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  1. dake

    calb is a unicorn

    calb is a unicorn
  2. dake

    ur my baguette

    ur my baguette
  3. dake

    my duck likes peanuts

    my duck likes peanuts
  4. dake

    New Keyboard,Mouse And MousePad!

    no angyma... your adult
  5. dake

    Happy 20 days late birthday

    Happy 20 days late birthday
  6. dake

    wow your online kappa

    wow your online kappa
  7. dake

    Closed Report on Puxk

    Try lowering your sensitivity and you might hit him Kappa
  8. dake

    Closed Report on Puxk

    Puxk doesn't hack. I've done many duels with him, I've won two but I can confirm that Puxk doesn't hack, your movements are pretty predictable and he's just w-tapping you really good. pls know if someone is hacking before you report nob .-.
  9. dake

    Amazing why isnt there an unmute buyable on the store?

    Amazing why isnt there an unmute buyable on the store?
  10. dake

    Cookie report assumed clear edits gender

    no that was my alt kappa
  11. dake

    Cookie report assumed clear edits gender

    http://www.opblocks.com/chatlog/?report=f8dcd589d79a4c2aaefb3b9bb9897b39 wow ez demote