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  1. sTheCandyLord

    Build Competition - Duel Arena

    IGN:Slayerking2548 Plot Warp:/Plot Tp Slayerking2548 5 Name:Frozen Tundra Anything Else?:5th Plot The grass is ice and the top is ice (I don't have time)
  2. sTheCandyLord

    i need you're help

    I know, what. Is. Your. Issue/Problem?
  3. sTheCandyLord

    i need you're help

  4. sTheCandyLord

    i need you're help

    With what
  5. sTheCandyLord

    One word story

  6. sTheCandyLord

    Count to 2020 before 2020

  7. sTheCandyLord

    Sentance Story

    He is a sun worshipper
  8. sTheCandyLord


    yes yes, yes yes yes
  9. sTheCandyLord

    Recommend me some anime please I'm begging T.T

    How about Shingeki no Kyojin Attack on Titan??
  10. sTheCandyLord

    Recommend me some anime please I'm begging T.T

    Fairy Tail is a good one. I could tell you a lot of animes just name me your genre.
  11. sTheCandyLord

    Slayerking As Staff?? (Im am not staff this is just a good title)

    I am active on fourms, just not in a talking manner. I comment, thats it
  12. sTheCandyLord

    Slayerking As Staff?? (Im am not staff this is just a good title)

    I talk to people in game and sometimes on forums (I don't really talk to people on forums, like 5 person every 1 days -3 days. I just scroll in forums looking at everything). but I will start being more active in the opblocks discord. Thanks for the Tip!