Yo I found a MASSIVE bug and it caused me to lose your head, a maxed pick (with fortune/efficiency 50) and some armor I have NO evidence but can I puh-lease have it back? I cri.
OML! I remember back in v1 when that happened I gave them like .001 or .666 or .69 it was kinda funny to say here ya go kiddo, just what you asked for.
I gained 5 dollars to this, I got gobbler for like 8 or so dollars, sorry about that tho, go in pmc prison ice/fire and you will probably have a rank there
IGN: _MLG_DORITOS_YT (will change to xAlphaCat_ in September)
Do I like you? You seem like a pretty cool guy to give away a lot of money.
Why I want to win: I can prestige 2-3 times with that moneyz? And hey! I hate money said no one ever
Hey guys! so recently i changed my name to _MLG_DORRITOS_YT (as a joke) and i will change it back in september 23. My nick is still the same (ImOGAlpha) just to clear it up.