of trkey's head :x Could i trade them?