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  1. Hungered

    Fact about yourself!

    I'm hungry
  2. Hungered

    I'm doing great thanks, good job on being my fav admin :D anyways, stay safe.

    I'm doing great thanks, good job on being my fav admin :D anyways, stay safe.
  3. Hungered

    Hello Argentina, how's it going. Long time no speak. Hope you're doing fine :)

    Hello Argentina, how's it going. Long time no speak. Hope you're doing fine :)
  4. Hungered

    Congratulations, you truly deserved it.

    Congratulations, you truly deserved it.
  5. Hungered

    Y :c

    Y :c
  6. Hungered


    Sad to see you go, you were a great staff. Good luck in the future.
  7. Hungered

    He only follows staff members/resigned/demoted.

    He only follows staff members/resigned/demoted.
  8. Hungered

    Hello OPBlocks!

    Hey, I hope you enjoy your time here at opb. Also congrats.
  9. Hungered

    Grats on admin

    Grats on admin
  10. Hungered

    Vacation for 2 weeks

    Hello, If you are reading this, I am informing you that I won't be able to come online at all for 2 weeks. As you can see by the title I will be going on vacation. I will try to contribute time on the forums whilst I'm away. -Hungered.
  11. Hungered

    Food is life :3

    Food is life :3
  12. Hungered

    Yum, yum. However, I'm still hungry for... a PANKAKE!

    Yum, yum. However, I'm still hungry for... a PANKAKE!
  13. Hungered

    Gimme food xP

    Gimme food xP
  14. Hungered

    Hungered's Introduction

    As many of you didn't know, I haven't made an introduction thread about myself. So here I am today making one. I will tell you a few facts about myself. Some of you may know this but for those who don't I was a former staff member on Prime. I was a helper for about 1 month and a few days till...
  15. Hungered

    /sellall Alternative

    I've been doing this for ages now, hopefully it will help others as its a great method.
  16. Hungered

    No problem since you did follow me first.

    No problem since you did follow me first.
  17. Hungered

    Well, if you follow me first then there could be a possibility for a follow back :) and thanks...

    Well, if you follow me first then there could be a possibility for a follow back :) and thanks for the nice comment :)
  18. Hungered

    Thank you once again for the nice comments :)

    Thank you once again for the nice comments :)
  19. Hungered

    Lost Rank with Proof

    Firstly, I'm not trying to be a mod, I'm just saying that you will need more proof, is there anything wrong with that, am I not allowed to? Secondly, provide proof of it saying Rank: 26, Next Rank: 27.
  20. Hungered

    Lost Rank with Proof

    Do you have any other evidence of you being Nerds rank as this isn't valid proof.