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  1. far9448

    Pls Use This

    JustACookie Aoros
  2. far9448


    Thanks for the raid @BigCDG @JustACookie
  3. far9448


    Clickbaited! I got demoted! I'm just gonna run through the paragraph he (cookie) sent me. "One being on Factions a while ago Moderators had perms to teleport players to them, even though Fencing abused this command as well, Far was very severely abusing it. He was spam teleporting me around...
  4. far9448

    pfp pl0x

    As you may have seen over the last while I've changed profile pics. Can someone plz make me a decent one? So far @Elijeh has spent about 6 seconds on one and everyone else just watches me make my own gifs .-. kthx
  5. far9448

    A day in the life of an OPBlocks staff member!

    This may not be what you're expecting but. Y'know! I forgot to put it in the vid but I spent a total 6 hours on OPB lol Any way. @Chrissehh @GreenZac4TW @Aussie__ @DdubsRulez2 @GabePlaysMC @M1ghtyMa5on @Madara_ @CowOfSteel @BigCDG @Luigi @Fire_Piggy @FencingGreyhound @JustMe03 @JustACookie...
  6. far9448

    Yelling something at a McDonald's again???

    Ok so A lot of u might remember back in V4. @Amazing gave me a "McDonalds" tag for yelling "OPBLOCKS" in a McDonald's. here And I then went on to order a burger with only pickles and sauce. At the counter. here I lowkey got upgraded from CPrince to CLord for that lol. Then wammy did it. here But...
  7. far9448

    Report on FencingGreyhound

    Your Username: close9448 Accused Players Username: FencingGreyhound Reason for Reporting: Player Disrespect/Harassment Evidence: This thing really hurt my feelings and I feel should be banned for it's actions. @Chrissehh please sort this out soon!
  8. far9448

    Rekt Faction Recruitment Thread

    This is the official recruitment thread for the Rekt faction. A leading faction with high hopes of F-Top. These are the questions you must answer to apply. 1. Tell us about yourself. 2. What's your name and how old are you? 3. Do you have any previous factions experience? 4. What can you offer...
  9. far9448


    pLz heLP dEMoTe ThiS pOOR bOy
  10. far9448

    Rank Giveaway!

    Hia. So @DannyPX and I are doing a giveaway! And I'm gonna write the thread (danny is lazy). So here's how to enter and what you can win! Prizes: 1st: CandyKing/CandyGod (Depends if Danny's wallet likes him or not) 2nd: Hoarder Note + $10 coupon + 2B 3rd: $5 Coupon + 2B 4th: 1B 5th: Far's...
  11. far9448

    How to get free money!

    So we added /ad This allows you to watch ads and get credits in game. Each credit is worth $0.01 (1 cent) To check your credit balance use /ad bal To redeem your credits use /ad shop And to get the link to a video use /ad The maximum amount of ads per day varies a lot. I have found it's...
  12. far9448

    When your bae divorces

    No comment.
  13. far9448

    When the server reboots

  14. far9448


    Hey hey hey. I'm your friendly neighborhood far. Like @Chrissehh i'm also an aussie meme :3 I dance, play futsal (Indoor soccer) and play minecraft. I currently have 3 broken fingers from helping nubs jk jk I've been playing OPB since V1. Thats about it :p Cya online!
  15. far9448


    Only took me a few broken fingers from the crazie family xD *Started from the bottom now we here*
  16. far9448


    @JustACookie :3
  17. far9448

    GFX thingo

    Im low key getting bored of this sick "Potato" riding a skateboard. Could someone make me something that looks cool :c idk what I just wanna be fancay :D
  18. far9448

    My Pacc

    Finished it at school <3 http://www.mediafire.com/file/ht6x85vxynk7kgs/%21_%C2%A7dFar%27s_%C2%A7dAmazing_%C2%A7dPacc.zip
  19. far9448


    :O https://prnt.sc/gojbpm
  20. far9448


    Well then... Just have a look at my ping... Should explain it all